SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS WHO SUPPORT LOCAL JOUNRALISM Or become an advertiser yourself! Email advert@ysnews.com or call 937- 767- 7373. YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS ysnews.com 2O2 4 – 2O2 5 GU I D E to Y E L LOW S P R I NG S 67 due to its accessibility; whereas the United Methodist Church required Food Pantry patrons to park along the street and walk down steps into the church’s basement, or use a small elevator, which Hurwitz described as “more like a dumbwaiter,” the new pantry has a parking lot behind the church and a nearby rear entrance off S. Stafford Street that leads directly into the pantry. “Some people come with walkers, wheelchairs or canes — so I think it will be easier for some of our people who haven’t been able to navigate it,” Hurwitz said. “I think [the new space] will serve us well.” The move to Central Chapel, which was more than a year in the making, took time and fina - gling — a roof leak at the church that caused some damage to the former clinic room length- ened the process significantly. However, Hurwitz and Duckett credited the eventually suc- cessful move to the persistence of McGruder, who, with fellow members of the Central Chapel Trustee Board, helped secure an insurance claim to repair the roof and restore the space to like-new conditions. “[McGruder] made it possible for us to be here — he’s been instrumental,” Hurwitz said. “Through the Trustee Board!” McGruder clarified, demurring. “But he brought the idea to the Board,” the Rev. Duckett said. “And then they worked through all the details.” McGruder went on to say that, in his view, it makes sense that the space that was once used to provide free healthcare should now be used to offer nourishment to the commu- nity — especially as the pantry continues to be housed in a church. “When you look at the life of Jesus — he’s healing people, and he’s feeding people,” McGruder said. “It’s the ultimate purpose,” Duckett added. “Being a bless - ing to support and continue a legacy — that’s what God would want us to do.” Pastor Warren went on to say that the Food Pantry’s departure from the United Methodist Church is bit- tersweet; while she said her church was happy to continue hosting the Food Pantry in per - petuity, she understands the need for greater accessibility for community members. “I think everybody is in a cycle of change — COVID opened up that door,” Warren said. “And this is the direction God has led this particular organization to provide better access to receive these blessings.” She added on behalf of the YS United Methodist Church: “We’re not excluding ourselves [from being involved with the pantry] — we just have to figure out what that looks like now.” FEEDING COMMUNITY, TWICE A MONTH The shelves of the Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry are brimming with donated items, and each shelf is dedicated to holding a differ - ent kind of item: canned fish, canned chicken, beans, cereal, soup, peanut butter, jelly, pasta — the list goes on. “We’re an unusual pantry in that what happens is people will come in, and we allow them to have one item from each shelf,” Hurwitz said. “We don’t pre-pack for people, so they may have choices — maybe they don’t like Raisin Bran. Maybe they only like Cheerios. Or they may say, ‘Oh, Paula, I have plenty of cereal right now, I don’t need any’ — our clients are discerning.” Food items are available for clients on both the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. On the fourth Thursday of each month, clients are also welcome to select nonfood items, such as menstrual prod- ucts, dish and laundry soap, and bathroom items, including shampoo and toothpaste. 310 DAYTON ST. YELLOW SPRINGS 937-546-0184 WWW.THREETENBED ANDBREAKFAST.COM THREE TEN BED & BREAKFAST An historic two-story brick home, built in 1843, just three blocks from downtown shops, restaurants, bike paths and Glen Helen. B attino C ounseling s erviCes Adults, Couples, Adolescents Rubin Battino, M.S. Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Single-Session Therapy and Hypnosis By appointment 937-767-1854 Yellow Springs
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