2O2 4 – 2O2 5 GU I D E to Y E L LOW S P R I NG S 79 covers controversies or tragedies. As Chiddister said, there’s no “handbook for small newspapers” that lays out a method to follow for making the many decisions about what to cover, and how. “You’re making those judg- ment calls all the time,” she said. Chiddister recalled the day she conducted a phone interview with the parent of a local resident who had been murdered. “I needed to respond as a human being and a mom, but also as a journalist,” she said. “I don't know if I always got it right, but the human being seems like probably the first thing you need to be.” But remembering that the folks who grace the News’ pages are family, friends and neighbors is, ultimately, what makes the Yellow Springs News what it is. There’s never a lack of something to write about — local residents are always interesting, creat - ing art, opening businesses, making discoveries and helping their neighbors. And Yellow Springers are always interested — in what’s going on in their town. “I think it's still a very engaged community and still where I want to be — people are just so involved in every little thing,” Chiddister said. “It’s probably the main thing that keeps the paper going — that there's such a give and take. People care about all aspects of the paper. There's a sense of ownership by the community that’s lovely.” It’s rewarding to know the role the News plays in that give-and-take is an important one, on our best days, as we try and build our community by telling its stories. And it’s good to know that, by continuing to be interesting and interested, the community keeps on building the News, too. ♦ ▲ The Yellow Springs News is located at 253½ Xenia Ave. — down the alley between Dunphy Real Estate and Art & Craft Salon. Stop by and pick up a newspaper! P H O T O : R E I L L Y D I X O N Get involved with tlt by contacting michele burns, michele@tecumsehlandtrust.org or 937-767-9490 Protecting local farmland, natural areas and water forever. FOLLOW US ONLINE: WWW.TECUMSEHLANDTRUST.ORG AND ON FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM! T ecumseh Land Trust is a non-profit conservation organization that works in voluntary cooperation with landowners to permanently preserve open space, natural areas, and prime farmland in Greene and Clark counties and surrounding areas. W e help conserve our finite prime soils and enhance water quality by connecting landowners to resources that improve conservation on their lands. W e work to improve the environment through native habitat creation, climate change efforts, water quality improvements, land use planning, local food expansion, and much more! 237 Xenia Ave., Downtown Yellow Springs • 937-767-9400 Dark Star Bookstore Visit us on Facebook • e-mail: books@darkstarbookstore.com Games • Manga • Back Issue Comics WE BUY BOOKS & COMICS • 39 YEARS IN YELLOW SPRINGS WWW.DARKSTARBOOKS.COM • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK BROWSE OVER 40,000 BOOKS! New, Used, Out-of-Print and Collectible!
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