82 2O24–2O2 5 GU I D E to Y E L LOW S P R I NG S 82 2O24–2O25 U I D E to Y E L L S P R I S | COMMUN I TY L I S T I NGS T he following pages provide a listing and brief description of community organizations and institutions that contribute to the fabric of Yellow Springs. Please see the index on page 5 for listing page numbers. A R T S & R E C R E A T I ON Bridge CONTACT: Susan Freeman, 937‑760‑5925 EMAIL: sf7547@msn.com An informal duplicate bridge group meets Wednesdays, 6:30– 10 p.m., in the Great Room of the Senior Center, 227 Xenia Ave. The group meets on-si te. Attendees can wear masks if concerned about contagion. Chamber Music in Yellow Springs CONTACT: 937‑374‑8800 EMAIL: info@cmys.org WEB: www.cmys.org Chamber Music in Yellow Springs aims to enrich the musi- cal life of the community and surrounding areas by bringing world-class per formances to local audiences.The ensembles often also present outreach programs in local schools and colleges.The CMYS 2023–24 season will wrap up with Pub- liQuar tet on Sunday, March 4, and the annual Competition for Emerging Professional Ensem- bles on Sunday, April 28. All concerts take place at 4 p.m. in the First Presbyterian Church. CMYS will be following all CDC guidelines in presenting its con- cer ts. For ticket information — and to stay informed when CMYS releases a schedule for the upcoming 2024–25 season, which will begin this fall — visit cmys.org . Community Band CONTACT: James Johnston, Music Director; Brian Mayer EMAIL: delphi@ameritech.net; bmayer@ysschools.org WEB: facebook.com/ yellowspringscommunitymusic The Community Band is open to all adult woodwind, brass and percussion players without audi- tion — middle and high school students may join by invitation or recommendation. Music read- ing is necessary. The band plays six to seven concerts a year: two in fall, two in winter/spring and three outdoor summer concerts in June and July. The r eper to i r e i nc ludes standard marches, medleys of Broadway and Hollywood songs, big band and jazz sets and other works for concert band in a vari- ety of styles. Rehearsals are held Monday evenings, 7:30–9 p.m., in the YS High School band room. Community Chorus CONTACT: James Johnston, Music Director; Carol Cottom, 937‑767‑1458 EMAIL: delphi@ameritech.net WEB: ysmusic.org Founded in 1972, the Yellow Springs Community Chorus is open without audition to all who enjoy singing, can attend rehears- als regularly and are able to learn and perform the music. The abil- ity to read music is desirable, but not required. The chorus usually gives two or three performances a year, often with orchestra, and sings music from a variety of styles, periods and genres. Past repertoire has included Handel’s “Judas Maccabaeus” and “Mes- siah,” Orf f ’s “Carmina Burana,” and the Mozart and Fauré Requi- ems. Rehearsals are on Sunday eve- nings, 7–9 p.m., in the YS High School band room. The chorus gratefully receives donations through the Yellow Springs Arts Council. Depending on Greene County COVID statistics, masking may still be requested. Foundry Theater CONTACT: Chris Westhof f, 937‑767‑1286 EMAIL: foundry@antiochcolege.edu WEB: antiochcollege.edu/2023/ 08/30/foundry-theater- programming/ The Foundry @ Antioch Col- lege is a multi-use per forming arts center with a long and rich history in the village of Yellow Springs. The Foundry serves as a cultural hub for Antioch Col- lege and the regional community through original programming, artists in residence and partner- ships with other mission-aligned organizations and events. The f a c i l i t y i nc l ude s a 200-plus-seat mainstage the- ater, a 60-plus-seat experimental black box theater, a sprung-floor dance studio, an atrium, and additional workshop, office, and studio spaces. An ongoing season of per- forming arts events is listed here: antiochcollege.edu/2023/08/ 30/foundry-theater-programming. John Bryan Community Pottery CONTACT: Meg Smallwood, studio manager, 937‑767‑9022; 100 Dayton Street EMAIL: jbcp.ys@gmail.com WEB: www.communitypottery.com John Bryan Community Pot- ter y (JBCP) is a community studio that of fers an extensive array of classes, workshops and studio memberships. For more than 50 years, this nonprofit studio has been pro- viding oppor tunities for learn- ing and working with clay to the Yellow Springs community and surrounding areas. The studio is well-equipped with a gas reduction kiln, raku kiln, electric kilns, 13 wheels, a slab roller, extruder, member work room, class room and glaze room. Studio members have 24-hour access to the studio and we of fer open studio opportuni- ties for quarterly pass holders as well as students. See website for class and workshop schedule. Little Art Theatre CONTACT: Caleab Wyant, theater manager, 937‑767‑7671 EMAIL: director@littleart.com WEB: www.littleart.com Little Ar t Theatre has pro- vided film enter tainment and enlightenment — and so much more — to Yellow Springs and the surrounding Miami Valley for over 90 years. A donor sup- ported 501(c)(3) nonprofit facil- ity, it made the leap into the digi- tal age in 2013. The Little Ar t takes pride in its mix of independent and main- stream of ferings, with commer- cial favorites not being priori- tized over independent movies and documentaries. A local land- mark, the theater’s iconic house lights, classic marquee and con- cession treats all represent an experience that is more personal than in large, for-profit venues. The Little Ar t is also known for its special programs that encourage local filmmakers, organizations and community members to utilize the theater in numerous ways, including bringing documentaries that champion their cause. The Little Art also hosts community events and collaborations with other local nonprofits. The theater is available for people to rent for their own special events as well. For more information or to become a Friend of the Little Art or a Business Partner, email littlear tof fice@gmail.com, call 937‑767‑7671 or visit littlear t. com. Mad River Theater Works CONTACT: Chris Westhof f, managing director WEB: madrivertheater.org Mad River Theater Works is a touring children’s theater company that operates out of the Foundry Theater as an artist-in- residence company. The com- pany’s mission is to create and perform inspiring original plays with music that uplift charac- ters from the past, challenging racism, sexism and intolerance. In addi t i on to l oca l and national touring, Mad River con- ducts hands-on residencies in schools that connect students to the American roots storytell- ing and music that is the source material for our work. Shakespeare Reading Group CONTACT: Deborah McGee, 937‑823‑8073 EMAIL: mcklappich@sbcglobal.net Except for the first Sunday of the month, meetings are 2:00- 3:30 ever y Sunday at Friends
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