2O2 4 – 2O2 5 GU I D E to Y E L LOW S P R I NG S 83 COMMUN I TY L I S T I NGS | 2O24–2O 5 GU I D E to Y E L LOW S P R I NG S 83 Care’s Assisted Living. For decades, a number of vil- lagers have gathered on Sunday afternoons to revel in the Eng- lish language at its richest, as written by The Bard. Attendees — whether drop-ins or those who’ve participated for years — sit in a circle, and each person reads the next character’s lines. Occasionally the group stops to discuss or debate. Readers choose both well-known plays like “Hamlet,” and less-familiar plays such as “Pericles.” For more information, contact Deborah McGee, or watch for announcements in the Yellow Springs News’ calendar. Weavers’ Guild CONTACT: P.O. Box 825, 937‑767‑9487 EMAIL: webmaster@wgmv.org WEB: wgmv.org The Weavers’ Guild of the Miami Valley was organized in 1949 to promote interest in handweaving and spinning. The Guild is a nonprofit educational organizat ion that promotes handweaving, hand-spinning and the textile ar ts. The Guild of fers education programs in fiber techniques and processes and encourages ar tistic aware- ness through topical lectures, discussions, exhibits, work- shops and demonstrations. For information on meeting times and locations, check the web- site, or contact Diana Nelson. World House Choir CONTACT: Catherine Roma, 513‑560‑9082 EMAIL: worldhousechoir@ gmail.com WEB: worldhousechoir.org ; facebook.com/worldhousechoir The mission statement of the World House Choir is to per- form music that motivates and inspires communities toward justice, diversity, inclusion and equality. We strive for peace and build a web of mutuality. The World House Choir is a diverse, mixed-voice commu- nity choir, whose reper toire is drawn from the music of peace and justice struggles worldwide, including global folk music, spiri- tuals, gospel, traditional and clas- sical musics.Rehearsals are held Monday evenings at 7 p.m. at the Foundry Theater. New singers are invited to join periodically. Please email for more information. Yellow Springs Arts Council CONTACT: P.O. Box 459; 111 Corry St., 937‑679‑9722 EMAIL: ysartscouncil@gmail.com WEB: www.ysartscouncil.org The Yellow Springs Arts Coun- cil supports local arts infrastruc- ture through program oppor- tunities, publicity, education, advocacy and coordinated part- nerships across the community. Begun in the 1950s and incor- porated as a nonprofit in 1972, the YSAC suppor ts over 200 local creative workers each year. In 2008, the YSAC launched the YSAC Community Gallery and Multi-Arts Center. YSAC increased its arts advo- cacy role in 2012, which led to the Yellow Springs Village Coun- cil’s adoption of a Public Ar ts Policy in January 2013. Regional publicity for YSAC-suppor ted events brings thousands of visi- tors to Yellow Springs annually for arts-related events. The multi-Arts Center is again open to the public. There may be some restrictions (mask, space) due to changes with the COVID- 19 pandemic. For more informat ion on membership and support oppor- tunities, visit ysartscouncil.org . Yellow Springs Chamber Orchestra CONTACT: James Johnston, music director, EMAIL: delphi@ameritech.net WEB: ysmusic.org The Yellow Springs Chamber Orchestra welcomes all inter- mediate and advanced string players and selected woodwind and brass players in consultation with the music director. Ability to read music is necessary. The ensemble gives two to three concerts a year, frequently with chorus, and performs stan- dard repertoire from the 18th to the 21st centuries. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings, 7:30–9 p.m., in the First Presbyterian Church. Yellow Springs Strings CONTACT: Shirley Mullins, 937‑767‑3361; Marna Street, 513‑236‑0248 EMAIL: streetmusic@live.com Yellow Springs Strings is a string orchestra for adults that meets Tuesdays, 7–8:30 p.m., at the Yellow Springs Senior Center. Players of modest-to- advanced levels of proficiency are welcome. There are no fees for participation. The ensemble is conducted by Shirley Mul- lins.Children and young adults join with the ensemble for spe- cial occasions. Membership is fluid; college students home for vacation, children of orchestra members, etc. are welcome. The Yellow Springs Strings is assisted by the Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association. Yellow Springs Theater Company CONTACT: Lorrie Sparrow-Knapp EMAIL: ystheatercompany@ gmail.com WEB: facebook.com/ystcohio With a belief that theater can enrich the soul, challenge the mind and expand the heart of the diverse community in which it serves, the Yellow Springs The- ater Company is committed to producing new and classic works of theater that fearlessly examine and illuminate the human condi- tion: past, present and future. Formed in 2014, YSTC com- prises local artists, actors, direc- tors and musicians. Through per formances of new and clas- sic plays, as well as the Yellow Springs 10 Minute Play festival, YSTC aims to present high qual- ity and affordable theatrical per- formances for local audiences that both entertain and resonate. Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association CONTACT: Suzanne Grote EMAIL: YSMusic@gmail.com WEB: www.ysyoa.org The Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association, YSYOA, was established in 1964 to pro- mote and support music activi- ties and education for youth in Yellow Springs. Today that sup- port is offered to the entire com- munity and includes musicians of all ages and abilities. YSYOA supports local school music pro- grams, of fers a summer music camp, provides scholarships for camps and instruction and pres- ents recitals and concerts, includ- ing multi-generational activities such as Yellow Springs Strings. COMM U N I CA T I ON S WYSO Public Radio CONTACT: 937‑767‑6420 EMAIL: wyso@wyso.org WEB: www.wyso.org WYSO 91.3FM is the Greater Dayton area’s only NPR station. We air flagship programs such as “Morning Edition” and “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me,” and our news department reports local, regional, and state news. Our music department broadcasts a variety of programs hosted by knowledgeable local volunteers who play hand-selected music WYSO has been owned by Miami Valley Public Media since 2018 but began broadcasting in 1958, with 19 watts of power, as a student-run station at Antioch College on the air for four hours a day. Today, it broadcasts 24/7 with 50,000 watts of power, reaching 80,000 listeners weekly in 14 coun- ties across southwest Ohio. Listen- ers in 34 states and Washington, D.C., streamWYSO programs. WYSO depends on listener and business support for most of its operating budget. Businesses may contact the station to reach WYSO’ s audi ence through underwriting messages. Yellow Springs Community Access (YSCA) CONTACT: Ben Guenther, station manager. Council Chambers, John Bryan Community Center, 937‑767‑7803. Appointment times available upon request EMAIL: communityaccess@gmail.com WEB: YouTube.com/ YellowSpringsCommunityAccess Yellow Springs Community Access (YSCA) is a local cable
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