86 2O24–2O2 5 GU I D E to Y E L LOW S P R I NG S 86 2O24–2O25 U I D E to Y E L L S P R I S | COMMUN I TY L I S T I NGS televi s ion stat ion avai lable to Spectrum cable subscrib- ers (Channel 5) and online at YouTube. The station broad- casts local government meet- ings and receives submissions from other local organizations. All local groups and residents may submit video projects they choose to share with the com- munity. Submitted announce- ments of local events are aired throughout the day, interspersed between programs. Villagers and organizations ar e encouraged to submi t photos, videos and announce- ments promoting local arts and culture. Station cameras and tripods are available on loan for residents who would like to record a community event or public meeting. Basic training is available with advance notice. The station is run by a part-time station manager. Yellow Springs News CONTACT: P.O. Box 187; 253½ Xenia Avenue, 937‑767‑7373, fax: 937‑767‑2042 EMAIL: ysnews@ysnews.com WEB: www.ysnews.com Founded in 1880, the Yellow Springs News is an award-win- ning, independent, weekly news- paper that serves Yellow Springs and beyond with timely, accu- rate and essential information to keep the government account- able, promote civic engagement, celebrate village life and pre- serve local history. Its mission is to create journalism anchored in integrity, accountability and transparency. The paper has consistently won state journalism awards for its repor ting, editorial writ- ing, adver tising, design and community service and engage- ment, and has been selected consistently as “Newspaper of the Year” among similarly sized papers by the Ohio News Media Association over the last decade. Deadl ine for submissions is Monday, 5 p.m., the week of publication. COMM U N I T Y O R GAN I Z A T I ON S The 365 Project CONTACT: John Gudgel, Kevin McGruder EMAIL: the365projectys@gmail.com WEB: the365projectys.org The 365 Project is a local vol- unteer organization that serves as a catalyst organization to chal- lenge and suppor t the people of Yellow Springs and Miami Township to engage critically and respectfully in dialogue and action that promotes and sustains diverse African Ameri- can heritage and culture and educational equity, 365 days a year. The 365 Project meets monthly and has sponsored the annual Elaine Comegys Film Fest, community conversations and myriad other activities. For more information, contact the group or John Gudgel directly at jwgudge@sbcglobal.net. Agraria Center for Regenerative Practice CONTACT: P.O. Box 243; 131 E. Dayton Yellow Springs Rd., 937‑767‑2161 EMAIL: info@agrariacenter.org WEB: www.agrariacenter.org The Agraria Center for Regen- erative Practice — formerly the Ar thur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions — culti- vates community resilience by modeling regenerative practices that restore ecosystem health, heal our relationship with the land, and grow just and equita- ble food systems. Agraria’s 140- acre property is a research and demonstration site for regenera- tive farming and land use prac- tices. Agraria of fers volunteer oppor tunities, community dis- cussions, land tours and educa- tional programs. Alcoholics Anonymous CONTACT: Marc Welch, 937‑554‑6518; Tom Dano, 937‑222‑2211, EMAIL: centraloffice@ aadaytononline.org WEB: www.aadaytononline.org Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who meet to attain and maintain sobriety. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no membership dues or fees.The schedule of meetings in Yellow Springs is as follows: • Sundays, 7 p.m., Rockford Chapel —No Name Group; • Mondays, 8 p.m., YS United Methodist Church — Winter Street Group; • Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m., YS United Methodist Church and online — Step Heads; • Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Rock - ford Chapel — Young People’s/ Beginners Group; • Thursdays, 7 p.m., Rock - ford Chapel — No Name Group; • Fridays, 6 p.m., Rockford Chapel — Free Your Mind. Enhance Worldwide CONTACT: Ashley Lackovich-Van Gorp, 937‑708‑0144 EMAIL: enhanceworldwide@gmail. com WEB: www.enhanceworldwide.org Enhance Worldwide envi - sions communities where girls and women have the skills to lead meaningful, dignified lives and where each individual has agency, autonomy and aspira- t ions. Working toward this vision, Enhance Worldwide helps girls, women and their communities discover strate- gies to navigate the challenges to their well-being in order to develop as individuals in their own right. The organization cur- rently serves 150 direct benefi- ciaries across three programs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Activities focus on minimalizing the risk of child marriage, forced labor, violence and trafficking through family support, access to educa- tion and life skills development. Feminist Health Fund CONTACT: 937‑767‑8949; P.O. Box 323, Yellow Springs, OH 45387 EMAIL: info@feministhealthfund.org WEB: www.feministhealthfund.org Founded in 1980, The Feminst Health Fund, a Yellow Springs- based nonprof i t , has raised funds to help women in Greene County pay for traditional and al ter nat ive medical - related expenses. For more information, to make a donation or to apply for a grant, call 937‑767‑8949 or visit our website. Food Co-op/ Buying Club CONTACT: Luan Heit, 937‑767‑1823 The Yel low Springs Food Co-op is a local buying club. The group orders natural and organic food and other house- hold products at af fordable prices, with a minimum of work for its members. Members place orders online from a wide selec- tion of products. Deliver y is every four weeks on Wednesday afternoon. Friends Care Community CONTACT: 150/170 E. Herman Street, 937‑767‑7363 EMAIL: WEB: friendshealthcare.org Friends Care Community has a single goal: the af firmation of life. Friends Care’s continu- ous care community has suc- ceeded in meeting the needs of seniors who seek security and quality care, first with extended care, then with assisted living and independent living homes. Friends Care is located on a 22-acre campus. Friends is owned and operated by the Friends Health Care Associa- tion and has been a nonprofit community since 1977.Friends Care is a 66-bed skilled and long- term nursing facility. In August of 2011, Friends completed a new rehabilitation center with 16 private rooms for short-term stay rehab and nursing services. Friends Assisted Living Center is a l icensed 20-unit faci l ity designed to enhance indepen- dence, security and socializa- tion in a quiet setting.Friends Independent Living Homes are senior living duplexes, and each features a garage, appliances and maintenance-free living.
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