2O2 4 – 2O2 5 GU I D E to Y E L LOW S P R I NG S 87 COMMUN I TY L I S T I NGS | 2O24–2O 5 GU I D E to Y E L LOW S P R I NG S 87 Grinnell Mill Foundation CONTACT: Nick Boutis, 937‑769‑1902 EMAIL: nboutis@ glenhelenassociation.org WEB: www.glenhelen.org The Grinnell Mill Founda- tion is a nonprofit foundation comprising Miami Township, Glen Helen and the Yel low Springs Historical Society. Its purpose is the preservation and promotion of the historic and educationally valuable Grinnell Mill located at 3536 Bryan Park Road. For more information, visit miamitownship.net . James A. McKee Association CONTACT: Don Hollister, president, 937‑767‑4641; Paul Abendroth, vice-president, 937‑767‑1678; Peggy Erskine, treasurer, 937-767-7856 WEB: www.45387.org; www. facebook.com/James -A-McKee- Association-284986248585882 The James A. McKee Associa- tion, or JAMA, aka Jim’s Group, formerly known as the Yellow Springs Men’s Group, is a non- profit civic organization orga- nized in 1994 by the late James A. McKee, former police chief of Yellow Springs. The goal of the association i s to encourage volunteer - ism, which helps bui ld and strengthen the Yellow Springs community. Programs hosted by the organization include research, public information for ums and educational and charitable projects. The association sponsors the annual “Founders Award” in recognition of an individual or group, nominated by villagers, for their community volunteer contributions. The James A. McKee Scholarship is awarded annual ly to YS High School graduates who have demon- strated academic achievement and leadership skills while over- coming adversity. “Candidates Night” allows community mem- bers to meet candidates for local of fice and to learn more about their qualifications and plans for supporting local interests. Special projects sponsored by the association include “The Cost-Of-Living Repor t,” “The Local Communications Network Study” and “The Community Information Project.” Masonic Lodge CONTACT: 937‑767‑7882 WEB: facebook.com/YellowSprings ‑ MasonicLodge421 The Yellow Springs Masonic Lodge was chartered in 1868. Its mission is to provide a fraternal brotherhood that suppor ts the principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. Masonr y is a place where one can find unlimited opportunities to acquire leader- ship experience, self-develop- ment and personal growth while enjoying fellowship and service to the community. Mills Lawn PTO WEB: www.millslawnpto.com ; www. facebook.com/MillsLawnPTO The Mi l l s Lawn Pa r en t Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer organization that strives to suppor t students, families and teachers in the edu- cational process by providing enrichment programs and ser- vices, as well as social activities for the Mills Lawn Elementary School community. The PTO sponsors fundraising events to pay for these activities, pro- grams and services. Morgan Family Foundation CONTACT: Lori M. Kuhn, executive director, 937‑767‑9208 EMAIL: info@ morganfamilyfdn.org WEB: www.morganfamilyfdn.org The Morgan Family Founda- tion is a private family founda- tion based in Yellow Springs and funded in December 2003 by Lee and Vicki Morgan. The purpose of the foundation is to improve the human condition. To further focus this purpose, the founda- tion has ar ticulated the follow- ing themes to guide its activities through 2024: advancing social equity in St. Cloud, Minn.; mitigat- ing global warming in Minnesota; and end-of-life issues primarily in central Minnesota. The founda- tion awards most of its grants to public charitable organizations in Minnesota that are addressing these themes. In addition, other communities and organizations that are supported by board and family members may receive grants from time to time. NAMI of Clark, Greene & Madison Counties CONTACT: 937‑322‑5600 EMAIL: info@namicgm.org WEB: www.namicgm.org NAMI Clark, Greene and Madison Counties (National Alli- ance on Mental Illness) is a non- profit, grassroots organization of fering support, education and advocacy for persons living with mental illness and their families, friends and caregivers. Learn more at namicgm.org. The NAMI Family Suppor t Group, for those who love some- one with a mental health con- dition, meets 7–8:30 p.m. the second Thursday of each month, in Rooms A&B at the John Bryan Center. Email kathr yn@nam- icgm.org for more information. The NAMI Connection Recov- ery Group, for those living with a mental health condition, has suspended its monthly meetings at the John Br yan Community Center for the near future. Suppor t groups meet curing the day Wednesdays at the Vernon Center in Springfield. This drop-in center at 222 East St. of fers a variety of servicies and activities Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Transportation to the Vernon Center is available Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- days to Yellow Springs residents who live with a mental illness. Call 937‑505‑9435 between 8:30– 9:30 a.m. to be picked up. For more information about NAMI CGM, contact the group as listed above. In case of any medical emergency, dial 911. Narcotics Anonymous CONTACT: Helpline 937‑505‑0705, 800‑587‑4232 EMAIL: info@fiveriversna.org WEB: www.fiveriversna.org Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship for achieving recov- er y from addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using drugs. The program has found that one addict helping another works to achieve that, when all else fails. The “Never Alone” group holds an open, in-person meeting on Saturdays, 7:30–9 p.m. Summer meetings are held outdoors at the firepit behind the Twin Coach apar tments, located at 310 Union St. Odd Fellows CONTACT: David Robinow, 937‑561‑0860 EMAIL: ysoddfellows279@yahoo.com Yellow Springs Lodge #279 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows dates back to 1855. Odd Fellows follow the precept to “visit the sick, bury the dead and educate the orphan.” The lodge sponsors annual scholarships for Yellow Springs High School seniors, contributes to charitable organizations and participates in various volunteer activities. Lodge meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the Lodge Hall, located at 261 Xenia Ave., begin- ning with a social hour at 6:30 p.m. Men and women over the age of 16 are welcome to join. The Riding Centre CONTACT: 937‑767‑9087 EMAIL: ridingcentre@gmail.com WEB: www.RidingCentre.org The Riding Centre, a non- profit therapeutic and educa- tional riding stable, has been teaching horseback riding to children and adults in Yellow Springs and surrounding areas since 1959. Founder Louise Soelberg’s vision became The Riding Cen- tre’s mission: to foster a lifelong love of horses by teaching good horsemanship and the care and management of horses to anyone interested. Facilities include a large outdoor ring, a lighted indoor ring, wooded trails and two barns. The Thera- peutic Riding Program, estab- lished in 1974, ser ves adults and children in the Miami Valley with special needs.
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