92 2O24–2O2 5 GU I D E to Y E L LOW S P R I NG S 92 2O24–2O25 U I D E to Y E L L S P R I S | COMMUN I TY L I S T I NGS ing young readers, sparking the imagination to inspire lifelong learning and providing for a comfortable place for learners, groups and the community. A wide range of ser vices f ocused on ea r l y l i t e r acy and youth engagement and an equal ly robust range of resources and services for teens and adults are of fered. Online databases and resources include LinkedIn Learning and Gale Courses, and everyday-use ser- vices such as computers, Wi-Fi, copying and wireless and remote printing are available during open hours. While the librar y system itself houses hundreds of thousands of items, its col- laboration with partner libraries throughout Ohio brings access to more than 75 million items. Yellow Springs Library Association EMAIL: yslibraryassociation@ gmail.com WEB: facebook.com/ YellowSpringsLibraryAssociation The Yellow Springs Librar y Association has a long histor y of volunteer achievement. The doors of the first l ibrar y in Yellow Springs opened in 1899 through the ef for ts of a group that, in 1901, incorporated as the YSLA. The group was responsi- ble for maintaining every aspect of the library until 1926, when the library became par t of the Greene County library system. In 1980, the association pro- duced “This Town Is Our Town,” a slide and tape history of Yellow Springs, and in 1978 it founded the Corky Schif f Circulating Art Collection and established a local authors shelf. The associa- tion commissioned Jon Barlow Hudson to create “Tree of Knowledge,” an outdoor sculp- ture that was dedicated in 1993. The YSLA is now a “Friends of the Librar y” organization. The governance of the Yellow Springs Community Librar y and its day-to-day operation are the responsibility of the Greene County system; YSLA assists the library in many ways, including providing funds for many of the extras that make the library so useful and appealing. Membership in the Yellow Springs Librar y Association, or YSLA, is open to ever yone. Annual membership dues are $10 per household, with the oppor tunity for lifetime mem- bership for $150. YSLA bro- chures with membership appli- cation forms are available at the entrances to the library. L OCA L I N D U S T R Y Cresco Labs CONTACT: 1130 Springs Way, Joe Chek, Facility Director, 303‑725‑3922 EMAIL: Info@crescolabs.com WEB: CrescoLabs.com Cresco Labs’ mission is to normalize and professionalize cannabis through best-in-class cul t ivat ion, manufactur ing, branded products, wholesale distribution, retail and DEI and social justice initiatives. Its Yellow Springs facility grows cannabis plants, manu- factures branded cannabis prod- ucts and distributes products to stores across the state. Cresco Labs operates the industr y’s largest social equity and edu- cational development initiative, SEED™, which was created to ensure that all members of soci- ety have the skills, knowledge and equal opportunity to work, own businesses and find oppor- tunities in cannabis. ElectroShield, Inc. CONTACT: 708 S. High St., 937‑767‑1054 EMAIL: sales@electroshield.com WEB: electroshield.com ElectroShield was founded in Yellow Springs in 1976. Origi- nally known as ElectroShield Security Products, the company manufactured, sold and installed security systems. Over time, the company transitioned into a full- ser vice distributor of circular electronic connectors and short- ened our name to ElectroShield. ElectroShield’s connector lines are used in many industrial applications including, auto- mation, automotive assembly, robotics, marine, agriculture, telecommunications and weld- ing. Among many other applica- tions, our products are used on ser vo motors, encoders, sen- sors, control boxes and scales to connect them with both signal and power. The company has been in Yellow Springs since its incep- tion and is committed to staying in Yellow Springs. Morris Bean & Company CONTACT: 777 E. Hyde Rd., 937‑767‑7301 WEB: morrisbean.com The company will celebrate its 78th anniversar y in 2024; however, Morris Bean & Com- pany had its beginnings as a co-op work project of Antioch College. It was once known as the Antioch Foundry and occu- pied what is now the Foundr y Theater on Corry Street. Morris Bean was assigned to the project as student manager in 1928. After Bean graduated from Antioch in 1930, he became the full-time manager of the Antioch Foundr y. Morris and his wife, Xarifa Bean, with a group of com- munity investors, started Morris Bean & Company in 1946. Xarifa invented the unique Antioch Plaster Process for plaster molds, which is still in use. Together, Morris and Xarifa helped design our custom-made, low-pressure casting stations. To this day, most castings are produced on similar modernized low-pressure casting machines. In addition to providing in- house machining, Morris Bean & Company partners with many quality companies to provide full-ser vice machining, rapid prototyping, and post-process- ing to provide a value-added single sourcing. Vernay Laboratories CONTACT: 120 E. South College St., 937‑767‑7261 WEB: vernay.com Ver nay Laborator ies is a world leader and innovator in the design and manufacture of sophisticated fluid-handling components. Since Sergius Vernet’s invention of the wax- expansion element that revolu- tionized the automotive thermo- stat in 1938, the company has been dedicated to meeting and exceeding the specialized needs of the global marketplace. Vernay serves the industrial- ized world through sales and manufacturing facilities in Ohio, Georgia, the Netherlands, Italy, France, Brazil, Japan, Singapore and China. Vernay’s headquar- ters and research and develop- ment operation remain in Yellow Springs at its facility on East South College Street. Vernay produces precision rubber products for the automo- tive, appliance, consumer, small engine and medical industries. Vernay was incorporated in 1946 and will celebrate its 78th anni- versary in 2024. YSI / Xylem, inc CONTACT: 1700/1725 Brannum Lane, 937‑767‑7241 EMAIL: info@ysi.com WEB: ysi.com YSI, Incorporated, a Xylem brand, is a manufacturer of pre- cision scientific equipment. The company was founded in the village in 1948 by graduates of Antioch College. YSI’s global headquar ters, research and development lab, and largest manufacturing facility is located in Yellow Springs. YSI employs over 200 people locally and has additional employees who work in YSI facilities all over the world.YSI’s major instruments and sensors are focused on envi- ronmental monitoring, namely water quality and velocity. These systems deliver high-quality data to governments and inde- pendent professionals who are actively maintaining our natural resources and ecosystems. The Life Sciences division of YSI also manufactures bio- analyzers for pharmaceutical, health care and alternative fuel processing applications. YSI is on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media sites.Visit ysi.com/blog to learn more.
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