
Index Businesses in bold appear in this catalogue and may be listed under multiple categories Other local businesses are listed under one category CLOTHING MEN’S CLOTHING Asanda Imports Heaven on Earth Emporium Import House Urban Baby Bonnets/Myriad UNISEX CLOTHING/T-SHIRTS Basho Apparel Bentino’s Pizza Dark Star Books & Comics Garmint Glen Helen Nature Shop Glen Garden Gifts Omnibus The Chappelle Shop Urban Handmade Yellow Springs Brewery Tweedle D’s Village Artisans WOMEN’S/CHILDREN’S CLOTHING Asanda Imports Glen Garden Gifts Heaven on Earth Emporium Julia Etta’s Trunk Import House Kismet Pangaea Trading Co. Tibet Bazaar WOMEN’S/CHILDREN’S CLOTHING (continued) Urban Baby Bonnets/Myriad Village Artisans Wildflower Boutique ACCESSORIES HATS/SCARVES Asanda Imports Heaven on Earth Emporium Heidi's HeadShoppe Import House Julia Etta’s Trunk Kismet Omnibus The Chappelle Shop Tibet Bazaar Urban Baby Bonnets/Myriad Village Artisans Wildflower Boutique Yellow Springs Brewery JEWELRY Asanda Imports Bonadies Glasstudio Heaven on Earth Emporium House of Ravenwood Import House Jennifer’s Touch Julia Etta’s Trunk Ohio Silver Omnibus Singap0re Seahorse Coin Jewelry The Chappelle Shop Tibet Bazaar Unfinished Creations Village Artisans Wildflower Boutique W ELCOME to the 2023 Giving & Gifting Holiday Catalogue — a publication of the Yellow Springs News for visitors and villagers. We hope this catalogue helps guide you through what our local shops and nonprofits have to offer in both giving and gifting this holiday season. 2