
BUSINESS LISTINGS A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z BU S I N E S S , PROF E S S I ONA L & ORGAN I Z AT I ONA L T E L E P HON E NUMB E R S 2023–2024 | Y E L LOW S P R I NG S N EWS , I NC . PAGE 15 Board of Elections, Greene County.........................937-562-6170 Absentee Info..........................937-562-6184 WEB : greene.boe.ohio.gov Bonadies Glasstudio 220 Xenia Ave..........................937-767-7021 EMA I L : bonadiesglass@gmail.com Bookplate Ink P.O. Box 558 Karen Gardner..........................937-319-0067 Toll free..................................866-483-3830 EMA I L : kgardner@bookplateink.com WEB : bookplateink.com BORST, DR. BRENDA J., D.C. Borst Family Chiropractic 100 Corry St...........................937-767-2733 Fax.........................................937-767-2736 Box King Printing and shipping 1125 N. Bechtle Avenue SpringfieldSteve Dick................937-322-8117 EMA I L : steve@boxkingshipping.com BRADSTREET & ASSOCIATES, INC. 878 W. Second St. Xenia. ....................................937-372-3504 Fax.........................................937-372-9134 EMA I L : markb@bradstreetcpas.com WEB : bradstreetcpas.com PLEASE SEE OUR AD ON THIS PAGE Brandeberry Winery 5118 W. Jackson Rd. Enon......................................937-767-9103 WEB : brandeberrywinery.com B radstreet & a ssociates , i nc . Certified Public Accountants Our Professional Services include: • Income Tax Preparation • Quickbooks Assistance • Start-up Businesses • Estate & Succession Planning • Business Consulting • Retirement Plan Assistance • Tax Planning • IRS & Other Audits • Financial Statements • Payroll Services • ERC Refunds • Business Valuations We offer a full array of services, yet we’re small enough to take a personal interest in each of our clients. 878 W. Second Street, Xenia • 937-372-3504 Sign-up for our tax tip of the week! Email Bobbie Haines at BobbieH@BradstreetCPAS.com or Mark Bradstreet, CPA at MarkB@BradstreetCPAS.com www.BRADSTREETCPAS.com or call / textCarlos, 937-767-1787 , any day, 8a-10p Carlos Computer Service 302 N.Stafford St. www.CarlosComputerService.com We can work on your computer securely through the Internet Hit any key to continue... ■