
BUSINESS LISTINGS A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z BU S I N E S S , PROF E S S I ONA L & ORGAN I Z AT I ONA L T E L E P HON E NUMB E R S 2023–2024 | Y E L LOW S P R I NG S N EWS , I NC . PAGE 65 Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce 101 Dayton St.. .......................937-767-2686 EMA I L : info@yschamber.org WEB : yellowspringsohio.org Yellow Springs Chiropractic 233 Corry St............................937-767-7251 Erika Grushon, D.C. Katherine Duckwall Hulbert, D.C. WEB : yellowspringschiropractic.com Yellow Springs Christian Center 324 E. Dayton-Yellow Springs Rd. Pastor Charles Bunton...............937-767-1997 Prayer Line..............................937-767-9133 WEB : yschristiancenter.weebly.com Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry Central Capel AME 411 S. High St.........................937-510-6030 2nd & 4th Thursday of every month,2–4 p.m. EMA I L : yscfpis@gmail.com YELLOW SPRINGS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION P.O. Box 55.............................937-767-2655 EMA I L : info@yscf.org WEB : yscf.org PLEASE SEE OUR AD ON THIS PAGE YSCF.ORG • 937-767-2655 Focused on Donors and Local Nonprofits Since 1974 FOR THE LOVE OF “OUR” COMMUNITY JOIN US! 3 TheYSLA recently donated dozens of children’s books to the YSCCC. Help us help your library. Your support pays for “extras” that make your library especially engaging. To joinYSLA, send $5 plus any donation you’d like to make to: Yellow Springs Library Association P.O. Box 554 Yellow Springs, OH 45387 937-352- 4003 ° www.greenelibrary.info Join theYSLA . YSLA now offers literacy grants through the Yellow Springs Community Foundation. For more information or to apply, visit the YSCF website at www.yscf.org/literacy-grants