
BUSINESS LISTINGS A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z PAGE 66 Y E L LOW S P R I NG S COMMUN I TY D I R ECTORY BU S I N E S S , PROF E S S I ONA L & ORGAN I Z AT I ONA L T E L E P HON E NUMB E R S Yellow Springs Dharma Center 502 Livermore St......................513-374-0162 EMA I L : info@ysdharma.org WEB : ysdharma.org Yellow Springs Endowment for Education...........................937-767-2655 YELLOW SPRINGS EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOLS Board Office 888 Dayton St., Ste. 106......937-767-7381 Fax.....................................937-767-6604 WEB : ysschools.org Mills Lawn Elementary School 200 S. Walnut St.. ...............937-767-7217 WEB : mls.ysschools.org McKinney Middle and Yellow Springs High School 420 E. Enon Rd....................937-767-7224 WEB : mmsyshs.ysschools.org Yellow Springs Friends Meeting (Quakers) Rockford Chapel on Antioch College Campus 515 President St. P.O. Box 45. ............................937-767-7756 EMA I L : clerk@yellowspringsfriendsmeeting.org WEB : yellowspringsfriendsmeeting.org YELLOW SPRINGS HARDWARE 254 Xenia Ave.........................937-767-7451 WEB : yellowspringshardware.com F B : YellowSpringsHardware PLEASE SEE OUR AD ON THIS PAGE Yellow Springs Havurah Leonard Kramer........................937-572-4840 Yellow Springs High School 420 E Enon Rd. Jack Hatert, principal. ..............937-767-7224 YS Hardware C o . 254 XENIA AVE. PH: 937.767.7451 “PLAY is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning; play is really the work of childhood.” —FRED RODGERS  Contact us for info on affordable rentals, homes to purchase & financial coaching. Help us shape the next 25 years! www.yshome.org | info@yshome.org | 937-767-2790 305 N. Walnut St., Suite A, Yellow Springs, OH 25 YEARS OFYOURCOMMUNITY LAND TRUST! Yellow Springs Home, Inc. yshomeinc The YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS An INDEPENDENT JOURNAL o f NEWS and OPINION SINCE 1880 ∑ Subscribe at ysnews.com/subscribe 253 ½ Xenia Ave. | 937-767-7373 | www.ysnews.com YELLOW SPRINGS COMMUNITY LIBRARY 415 Xenia Ave. Tracy Phillips, head librarian....937-767-7661 Or..........................................937-352-4003 WEB : greenelibrary.info PLEASE SEE OUR AD ON THE PREVIOUS PAGE Yellow Springs Community Music Yellow Springs Community Band Yellow Springs Community Chorus Yellow Springs Community Orchestra James Johnson, director............317-332-4724 EMA I L : delphi@ameritech.net F B : YellowSpringsCommunityMusic