
BUSINESS LISTINGS A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z PAGE 68 Y E L LOW S P R I NG S COMMUN I TY D I R ECTORY BU S I N E S S , PROF E S S I ONA L & ORGAN I Z AT I ONA L T E L E P HON E NUMB E R S Yellow Springs Youth Baseball Derek Barker..................................767-8702 EMA I L : ysoyouthbb@gmail.com WEB : ysbaseball.org Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association Peggy Nestor...........................513-470-5967 EMA I L : YSYOAmusic@gmail.com WEB : YSYOA.org F B : YSYOA Yellow Springs Youth Soccer Bill and Lynn Hardman..............937-765-2379 EMA I L : hardmansoccer@sbcglobal.net YELLOW SPRINGS, VILLAGE OF 100 Dayton St. General Information................937-767-3402 Fax.........................................937-767-3714 EMAIL: JKintner@yso.com Bryan Center Scheduling..........937-767-7209 EMAIL: monitors@yso.com Clerk of Council......................937-767-9126 EMAIL: clerk@yso.com Clerk of Courts and Mayor........937-767-3400 Gaunt Park Pool......................937-767-9172 Public Access TV. ....................937-767-7803 Police, non-emergency. ...........937-767-7206 Electric & Water Distribution. ..937-767-8649 Streets & Sewer Collection.......937-767-8649 Utility Billing........... 937-767-7202 ext. 221 Village Manager......................937-767-1279 EMAIL: manager@yso.com Village Mediation....................937-605-8754 Village Wastewater Plant.........937-767-7208 Village Zoning. .......................937-767-1702 EMAIL: mleatherman@yso.com WEB: www.yso.com Young’s Jersey Dairy 6880 Springfield-Xenia Rd.. .......937-325-0629 EMA I L : cows@youngsdairy.com WEB : youngsdairy.com F B , I G YoungsDairy YS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 217 Xenia Ave.........................937-767-7377 Fax.........................................937-767-2302 EMA I L : yscuinfo@yscu.org WEB : yscu.org PLEASE SEE OUR AD ON THIS PAGE YS GREENE, LLC Specialist plumbing services Matt McGuire..........................937-340-1051 EMA I L : yesgreene@gmail.com WEB : ysgreene.com PLEASE SEE OUR AD ON PAGE 4 YS Rec Soccer League Bob Curley.............................937-767-7070 937-767-7377 | www.yscu.org 217 Xenia Ave., YS If you live, work, worship, or go to school in Greene County, you are eligible to join our Credit Union! BORROWING FROM YSCU SAVES YOU MONEY & SUPPORTS YOUR COMMUNITY YellowSprings United Methodist Church Meeting rooms available Handicapped accessible 202 S.Winter Street Church office 937-767-7560 Latoya Warren, pastor Yellow Springs Food Pantry: 937-510-6030