
10   |  Y E L LOW S P R I N G S N EWS  2 O 2 0 – 2 1 S C HOO L G U I D E Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry Hours: Second and fourth Thursdays of each month, 2–4 p.m., at United Method- ist Church. Contact: 937-510-6030. Operation Bread Runner Freshly baked loaves of bread delivered weekly to those in need. Contact: Aurelia Blake, 937-829-7696; Norah Byrnes, 937-408-4171. Little Free Pantry Outdoor, free-standing pantry behind Presbyterian Church, across from Mills Lawn on Walnut Street. Dayton Street Pantry Outdoor, free-standing pantry on Dayton Street in Bill Duncan Park. YS Police Department Outreach Coordinator Florence Randolph Florence Randolph helps direct people to food relief resources in the village. Contact: 937-767-3716, FRandolph@ vil.yellowsprings.oh.us. TO DONATE FOOD YS PORCH provides a monthly food pick-up on porches in support of the YS Community Food Pantry. Contact yellowsprings@porchcommunities.org in advance for their first Monday of the month porch pick-up. Donations may also be made in person at any time to the free-standing pantries on Walnut and Dayton streets, and to the YS Community Food Pantry on Tuesday and Wednesday, from 9–11:30 am. Those donating are asked to bring food dona- | FOOD SECURITY | ENRICHMENT OPTIONS AGRARIA— OUTDOOR PROGAMS Agraria is a 128-acre property with forests, fields and farmland used for research, regenerative land use, commu- nity resilience, and education. A project of Community Solutions, it is located just west of Yellow Springs at 131 E. Dayton- Yellow Springs Road. The educational branch of Agraria is The Nature School, and its mission is to connect children and families to nature, themselves, and each other through a community-based, men- torship model of learning. Its all-outdoor programs develop and foster sensory awareness, earth skills & crafts, empower- ment, fun and play. Agraria will be offering the following all-outdoors nature programs for families and kids this fall. Agraria is strictly com- mitted to local health department safety guidelines and best practices regarding COVID-19 and will be requiring small groups, increased hand washing and masks for all participants. To register and learn more about Agrar- ia’s programs, visit www.communitysolu- tion.org/kids-programs. All programs begin the week of Sept. 14 and will run through December. Programs are subject to change, based on current health recommendations. Sign up for any or all three sessions (four weekly classes each): Forest Families Monday mornings, 9:30–11:30 a.m., ages 0–5 with a caregiver. All-School Nature School Tuesday mornings, 9:30 a.m.–noon, ages 6–9; Thursday mornings, 9:30 a.m.– noon, ages 10–12. Children who are homeschooling, are on asynchronous schedules, or who need outside time between online learning. NATURE CURRICULUM Agraria is also hosting the following teacher workshops and nature curriculum options: Teach Outside Workshop Online teacherworkshop for school teach- ers who are interested in holding classes outside. Small group support and assistance from our environmental educators. Outdoor Curriculum for Teachers The staff at Agraria has developed an equitable curriculum called “The Big Map Out!” for teachers and elementary classrooms in Yellow Springs and the Miami Valley. This collaborative project will involve mapping school playground spaces or a backyard/outdoor space near students’ homes. Children will investigate soil, plants and animals. These expert-sup- ported lessons align with class objectives and standards and will culminate in a final mapping project and video compilation for participants. For more information, email david­ diamond@communitysolution.org. ‘BLACKS IN YS’ TOURS In 2020, The 365 Project will host its annual “Blacks in Yellow Springs” tours virtually, with the tours being streamed online via The 365 Project Facebook page at www.facebook.com/the365projectys. The tours are led by area middle and high school students through historically significant sites around the village. The student leaders have already led two such virtual tours, “Wheeling Gaunt’s Yellow Springs” and “Blacks in Yellow Springs General Tour,” which can be viewed at the above Facebook page link. The tours will continue through October, streaming live at 1 p.m. on the group’s Facebook page on the following dates: • Aug. 29 — “Blacks at Antioch College” • Sept. 5 — Black Landownership in Yellow Springs • Oct. 3 — “Black Women in Yellow Springs” • Oct. 17 — “A Black History Tour of Glen Forest Cemetery” For more information, visit www. the365projectys.org/blacks-in-ys-tour. JOHN BRYAN STATE PARK STORYBOOK TRAIL The John Bryan Storybook Trail was established in the summer of 2020 in John Bryan State Park through the combined efforts of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the Dolly Parton Imagination Library and the Ohio Imagination Library. The trail leads hikers of all ages through the woods on a half-mile loop trail. As hikers walk, they encounter an unfolding story on large panels along the path. The book currently featured along the trail is “As an Oak Tree Grows,” by New England author G. Brian Karas. The story follows the life of an oak tree over the course of more than 200 years. Each story panel includes questions for young readers to ponder as they follow the trail. The Storybook Trail at John Bryan is tions to the top of the United Methodist Church steps, ring the doorbell near the door on the left side, and leave the food against the wall with the stained glass windows. Do not leave cash. Donated items that would be most helpful at all pantry locations are: canned meat (chicken or turkey), canned fish (tuna or salmon), peanut butter, hearty soup, pasta, canned pasta sauce, meals in a box (Hamburger Helper, Rice-a-Roni, macaroni and cheese, Pasta Sides), rice, canned beef stew and baked beans. Food with expired “use by” dates or damaged packaging cannot be accepted. CONT I NUED ON NEXT PAGE > > > Lamm’s Insurance A n I ndependent A gency Protecting your insurance needs. 4 Auto 4 Farm 4 Business 4 Home 4 Life Yellow Springs Office: 441Y.S.–Fairfield Rd., Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 Jerome Borchers, Agent Please call 937-767-1810 or cell 937-546-1381 www.lammsinsurance.com