
10 | Y E L LOW S P R I N G S N EWS 2 O 2 1 – 2 2 S C HOO L G U I D E 320 Corry St.; 937-767-236 Contact: yschildrenscenterdirector@ gmail.com; yscc.org The Yellow Springs Community Chil- dren’s Center, or YSCCC, has a long history of educating children in Yellow Springs. Opening as The Community Nursery School in 1926, it was one of the first two nursery schools in Ohio and eigh- teenth in the country. YSCCC incorporated in 1946 and has continued the tradition of serving families of our diverse community and neighboring counties. Enrollment The Yellow Springs Community Chil- dren’s Center is open to all children from the ages of six weeks through 12 years old, regardless of abi l i ty, race, religion or ethnic background. Generally, admission is on a first-come first-served basis. The Center is commit- ted to serving low-income families. A per- centage of the total enrollment capacity is reserved for Title XX recipients as well as other families eligible for tuition scholar- ship. The Center maintains a waiting list based on the date on which notification was received. Families are notified as soon as space is available in the appropri- ate program or group. At times consider- ation is given to the balancing of gender, age, temperament and ethnicity within a classroom. To enroll a child, parents/guardians tour the Center, visit the appropriate program and fill out an enrollment packet at least two days prior to the official start date. Medical forms for children who have not reached the age of kindergarten attendance must be updated annually. The Health and Enrollment Form, routine walking slips, child information form, assessment permission, behavioral policy and photo/video release must be updated annually for all children. Upon a child transitioning into another classroom, the parent/guardian wi l l receive a transition letter detailing the choice of classroom, transitioning sched- ule, teacher and activities to look forward to throughout their time in the new class- room. Input from the parent/guardian is welcome. The current teacher and parent/ guardian will sign the transition letter indicating their agreement of the plan. Visitations Parents/guardians have unlimited access to the Center. Visits are encouraged. The teacher and adult family members decide, according to the child’s needs, the most favorable way for involvement. If a parent/guardian comes into the building not intending to spend time with his/her child, a strong attempt will be made to shelter the child from viewing the loved one, unless the child is comfortable with a brief encounter. The Center encourages friends, family members, volunteers, students and anyone interested to visit. All prospective personnel and most prospective parents/ guardians tour the building and grounds and spend time observing in classrooms. Appointments can be made or visitors may stop at the front desk for inquiries. The Center is a non-smoking facility. | COMMUNITY CHILDREN’S CENTER 150 E. Herman St.; 937-767-1303, ext. 113 Contact: Traci Womack, supervisor twomack@greeneesc.org Friends Preschool program is a public school program operated by the Greene County Educational Service Center. Located at Friends Care Community, the program provides fun, rich and developmentally appropriate educational experiences to children with delays in development, as well as typically developing students from the community. Speech, occupational and physical therapy services are also available as needed for children who qualify. The program is dedicated to helping seniors and chidlren learn together through the development of intergenerational pro- grams. The program includes a strong edu- cational component with structured teach- ing to help children prepare for kindergar- | FRIENDS CARE PRESCHOOL AUG 23 STUDENTS’ FIRST DAY SEP 6 NO SCHOOL Labor Day OCT 14 END OF GRADING PERIOD 15 NO SCHOOL Staff work day NOV 24 NO SCHOOL 25 –26 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving break DEC 16 END OF GRADING PERIOD 20–31 NO SCHOOL WINTER BREAK JAN 17 NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Day FEB 21 NO SCHOOL Presidents Day MAR 10 END OF GRADING PERIOD 21–25 NO SCHOOL Spring break APR 15 NO SCHOOL Good Friday holiday 18 NO SCHOOL MAY 25 END OF GRADING PERIOD 26 STUDENT’S LAST DAY OF SCHOOL ten, as well as providing guidance in health, nutrition, motor skills and social-emotional development. Class sizes are small, with a ratio of 12 students to two or three staff. Teaching staff have bachelor’s or mas- ter’s degrees in education and are fully cer- tified intervention specialists. The program follows a comprehensive curriculum that aligns with Ohio’s Early Learning Content Standards. Bus transportation is available. The program is free to children with dis- abilities; there is a nominal tuition charge for private-pay students. Friends Preschool serves children ages 3–5 from both Yellow Springs and Cedar Cliff school districts. If you know a child who needs an evalu- ation referral or are interested in your child being placed on a waiting list for Friends Preschool, contact Traci Womack, preschool supervisor, at twomack@greeneesc.org.