
6 | Y E L LOW S P R I N G S N EWS 2 O 2 3 – 2 4 S C HOO L G U I D E | HEALTH &WELLNESS IMMUNIZATIONS Your child may need their immunizations updated before entering the new school year. Please refer to the 2023–24 Ohio Immuniza- tion Summary for School Attendance, which can be found at bit.ly/3CnyALL. WHEN TO STAY HOME Do not send your child to school if their temperature is at/above 100ºF, they have vomited, have diarrhea or any communicable illness/disease. Please keep your child at home for 24 hours without medication and fever-free before returning to school. If your child has special healthcare needs, please contact the school nurse to develop a health plan for your child while they are at school. Families should contact the school nurse or main office if a child or family member in the child’s family has tested posi- tive for COVID. MEDICATION REQUIRED AT SCHOOL If your child needs to take medication during the school day, Mills Lawn must follow the pro- cedures outlined in our School Board Policies. • Please consult your physician about your child’s medication schedule to see if it is neces- sary to administer medication at school. • A Medication Authorization Form, com- pleted and signed by the family doctor (for prescribed medications) and the parent/guard- ian, must be on file in the office before we can give, or your child can take any medications at school; Medication Authorization Forms are available upon request in the office and online at yellowsprings-oh.finalforms.com. For over- the-counter medications, such as Tylenol or Advil, a medication authorization form is still required, however, only a parent signature is required. All medications will be administered in the clinic under the supervision of the school nurse. • You will need to bring your child’s medi- cation to school. It is recommended that you keep a four-week supply of your child’s medica- tion in the nurse’s office. • Do not send medication to school with your child. • For each prescribed medication, the container will need to have a pharmacist’s label with the following information: Child’s name, doctor’s name, date, pharmacy name and phone number, name of the medication, prescribed dosage and frequency, any special handling and/or storage instructions. EXCUSED ABSENCES AND TARDIES State law requires attendance at school for children between the ages of 6 and 18. According to Ohio Administrative Code of the State Department of Education (3301- 51-13) and/or the Yellow Springs Board of Education, the following are considered valid reasons for being absent from school: • Illness of the child. The approving author- ity may require the written statement of a physician/mental health professional if it is deemed appropriate; • Illness in the family necessitating the presence of the child. The approving author- ity may require the written statement of a physician and an explanation as to why the child’s absence was necessary, if it is deemed appropriate; • Quarantine of the home. The absence of a child from school under this condition is limited to the length of quarantine as deter- mined by the proper health officials; • Death of a relative. The absence arising from this condition is limited to a period of 18 school hours unless a reasonable causes may be shown by the applicant child for a longer absence; • Medical or dental appointment. The approving authority may require the writ- ten statement of a physician or dentist if it’s deemed appropriate; • Observance of religious holidays. Any child shall be excused if his/her absence was for the purpose of observing a religious holi- day consistent with his/her truly held religious beliefs; • College visitation (high school only). The approving authority may requir e verification of the date and time of the visitation by the college, university, or technical college; • Absences due to a student’s place- ment in foster care or change in foster care placement or any court proceedings related to their foster care status; • Absences due to a student being homeless; or • Emergency or other set of circum- stances in which the judgment of the superintendent of schools constitutes a good and sufficient cause for absence from school. • Other circumstances not listed above may be approved by the principal or his/ her designee. When your child is going to be absent from school, please call the office before school start time to report the reason your child is going to be absent. If we do not hear from you by that time, you will receive an automated call informing you of your child’s absence. | FOOD SECURITY Jessica Stursa at 937-767-7224 ext. 3007 or jstursa@ysschools.org. FOOD ASSISTANCE Yellow Springs Community Food Pantry HOURS: Second and fourth Thursdays of each month, 2–4 p.m., at Central Chapel AME Church, 411 S. High St. Contact: yscfpis@gmail.com . Little Free Pantry Outdoor, free-standing pantry behind Presbyterian Church, across from Mills Lawn on Walnut Street. Dayton Street Pantry Outdoor, free-standing pantry on Dayton Street in Bill Duncan Park. Mobile Farmers Market Sponsored by the Foodbank of Dayton, this mobile food bank stops in the park- ing lot of First Baptist Church on the third Thursday of each month, 1–2 p.m. No proof of residency is required. Remaining 2023 dates are: Aug. 17, Sept. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 16 and Dec. 21. Visit thefood- bankdayton.org/needfood/greene-county- mobile for more info. YS Police Department Outreach Coordinator Florence Randolph Florence Randolph helps direct people to food relief resources in the village. Contact: 937-767-3716, FRandolph@vil.yellow - springs.oh.us . TO DONATE FOOD Donations may be made in person at any time to the free-standing pantries on Walnut and Dayton streets. To donate to the Community Food Pantry, email yscfpis@gmail.com for more information. Alternatively, a local non- profit effort, PORCH Yellow Springs, plans monthly pickups of donated food items to fill the shelves of the Community Food Pantry. For more information on how to get involved with PORCH Yellow Springs, call 937-510-6030, email yellowsprings@ porchcommunities.org or go to facebook. com/PorchYellowSprings. Families are asked to complete and submit a current school year Free/Reduced Meal Application. Meal applications may be picked up in any of the school offices. These applications need to be completed in their entirety and returned to the school. Meal applications may also be completed online at payschoolscentral.com; determinations for eligibility are calculated immediately after filling out the online application. For more information, contact Jeff Eyrich at jeyrich@ysschools.org or 937-767-7224 ext. 3018. USDA INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES FOR SCHOOL LUNCHES Effective July 1, 2023–June 30, 2024 Households with total incomes less than or equal to the values below are eligible for free or reduced-price meals. HOUSEHOLD SIZE FREE REDUCED No. of Members Annual Income Annual Income 2 25,636 36,482 3 32,318 45,991 4 39,000 55,500 5 45,682 65,009 6 52,634 74,518 7 59,046 84,027 8 65,728 93,536 Each add’l Member, add: +6,682 +9,509 2023–24 Mills Lawn meal prices Breakfast: $1.35; $0.30 for students eligible for reduced-price breakfast Lunch: $3; $0.40 for students eligible for reduced-price lunch Single or additional milk: $0.50 2022–23 McKinney Middle and YS High schools meal prices Breakfast: $1.35; $0.30 for students eligible for reduced-price breakfast Lunch: $3.25; $0.40 for students eligible for reduced-price lunch Single or additional milk: $0.50 The district’s food service program is provided by The Nutrition Group. For more information, contact Food Service Director LET'S GIVE A CHEER FOR THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR!