
want to thank Mr. Day for dedicating huge amounts of time to his students both in and outside of school, and for just being a cool guy capable of explaining vast and complex ideas in a comprehensive manner. I also really enjoyed the nature of our classes in our small town. Other places would be crowded beyond belief with barely any teacher interac- tion, while at Yellow Springs we had small, manageable classes in which we could ef fectively communicate with the teacher and the rest of the class. I probably would’ve enjoyed myself a lot less if I were to have attended a more massive public school where one is just pushed from one place to the next. As for school, I mean I’m graduating so that’s got to mean something and I always enjoyed living in a smaller town where I know the people and they know me. If I was in a place where I didn’t know anybody I would have probably pulled so far back into my shell that I would have ceased to exist. PRISCILLA HADAP PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Sheryll and David Kent Growing up in Yellow Springs, I became a part of a group of a friends that I trust and care about deeply. I’m ver y much grateful for the majority of teachers I had during high school — especially Mrs.Eguaroje who helped me break out of my shell during my freshman year. I’ll be going to Michigan in the fall to attend CMU and I have not yet decided on a major. ARTYOM HOWARD No response submitted. ARIELLE JOHNSON PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Jennifer Johnson, Brian Johnson My last year at Yellow springs High School has been ... different. Over this past year, we’ve all been through so much — and for a lot of people it was probably one of the hardest years of their lives. This past year has brought me heartache as well as joy. Through the struggle, however, I found my pas- sion. Over this past summer, I became a youth leader for the Black Lives Matter organization, YS Speaking Up For Justice. The demands made from these Black Lives Matter rallies have led to the founding of the Yellow Springs Schools Anti-Racism Team, as well as youth and adult book study groups, Village Council’s Antiracism Board and community sit-downs with the YS Police Department. Because of the antiracism work that I had begun in the summer, the Yellow Springs Community Foundation reached out to me through my high school princi- pal and superintendent to establish the first student leadership pilot program at my high school. Our school not only supports its students, but also actively takes the steps to ensure that stu- dents have the resources and creative outlets to become the social justice activists that our world so desperately needs right now. In 10 years, I hope to be finishing up with med school and well on my way to becoming a pathologist. I’d like to give a shout-out to some of my teachers, including Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Lutz, Mrs. Eguaroje, Mr. Lowry, Mr. Smith and Mr. Hurwitz for always supporting me and for simply making school a fun and safe place for me to be. As for my friends, I want to shout out my chicas! I’d like to shout out Natalie Galarza, for being with me through thick and thin; Samantha Snyder, for being my confidante and always being there to share a laugh and last, but not least, Sophia Gisslen, for being the best part- ner in crime I could ever ask for. All of these people have changed my life in one way or another and I will never forget the memories we’ve created here at Yellow Springs High School. HANEEFAH JONES PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Felicia Chappelle, Akinyele Jones Yellow Springs gave me the oppor- tunity to play sports and that is how I met some of my closest friends. I will always appreciate how welcom- ing Yellow Springs is. One thing I also enjoyed is how small the school is. It allows students to get closer to their teachers, which helps create a more comfortable learning environment. In the next couple of years, I plan to attend Case Western Reserve Univer- sity, where I will major in accounting. KAI MARIE KERN No response submitted. GRAY KINTNER No response submitted. 6 Yellow Springs High School C L A S S O F 2 0 2 1 A Special Section of the YELLOW SPRINGS NEWS | May 20, 2021 MVECA Nipper’s Corner Parker Realty Associates, Kami Berkey O U R S P O N S O R S