
YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 2 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 26 , 2022 11 Yellow Springs Home Inc. Yellow Springs Library Association Yellow Springs Toy Company spending habits (working on that, though), so it’s important for me to have the kind of money to support that lifestyle. My decision on which college to attend will be mainly based on how much financial aid I can get. I hope to continue writing as that has been my passion since I was in kinder- garten, and perhaps even become a full time author. I also hope to find a way to perform, since that is something I have enjoyed since I was a small child, which may surprise some people because I have a more quiet demeanor. I look forward to my future, and I am grateful for the life I’ve had here in Yellow Springs. MALAYA ROYALSTON PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Kyoto Perry I wasn’t here for very long at the school really, only for as long as my junior year and through my senior year. Not to devalue the other teachers in anyway, but one teacher that has helped me substantially continue to feel motivated throughout this year is my seventh-period teacher. It’s a secret though. I like it here personally, it has a more welcoming atmosphere than at my last school in Fairborn. It also has better meals. I don’t really have a plan for my future, besides going with the flow and seeing what happens. I am interested in achieving some sort of art job: I like drawing for fun and I’m told I am talented so whether I go to college for a degree or not, I want to do some- thing along the lines of such. AVA SCHELL PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Jenny Montgomery and Gregory Schell I was born in Kentucky but I’ve been raised and gotten my K–12 education here in Yellow Springs. Growing up right outside of town has given me the best of both worlds: with the privacy and quietness of the country and the familiar community at my fingertips, I feel privileged when reflecting on these past 12+ years. Going to school with a graduating class of 50 students in a town of 3,000 people hasn’t always been the easiest; however, this year especially (post lockdown) there is a certain comfort in knowing that those around me have been consistent for as long as I can remember. We have grown up together, learned together, mourned together, celebrated together, and experienced and created unforgettable memories together. For that I am forever grateful. Yellow Springs has both accustomed me to the small town atmosphere while also prompting me to become more of an adventurous person, this will easily be my biggest challenge when moving towards post-high school education. This fall I will be attending Wright State University to study business management at Raj Soin college of Business! Many thanks to the teachers and staff who have assisted me along the way, to the coaches who became mentors, to whom I owe a great portion of my values and drive/ethic to, and finally to my friends, family, and everyone’s fav: The Class of ’22. KINU SHOPE PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Adam and Nikki Shope I am incredibly grateful for the learning and growth I’ve experienced at Yellow Springs Schools. The kind- ness of the teachers and staff and the atmosphere of welcoming and accep- tance has given me room to grow in ways I wasn’t sure I was capable of. I will always remember Yellow Springs fondly and I am proud to have been a student of YSHS. PETER SKIDMORE HANS SMITH PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Sonia Bame-Smith, Richard Smith Friendly environment with good vari- ety of classes to take. Great teachers that are flexible with your schedule if you work a job. Some bad teachers that ruin the experience in some classes. ANGELINA SMITH PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Hilary Blocker-Smith and Anthony Smith The Yellow Springs community has been such a large part of my time at Yellow Springs High School. They are so loving and uplifting of everything whether it be showing up to sporting events, or supporting fundraisers and protests. I will miss the comforting, supportive and encouraging environ- ment the teachers provided to me, especially from Mrs. Corrigan, Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Holly and Mrs. Lutz. They’re truly amazing. After graduation, I will attend Ohio University for the next four years, before going to graduate school and then hopefully becoming the CEO of a hospital. MILO STROLGER PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Jackie and Shahkar Strolger Growing up in Yellow Springs means I’ve always been surrounded by family, both blood related and chosen. You always have a support system here. Going to Yellow Springs schools has always given me the opportunity to explore my creativity, this opportunity allowed me to find my path in theatre. Thanks to my amazing parents, teachers and village family I was able to experiment with all sides of theatre and find that I have an aptitude for technical theatre, and sound design as well as acting. With a lot of help and encouragement from my mentor Lorrie Sparrow-Knapp I was able to choose a path into higher education that suits my strengths as well as my ambitions. I could never be where I am now without the immense amount of support I’ve gotten from my community and I owe a huge thank you to My teachers, counselors, and family for pushing me to do my best and get- ting me to this point in my life. O U R S P O N S O R S