
MAXWELL STURGEON PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Jan and Jayson Sturgeon I’m not going to lie. I’m not really good at writing stuff like this. But I came to Yellow Springs as a freshman and it was a new experience, but it really felt like this is where I belonged. I remember texting my parents the day I had first arrived and they were obviously super worried that I was at a new school, but they were relieved when I texted them, “I’m never leaving here”. Shoot, here I am to this day, so what can I really say? I started bowling in freshman year and really started to take it seriously junior and senior year, and here I am, continuing to grow my bowling career. My grades followed the same path, as much as I hate to admit it. But Yellow Springs really helped support my bowl- ing and ambitions, and the fact that I found a possible future in something I like turned it around for me and really bumped up my work ethic to get good grades and bowl. Yellow Springs just kept supporting me all the way through no matter what. Whether it be the staf f or the com- munity and my peers, I couldn’t have asked for better atmosphere and moral support on the lanes and in school then from Yellow Springs. So to sum it all up: “ HHHHH ” — five out of five stars, highly recom- mended. ELLA TAYLOR MALIK THOMAS NOAH VANHOOSE LEIF WALTERS DEZMOND WILSON PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Anisha Savery MARIN WIRRIG ROBERT WYATT PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Christopher Wyatt and Karen Russell Admittedly, I have spent far too long procrastinating on writing this to justify doing something witty and leaving it on the melancholy note of a last chuckle. I wracked my brain trying to come up with something sentimental or poetic, and for a long time I considered using a Calvin and Hobbes quote. Probably the last panel, that’d be pretty fitting. It seems comedy won’t do this depar- ture justice, and something purely sentimental would perhaps be too out of character for the people who have heard me talk for more than 30 sec- onds. Did you know that the prompt response I’m currently writing on doesn’t have a word limit? You are at my mercy, compelled to read whatever I say, and I am unlimited in my ability to ramble. If you’ll remain at my mercy a while longer, I will continue to blab. There is actually quite a lot of sentimentality behind my statements. YSHS has been a hell of an experience, and for all the satire and irony me and friends throw around, I’ll show some weakness and admit that it has meant a lot to me. It is incredibly surprising how much maturity I managed to plough into despite blatantly trying to remain child- ish. I can, with little doubt, blame this on the community. Some of the teach- ers helped me through a lot. Gratitude with Ms. Lutz, the memories I have with Mr. Mayer and the orchestra, and admittedly countless other charming interactions and developments. I’d list more of them, especially with this lack of a word limit, but I think the best moments don’t need to be reminisced on. Well, save for one. Yeah, sure, I’ll write a happy story for you sick bas- tards; craving your nostalgia stories. Don’t mistake my sarcasm for a lack of 12 YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 2 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 26 , 2022 Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association Young’s Jersey Dairy O U R S P O N S O R S enthusiasm, because the Little Prince matters a lot to me. It’s not an uncom- mon book to appreciate, but reading it with Mr. Smith and the small French class gave me food for thought. Mr. Smith is good at playing the role of the fox, to the extent that I can finally begin to understand what maturity means. Now I’ll say something semi-philo- sophical, if that’s what you want. “The Little Prince” taught me that maturity isn’t defined by a lack of immaturity, as it is so often presented. Maturity, to me, is about accepting the inevitability of change and growth. Despite my best efforts to stave off maturity, I’m begin- ning to understand that humans can be mature without having to lose their sense of wonder, happiness, or fun. Even the Little Prince learns and grows up, but he never loses the spark of curi- osity (even to the point of eccentricity). Anyway, I hope someone is happy that I sacrificed my concrete identity as the “dry humor guy” but screw it, even I can act emotional sometimes. Right now just seems like a fitting time. See you around; I have a feeling I’ll miss the haikus in Mr. Lowry’s class.