
CLASS OF 2022 PARADE AND COMMENCEMENT On Thursday, May 26, 8–8:30 p.m., the community is invited to help cel- ebrate the graduating YSHS class of 2022. Villagers are asked to stand on their porches or sit along the route and cheer seniors on as they pass by. The parade will begin at YSHS, traveling on West South College, up Xenia Avenue to Corry Street, down Dayton Street and left on East Enon Road, back to the high school. The graduation ceremony fol- lowing the parade is open to the public. MARIA ALVAREZ FARIAS I want to thank my teachers, class- mates, friends and family for making my experience at Yellow Springs unique. SAMUEL ANDERSON CARINA BASORA PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Alice Young-Basora and Mario Basora In 2010, my parents broke the news that we were moving to Yellow Springs, and 6-year-old Carina was appalled. Little did I know, but moving here would be one of the best things to happen to me. My family and I were welcomed into the community imme- diately. Yellow Springs quickly became home. This community raised me; taught me the importance of kindness and generosity, out-of-the-box thinking, and persistence. Yellow Springs made me into the person I am today, and for that, I will forever be grateful for each and every person who has impacted me along the way. From all of my incred- ible teachers and administrators to the many supportive community members who made my experience at Yellow Springs memorable, I just wanted to thank you for all you have done and continue to do for students. I am grateful to have spent these last 12 years in YS and to now graduate alongside my incredible classmates. I am sad to leave these remarkable people, but I cannot wait to see what amazing things we will move on to do. This fall, I plan to attend Washington University in Saint Louis to study com- munication design, with a still tentative second major in PNP (Philosophy, Neuroscience, and Psychology). I value everyone who has helped me get to where I am today, but I wanted to thank a few people whose impact I will never forget. Mr. Comstock, you are such a genu- inely kind human being. You make everyone feel special and loved; I’ll miss your guitar solos. Mr. Lowry, I am honestly surprised you put up with me. I can never seem to stop pestering you with questions. I only do it because I am always inter- ested in what you have to say, whether chemistry-related or not. Ms. Morrison, you have to be one of the only people in the world who can make calc an enjoyable class. You seem to genuinely care about your students. Thank you for dealing with our calc class this year; we’ll miss you! Ms. Lutz, you are so funny and kind. You foster an environment of intellec- tual dialogue and conversation where few topics are too much to tackle for our AP lit class. Mr. Smith, you were one of the first people to believe in me and make me feel valued and capable despite my cha- otic nature. I’ll always remember the way you encouraged me. I also wanted to thank Ms. Sims, Ms. Adkins, Ms. Amin, Ms. Lohmeyer, Mr. McCoy, Mr. Hatert, Ms. Sparrow- Knapp, Ms. Nickell, Ms. Sears, Ms. Holly, Ms. Corrigan and Ms. Lorry for being my favorite teachers in the district. And last but not least, I’d like to thank my parents for always pushing me to be a better student and person. OWEN BEITENHAUS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Christine Reedy and Ian Beitenhaus Yellow Springs High School is weird. By that I mean that we ourselves are weird, but being a high school student (for the next couple days) I have the need to eschew personal responsibility in any way possible. So I have chosen to blame this one, whatever combination of ley-lines, forest spirits, other spirits, or just plain vibes intersect at YSHS that make us act in such strange ways. Blame is the wrong word, because quite frankly I wouldn’t like it any other way. I’m sure at other high schools there are plenty of memorable moments and jokes. But do they have a Garfield musical nonmusical parody stage production? A dedicated group of people founding a fake nation under some tree outside? A giant snail con- structed out of wood and PVC and a shor t film based around it? I am certain I will remember these things for the rest of my life. Even when the weird turns sour, at least I’ll damn well remember it. Thanks to all of you for dealing with us through these journeys of madness or helping to create them, especially Mr. Smith, Ms. Lutz, Mr. Lowry and Ms. Corrigan, whether you were there as witness or participating in our eter- nal memory bank of “YSHS Things.” MALAYA BOOTH PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Maria and John Booth My time in Yellow Springs and Yellow Springs Schools reaches far into my 18 years of life. I would like to give thanks Miss Amy, who aided my growth at the Children’s Center. At Mills Lawn I would like to acknowledge Ms. Simms, who took care of me and all the stu- dents in her first- and second-grade class. I will always miss the year Ms. Jako stepped up for my third-grade class and made the process of learn- ing incredibly fun with memories I will never forget. I love thinking back on Ms. Pettiford’s sixth-grade class, when we would sing songs about the Nile and Euphrates river; her class really sparked something in me that began to fuel my current love for local history. From McKinney Middle School, I would love to thank Mrs. Eastman for being such a creative and posi- tive teacher, especially through such a strange time like middle school. I would also like to acknowledge Ms. Lohmeyer, as she is a role model for what a strong independent woman can look like. Now that I have completed high school, I am especially grateful for all my teachers, but some really helped me out through the years. During my freshman and junior years, Ms. Nickell 2 YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 2 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 26 , 2022 The Antioch School Bentino’s Pizza Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Professional Realty, Craig Mesure O U R S P O N S O R S