
really helped me refine my writing and has seriously been such a supportive force in my education. Mr. Lowry is always there when I need help and never seems to mind when I ask him to explain something for the fifth time. Mr. Day charges my curiosity in every class I have ever had with him. Ms. Lutz teaches me how to laugh and be kind to everyone. Thank you Mr. Comstock for being so friendly to everyone — he’s seriously the best study hall monitor ever. To Mrs. Morrison and our shared appreciation for Yoshi and for being the greatest math teacher. As for sports, I would firstly like to express my sincere gratitude toward Mr. Gudgel for not only encouraging but instilling confidence in me through- out my time at Mills Lawn and the YSHS track and field team. Thank you coach Isabelle and Peter for pushing me to try my hardest at everything I do in and outside of the track. As well as swim team coach Ashley for teaching me how to swim! Lastly, I would like to thank my art teacher, Mrs. Sears, who has rooted me and my creative journey on consistently all four years I have had with her. She has always been there for me through really difficult times in my life, and I am very, very grateful for her especially as I go on to study fine arts and coun- seling at the University of Cincinnati. Thank you, Yellow Springs <3 SOPHIA BOTTELIER PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Kristin and Philip Bottelier It’s strange to think it’s over! Grow- ing up in town; busted for blue hole swimming and late night bike rides. I’m grateful I grew up barefoot and safe, knocking on doors to find a friend who’s free. The layout of Mills Lawn forever burned in my brain, the sounds of the sixth-grade clap out, musicals and the red robin song stuck in my head. Leaving YS schools after seventh grade, and then coming back junior year was a pair of really weird and dif- ficult transitions. But I’m grateful that I left when I did. Stivers School for the Arts shaped a big part of me, and I’ve missed it every day for the past two years. But when I was there, of course I would miss Yellow Springs, miss my friends, miss feeling home and a part of the community. I’m glad I came back. I’m grateful I went to a school where I had a really strong suppor t system, specifically my senior year teachers, and always, Mr. Smith. In my two years as a high schooler here, I have never felt doubted, never felt neglect. The kind- ness and familiarity of my teachers is something I needed to get by. I’m especially weepy about leav- ing my female teachers behind, who helped to cultivate a really safe femi- nine space at school. Thank you to Ms. Lutz, Ms. Morrison, Ms. Weinstein and Ms. Sears for being such a light to so many students. And a special thank you to Lorrie, who has guided me so much, will continue to, and will probably never understand the power she holds. For three years at Stivers, I never felt a fraction of the comfort and support I get from my teachers and friends at Yellow Springs. It took me a while to realize how important that is to me. Not to say that Yellow Springs High School is without its faults. While I was blessed with some really good teachers, this year alone I have heard countless complaints and criticisms of teachers and students for everything from rudeness and disrespect to blatant racism, sexism and assault. After so many incidents, involving both teach- ers and students, the administration continues to focus on secondary issues, pushing matters of civil and human rights under the table. However, the community of the school lives on. In the students, and many teachers, there are the values of love and equality and acceptance. I hope that the administration will open their eyes and make some real change, after so many years of so many problems. This school and its students deserve a place where everyone feels safe and supported, where everyone is listened to and treated with love. CARLEY BRACKNEY LUCA BRETT ROSEMARY BURMESTER PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Krisina Cordova, Adam Winnick I have grown up in Yellow Springs my whole life and have been in Yellow Springs schools since kindergarten. I am going to Ohio University in the fall of 2022 for theater and social work. I was able to be accepted because of opportunities given to me by the school and the community. I would like to thank Lorrie Sparrow- Knapp for mentoring me through these past five years, she has taught me so much, and suppor ted me through everything that I have been doing to further my experience. I’d like to also thank all of my teachers for the support they give us, as students. I am so grate- ful for the teachers and staff at both the high school/middle school and Mils Lawn for helping me and many other students succeed in school and support our dreams as we leave. Thank you all for your love and support. MYRAH BURTON PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Charles Burton and Nicole Bethel I’m not from Yellow Springs, but I’ve been attending Yellow Springs schools for 12 years. What I value about this town is the culture and the people. Yellow Springs is a very special place: there are many good attributes, like how accepting people are and the opportunities that are available here. I appreciate the teachers at Yellow Springs schools, who are very dedi- cated to the students. I plan to attend Wittenberg and major in biology. NICHOLAS CALFEE YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 2 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 26 , 2022 3 Black Pug Bike Repair Shelly Blackman Group eXp Realty Shelly Kirk Blackman Coldwell Banker Heritage Realtors, Minerva Bieri O U R S P O N S O R S