
DORIAN CAMPBELL-HIMES PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Katie Campbell, Chris Salazar, Jason and Kari Himes I have lived in Yellow Springs for my entire life, and I can’t imagine a better environment to have grown up in. My family has been in Yellow Springs for seven generations, so this town is truly a part of who I am. I have been reading the senior supplement since I was little, and now being the person writing one feels surreal. Life moves far too fast. The friends I have met and the connections I have made in Yellow Springs will follow me throughout the rest of my life, and this town has impacted me beyond words. There are certainly pros and cons of growing up in such a small town, how- ever, I am certain that Yellow Springs will always feel like home to me. The class of ’22 has a really strong, genuine bond and is a special group of people who all mean the world to me. Emotionally/mentally, my time in high school has not always been the easiest, and while I do have my fair share of criticisms for Yellow Springs and the schools, there are a handful of people who have significantly impacted my life over the past few years and made my experience at this time in my life a little bit easier. I would like to express gratitude to all of my friends, the classes of ’22 and ’23, Scout Espinosa, my coworkers at Tom’s Market, my entire family, my grandma, my dad and step-mom, and most impor- tantly my mom. She’s my best friend and has made me who I am. Al l the teachers at YSHS have impacted me immensely, but I would especially like to thank Mr. Smith, Ms. Lohmeyer, Mr. Day, Ms. Corrigan, and Mr. Comstock. They will never know how much they have taught me and changed me as a person for the better, and how grateful I am for them and their kindness. Particularly Ms. Sears; she has added to my life in indescrib- able ways, and I am incredibly thankful for her, and everyone else who has been a part of my life in any capacity over the past four years. I have changed as a person signifi- cantly throughout high school, and all the people mentioned above contrib- uted to that growth and helped me figure out who I truly am and want to be. In the fall I will be attending Earlham College to major in psychol- ogy and minor in visual arts, hopefully spending a semester in New Zealand. I then plan to attend graduate school elsewhere for a master’s in art therapy. I also hope to pursue other art-, music-, and travel-related interests. No matter where my life takes me, I will always hold Yellow Springs, and the people here, very close to my heart. WWDSD? (What would Dave Smith do?) DE’ANDRE COWEN PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Crystal Grieshop and Johnny Cowen Growing up in Yellow Springs and attending Yellow Springs schools has been great experience for me, I have met so many awesome people and have acquired a lot friendships that will con- tinue for many years to come. I am grateful for every opportunity that was made possible by YS schools, especially for me being able to partici- pate in multiple sports. I would like to personally thank every coach, teacher and school staff member that helped me get here. I appreciate you all for your encourage- ment, tolerance and hard work over the years. Although I am currently undecided on a major, I will be furthering my aca- demic and athletic career in basketball at Mount St Joseph University in the fall. NATHAN CURTIS III PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Tif fany Caldwell I transferred to Yellow Springs my junior year and unexpectedly started out here during COVID, doing school online, not really knowing anyone or any of the teachers. Let’s just say it was a different experience than I had origi- nally expected, but thanks to basketball my coach and my teammates it made the transition much easier. I was able to meet people from Yellow Springs like my teammates, other students and even some of the faculty. I quickly real- ized the motto was family over every- thing. I might not have started out a Bulldog, but I’m ending as one. It was a proud year for all Bulldogs, especially the seniors. Congratulations to us the Class of 2022 Yellow Springs Bulldogs, we did it!! DEVYN DEAL PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Dana Deal I have been in the presence of a variety of types of people throughout my life, but most do not compare to the types of people you find in Yellow Springs. Just around every corner in Yellow Springs, there is a kind and caring face, offering a smile. The community of Yellow Springs was absolutely wonderful to grow up in, I wouldn’t trade it for any other. It has shaped me and my peers into peaceful, sympathetic, and confident individuals. I have so much appreciation for the teachers in both Mills Lawn and YSHS who formed personal and truly caring relationships with all of their students and encouraged our growth and indi- vidualism. I also really appreciate my grade, everyone is so kind and intelligent and I feel grateful to have grown up since kindergarten with so many of them. We have all become very close and it has been so wonderful. I want to give a special shout-out to the women in my grade, every one of them is so sup- portive, driven, strong, and beautiful. I feel especially glad to have had them throughout high school always encour- aging and helping me and others. I feel lucky to be getting out of YSHS when I am. The school is changing in a variety of different ways, many of which I don’t feel are favorable. But nonetheless, I am sad to be leaving YSHS and will always look back on my time here and the community I was surrounded by lovingly. MERIAH DORSEY It was scary coming to Yellow Springs as a new student in middle school. It was new and crowded, but I love being here. The people are nice here and they make me feel comfortable. My teach- ers, aides, and friends helped me out when I was feeling stressed, anxious, or scared. When I graduate, I am going to a pro- gram called Career X. I am interested in making a 3D video, building mechan- ics, and writing a comic. 4 YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 2 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 26 , 2022 Coldwell Banker Heritage Realtors, Sam Eckenrode Current Cuisine Dunphy Real Estate, Jo, Teresa & Sheila O U R S P O N S O R S