
MATTHEW DUNCAN PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Michael and Leigh Duncan Being in Yellow Springs wouldn’t have been so great without my friends. I made so many throughout the years, but a few have really stuck with me. Always having a crew of people to just bike around town with, grab food at Tom’s, or play cards in my garage. I have Yellow Springs schools to thank for meeting some of my best friends, and it changed the trajectory of my life forever. I’d also like to shout out Mr. Collins, Ms. Corrigan, Mr. Day, and Ms. Holly for making my classes much more enjoyable. ATTICUS ELLIOTT PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Courey Anders-Elliott and Shilo Anders Yellow Springs has been so welcom- ing since I moved here in January! Thank you guys for giving me a nice last semester of high school. HANNAH ELLIOTT JOAQUIN ESPINOSA PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Dawn Boyer and Miguel Espinosa My time in Yellow Springs schools has been an interesting experience to say the least. Coming from larger cities and schools with thousands of students, Yellow Springs was a bit of a culture shock for me. The freedom and friend- liness in this town are unlike anything else I’ve experienced. However, I do feel like within my first four years I had done everything that there is to do in this small village, and since then, I’ve been counting down the days until I depart. But in my time here I’ve made many friends and met many mentors who’ve helped me evolve as a person. The community here has helped me and my family out so much and I’m proud to call Yellow Springs my home. I’m ready to leave and start a new chapter in my life, but I can defi- nitely see myself coming back to the village later in life. I want to thank all my teachers and espe- ciallymymentorsMr. Smith and Gudge. To all my fellow graduates I say, congratulations guys, it’s a bittersweet ending but I cannot wait to see how you all grow in these next years. You all hold a special place in my heart. MADDOX FLATT JAYLA FODAL PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Danielle Fodal Yellow Springs has been my home for the past 13 years and I couldn’t ask for anything better. I started my first year at Mills Lawn when I was in first grade and made friends with people that I’m still friends with today. I would like to thank all my teachers for getting me to where I am today. I will mostly miss the high school atmo- sphere and knowing everyone. After graduating I will attend Miami University to major in biology to become a forensic pathologist. AYDEN FRY JONATHON GARRETT PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Jessica Garrett My time at Yellow Springs has been a great experience. From the people I’ve met, the teachers I’ve changed with, and the regular townspeople that I’ve interacted with, I love it all. I have moved quite a few times in my life, never finding a place that was as secure to me as Yellow Springs. Although I no longer live here, I can and will always call it my true home. My time there was unfortunately cut short but the memories I’ve made in town over those last six years in school will truly stay with me for the rest of my life. I find great meaning and value in those same memories. I would do anything to relive some of my best moments with my friends and peers alike. There were many people whom I met through the school or the town that impacted my life in ways I would have never thought. Teachers like Mrs. Sears, Mrs. Corrigan, Mr. Comstock, and many others who all showed me the true value of our time in high school, the interactions we go through on a daily basis. No matter how excited I am to leave and move on with my life, there will always be a part of me that will miss the goofy, serious, genuine conversations and interactions with my teachers. Their words and positive actions have and will continue to change the way I think everyday. Before I say my final goodbyes, I cannot leave out the people who impacted my life the most. My friends. I couldn't have asked for better people to find through my time in my classes. I didn't always live in Yellow Springs, but by my first day in the district, I had already met people whom I knew I could never forget. I couldn't ask for anything more. To my classmates: WE DID IT!! YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 2 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 26 , 2022 5 Emporium Wines/Underdog Café Greene County Career Center Greene County Public Health O U R S P O N S O R S