
O U R S P O N S O R S JACK GRAY-CIRRINCIONE OWEN GUSTAFSON PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Trish and Dane Gustafson My time in YSHS was very enjoyable to say the least. I’ve made new friends every year since seventh grade. This school system has been the best school system that I know. I’m very grateful that the school is very friendly to all students, new and old. My favorite experience from YSHS was joining the National Honor Society. I will miss Yellow Springs when I graduate in May. DELIA HALLETT PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Miranda and Richard Hallett Have you ever found something on the ground in the Glen that made you darkly wonder how it got there, like a brassiere, or a pacifier? Things take on a special significance when people leave them behind. I’m leaving this town behind. CAMERON HARRIS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Angela and Jason Harris I can hardly believe my time in Yellow Springs schools is coming to an end. I moved to Yellow Springs and began attending McKinney in the seventh grade. My class of 2022 was the first to embark on the Into the Wild PBL bike ride. These genuine and authentic classroom experiences make me grate- ful for my Yellow Springs education. I am also appreciative of the hard work and support of the many teachers who provided me with these experiences, plus the small class sizes YS offered allowed teachers to get to know me as a student rather than a test score. I also value the friendships I have made at YSHS. Additionally, my time spent with my teammates and coaches on the soccer field and basketball court for Yellow Springs are also memories I will cherish. FOE! The only true thing that I wish could change in Yellow Springs would be to build a new school for the wonder ful teachers and students of YS! As a high school athlete, I visited many awesome school buildings, ath- letic stadiums, and gyms throughout the Dayton area. I wish the teachers, students, and athletes of Yellow Springs could learn and compete in such up-to- date and beautiful facilities like the ones we visited and feel that sense of pride in their school building. The future teach- ers and students deserve better! Lastly, I am incredibly grateful for my family, my Mom, Dad, and brother for all their support and love. I would be remiss if I didn’t also mention the unwavering support of my grandparents too; they have literally attended everything to cheer me on! After graduation, I am attending Miami University Oxford to major in computer science. I plan to continue to develop computer games, and I hope to improve my skills while studying at Miami to land a career that allows me to work at a place doing something I enjoy. KIRA HENDRICKSON PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Lori Kuhn, Karl Hendrickson Growing up in Yellow Springs I have had a love-hate relationship with this town. Now, going into town feels senti- mental: I remember hiding behind my mom in Tom’s when I saw someone I knew, or buying fresh croissants from the Emporium on the weekends. I think what I will take away most from my experience in Yellow Springs are the people. A number of my classmates I have known since kindergarten, and even preschool, and I have felt the community build overtime. I absolutely love the people in my grade, they are an amazing group that is compassionate, fierce, and driven. The teachers here are incredibly caring, and filled with passion. I have been inspired by their love for learning, and love of life. I will remember many of the teachers here simply for being kind all of the time and being beautiful people. Leaving YSHS, I am definitely ready to experience other places and people, but Yellow Springs and everyone here will always hold a special place in my heart. In the future of YSHS, I do hope to see more education on Black history and other cultures, the LGBTQ+ com- munity, along with destigmatizing mental health and creating an open environment to talk about it. Along with this, I’d like to see less censorship around these topics, due to the fact that censorship is constantly preventing awareness of these topics. AMELIA HURLEY PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Lisa Hurley I have a lot of anxiety, which has inevitably colored my time at Yellow Springs High School (YSHS). However, YSHS is likely the best school environ- ment for me. There have been several moments where I could step back and feel like I was making or doing something important, whether I was participating in a project or crafting an argumentative essay about some- thing I cared about. Most recently, this feeling of being a part of something greater than myself or a single moment occurred when I participated in the 2022 One Acts. The experience was long, tiring, and time-consuming, but when I spent hours with my peers on opening night, I suddenly felt real in a way that can get buried under hours of studying and homework. We had cre- ated something, not for a grade, but out of passion and community. YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 2 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 26 , 2022 7 Parker Realty Associates, Kami Berkey Re/Max Victory + Affiliates, Chris & Rick Kristensen Reichley Insurance Agency