
YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 2 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 26 , 2022 9 Tom’s Market Village Automotive The Winds Cafe HANNAH LITTELL PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Robin and Tim Littell I have lived in Yellow Springs for almost my entire life. Although I was not born here, this is where I grew up. Over the past fourteen years, I have been learning at Yellow Springs schools. To start off, all of the staff and administration at Mills Lawn and YSHS, have made the Class of 2022’s learning experiences very enjoyable. Teachers at both schools have made it clear that there is something special about our class. I want to give special thanks to Ms. Sears, and for our class being her first high school class she’s taught. She is a phenomenal teacher and will forever have an impact on my life. Next, I want to recognize Ms.Weinstein (Corrigan). Her teaching changed my life. She has inspired me to be a stronger learner and has shown me how to use my voice. She taught me the most valuable life lessons that I will take with me while I venture into my adulthood. Finally, I have to thank Mr. John Gudgel for being there when I was struggling. There are too many kind things I could say about Mr. Gudgel, but I’ll leave it at thank you for everything you did for me. After high school, I plan on attending Ohio State University to receive my bachelor’s in Interior Design. There better be a new school build- ing when I come back to visit. ZANDER LITTLE AALIYAH LONGSHAW PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Trish and Chauncey Longshaw My plans after graduating are to attend Clark State Community College for two years majoring in education. Then I will transfer to Wright State University to finish out my schooling and obtain my master’s degree. Then I plan on teaching at a nearby elemen- tary school. BENJAMIN McKEE PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Samuel and Celise McKee I remember back in middle school, sitting in Ms. Eastman’s B4 science class, thinking to myself something like “I may have a few good classes, but overall, being in school is going to waste the next five years of my life.” I miss that class. With the perspec- tive I have now, it was actually pretty good. I wish I hadn’t spent so much of high school being so bitter. I really am grateful for the teachers who have helped me along the way and tolerated me throughout high school, and to the friends I’ve made without whom I would not be here today. With all that said, my middle school self was right. Long live the Tree Clan. KAYELIN McKENZIE- FELTNER JAVAS McNAIR II HARPER MESURE PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Craig Mesure and Sylvia Ellison I am persevering! I am graduating from the Greene County Career Center Culinary pro- gram. I am a pizza chef at Giordano’s in Beavercreek. I will start Sinclair Col- lege Tartan TOPS / Culinary program in August. Thank you to my career center teach- ers, Lori Smith, and the fantastic four in Career X, Chef Hamdy, Miss Netherly, Mrs. Morris, Miss G, Coach Harden, Mr. Ar thur, Mr. Patterson, and Mr. DeLange. Thanks for the support from Kristen Lucas, Josh Welhener, Kathy Kleiser, Brenda, Cindy, Mary & Cheryl at driv- ing school, Phil Penrod, and everyone at Winds Cafe. And thanks to everyone at YSHS who supported me while I was at the career center. FREDERICK MUENCHAU- PETERSON O U R S P O N S O R S