
10 YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 3 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 19 , 2023 The Winds Cafe Yellow Springs Community Foundation Yellow Springs Hardware The lessons that I learned in high school have been some of the most valuable les- sons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. One of the most important things I learned is the importance of finding your people — those who share your values, interests and passions. These are the people who will support you through thick and thin and help you become the best ver- sion of yourself. Another lesson that I learned is to always be kind. No matter what challenges or setbacks you may face, treating others with kindness and respect can go a long way in creating positive relationships and building a strong support system. I also learned the value of surrounding yourself with people who value you. It’s easy to get caught up in trying to impress others or fit in with certain crowds, but ultimately, it’s important to be with people who appreciate you for who you are and bring out the best in you. Being true to who you are is another important lesson that I learned in high school. Don’t let other people define you. Staying true to yourself and your values can help you live a more authentic and fulfilling life. Finally, I learned the liberating lesson of moving on and not caring what others think of you. It can be difficult to let go of others’ opinions and judgments, but when you learn to focus on your own goals and aspirations, you can find a sense of free- dom and confidence that is truly empower- ing. I hope that others can learn from these simple guidelines and apply them in their own lives, as they have helped me to grow and become a better person, and I believe they can do the same for others. One thing that I have always appreciated about our town and school is the level of acceptance and inclusivity that has been fostered. Regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or any other factor, people were always treated with respect and kindness. I remember how hear t- warming it was to see students from differ- ent backgrounds and walks of life coming together to learn and grow, and how teach- ers and community leaders made a con- scious effort to create an environment of tolerance and understanding. This sense of acceptance and unity has undoubtedly had a positive impact on my life and the lives of many others, and it is something that I will always cherish. I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude to my teachers, friends and, above all, my family, for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout the years. You have been instrumental in shapingme into the person I am today. Your unwavering presence and care have been a constant source of comfort and strength. I am truly grateful for everything you have done for me and I will always cherish the time that we have shared together. Hey Ri, I just wanted to say thanks for being you — you always manage to put a smile on my face and make life more fun, and I’m so lucky to have you as my brother. The experiences and memories that I have made here will always hold a special place in my heart, and I am excited to see what the future holds for myself and my fellow graduates. Ultimately, what I value most about my time growing up in this town and attending Yellow Springs Schools is the sense of community and belonging that I have felt. I know that wherever life takes me, I’ll always carry with me the les- sons and memories from this special place. After graduating high school, I will be attending Otterbein University in Wester- ville, Ohio. My passion for medicine has led me to pursue a degree in pre-medicine, with the ultimate goal of becoming a sports medicine physician. As I prepare to leave this town and begin my new journey, I will always cherish the memories and lessons that have shaped me into the person I am today, and I am eager to see what the future holds. AZEL SCHINDEL PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Delphia Griswold and William Schindel Going to Yellow Springs High School has been very beneficial to me. I’ve been able to adapt and create my own interests and talents. I strongly appreciate every- one’s support and believe everyone should enjoy their time here at Yellow Springs. I will never forget the bonds and memo- ries I’ve made while attending Yellow Springs High School. The people here are one-of-a-kind and need to be acknowl- edged greatly. The kindness and welcom- ing nature are like no other. The projects and PBL have helped me explore my own ideas. I’ve been able to meet lifelong friends whom I would’ve never met with- out attending Yellow Springs. Let me list a few things about this high school I will never forget, asking myself, “Why other schools aren’t like this?” The late star t Wednesdays, Bike to School days, establishing connections with teach- ers. That’s what makes Yellow Springs so amazing. I value the traditions along with the culture of what makes Yellow Springs Yellow Springs. Life moves far too fast. The friends I’ve met and the connections I’ve made in Yellow Springs will follow me throughout the rest of my life, and this town has impacted me beyond what I can write here. The community cares about education and opening as many doors for students as possible. They volunteer, provide community service and send fund- ing for grants and scholarships. They all believe in each individual’s potential to be successful! Lastly, I would like to give a huge “thank you” to my teachers: Mrs. Morrison, for creating a balanced and safe area to do math in. Mr. Smith, who has believed in my success and made me feel valued; thank you for the connections you have helped me gain. Wouldn’t have been pos- sible without you. Mr. Hurwitz, for being so kind and always allowing people to think differently. Mr. Comstock, thank you for being such a nice human being and pushing me to be my best. Mr. Mayer, who has rooted for me and my creative journey consistently for the years I’ve taken band. He has always been there for me, through the good times and bad. I am very grateful for him as well. As I go on to find what I will pursue in life, I’ll be attending Sinclair Community College in the fall. “Victory and defeat, the bitter and the sweet, the Shallow and the deep.” — Jazz Liberatorz HENRY SMITH-HESTON PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Melissa Heston and Mary Kay Smith I enjoyed my time in the YS commu- nity. I truly believe the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” I have spent the past 18 years of my life in YS and enjoyed everything we have had to offer. We may be a small village, but we have had a large range of activities. I will always remember the Street Fairs and not being able to get from one place to the other. Having to ask around the community to see what is the quickest way to get around town. After graduation, I will be attending Wittenberg University, where I will be playing soccer and tennis and majoring in business and economics. I would like to give a few shout-outs to Mr. Gudge, Mrs. Hoover, Mrs. Morrison and the YSHS staff, YSMMS staff, and the YS coaches I’ve had over the years. O U R S P O N S O R S AUTUMN SORENSON PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Shannon Lewis and Joe Sorenson While short, my time at Yellow Springs has taught me many life lessons that I will value forever. My two years at YSHS have taught me the importance of true friend- ships, reliability and integrity. Coming to Yellow Springs, I expected to be welcomed with open arms — but instead, I was socially excluded from just about everything. However, one of the things that lived up to the expectations of Yellow Springs were the sports teams. While playing soccer and softball, I was able to experience that welcoming feeling I was looking for. My teams made me feel like I had a family outside of my own. Another positive that came out of trans- ferring to YSHS was reuniting with my middle school best friend, Halee. We have been inseparable since. After high school, I plan on going to a community college for two years, then transferring to a university. I plan to major in biology and pursue a career as a pediatric dentist. I am very grateful for my time at Yellow Springs, and I want to thank Mrs. Holly, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Morano, Jonina, Sarah, Ken, Halee, Henry, my mom, Benny, and the rest of my family for getting to know and understand who I truly am. Slay! HALEE SPARKS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Jamie Stanek and Ben Sparks As much as I would love to say that my Yellow Springs experience was amazing,