
and analyzing “Le Petit Prince,” which felt exceptionally life-changing. The fact that he left a great impact on both my parents’ high school experiences as well as mine feels extra special. I’ll be going to Columbia College Chi- cago to study graphic design starting this September. I’ve never been more terri- fied, and yet I am so beyond ecstatic to be moving on to everything else life can be — to meet all the people I haven’t met yet and do all the things I haven’t done yet and make all the best memories I have yet to experience. BELLA BLACKWELL PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Charlotte and Stephen McQueen Thank you so much to my wonderful friends and family, and the guidance coun- selors at YS for supporting me throughout my time here! I couldn’t have done it with- out you guys! MALCOLM BLUNT PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Toyln and Basim Blunt The biggest thing I learned from being a YS student is freedom and not being afraid to be yourself. After growing up in Yellow Springs, I left to go to school in a nearby city. Even from a distance, I still kept the Yellow Springs philosophy of open-mindedness. Everywhere I go, people tell me, “You have such an eccentric personality; where do you get it from?” To which I always reply: “My little hippie town of YS!” I hope I can always continue to carry that feeling. VIVIAN BRYAN PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Brooke and Carl Bryan My toddler years were barefoot, creek- ran, tree house building, bike peddling, wildly free, and safe. The longest distance it took to find a friend was a few blocks; traveling to Tom’s Market or Corner Cone would be our journey for that day. It took me moving to the countryside after spending my childhood years in town to fully understand Yellow Springs. I value the privacy in homesteading in the coun- try, the utter ability to blast music without bothering your nonexistent neighbors, and, most of all, the peace away from town phenomena. But continuing as a Yellows Springs stu- dent, I’ve felt the unexplainable and unsaid connection between my classmates, and over the years I’ve appreciated the abil- ity to notice the yearly small changes, building each one of my peers into young adults. There is so much to be said about growing up in a school system where I know just about every face I pass. There are particular townspeople who helped give me the backing of who I am today. I’ll never forget Ms. Reichert and Ms. Brunsman for teaching kindness andmusic, Mr. Gudgel for supporting my young mind, and Mr. May for his unique and exciting third-grade teaching. Sharing these experi- ences with the same people I will shortly be graduating with has been invaluable. Most of my high school mentors came from unusual places — coaches quickly became family, and ever y teammate I encountered was a friend. The biggest of shout-outs to the coaches in the vol- leyball program; you all are my family. Much appreciation to Mr. Smith for not only teaching French, but also philosophy, culture and big learning/thinking. And of course, shout-out to Mr. Comstock for the daily warm greetings, his smile and genu- ine interest in your well being felt even from behind a face mask. I have taken away many lessons from my time here, as we all know there were some off years and hard times, even some days this past year I’ve feared what will become of Yellow Springs High School. But I am content with my time here, ready to thank all of you and close this chapter. I look forward to this class’s future; I know we will go far and big, taking our unique and kind hearts with us. RICK CISLER PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Betty and Richard Cisler Even though I’m not from Yellow Springs, I have gone to YS since sixth grade. My first time in Yellow Springs, I was greeted by people and I knew it was going to be amazing. Yellow Springs is a very friendly place and I’m glad I was able to go to school here. I would like to thank all my teachers and my parents for helping me, and for being amazing people. I will miss everyone I met at YS and the times I had here. JOSHUA CLARK PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Tracy Hoagland-Clark, Mitchell Clark Growing up right outside of Yellow Springs and attending Yellow Springs Schools since the first grade, I have made lots of memories and friends along the way. The connections I’ve made from my first year at Mills Lawn have lasted up until this day and will last the rest of my life. I want to thank all of my friends and family for helping me throughout my journey up to this point, and for always supporting me and pushing me to do more and be the best I can be whether that may be in sports, school or life. There have been some truly memorable moments while attending YSHS: Being a part of the best soccer team in Yellow Springs history and making it all the way to state. Winning the conference in bas- ketball, and being able to play baseball for the high school while being coached by my dad. After graduating from YSHS, I will attend The Ohio State University, where I will be majoring in history. SOPHIE CLOUSE-TAYLOR PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Lori Clouse and Michael Taylor School was always challenging for me. I would just like to thank the following people who helped me along the way: Thank you, Ms. Miller, Ms. Riepenhoff, Mr. Gudgel, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Lowry, Ms. Hyatt, Ms. Corrigan, Ms. Sears and Kelli Lewis. I’d like to thank my friends and family. Thank you to everyone who helped me growing up. My plan for after high school is to work around the town until I find my passion. Congratulations to everyone in the 2023 class! OLIVE COOPER PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Maggie and Benjamin Cooper Yellow Springs has a knack for creating artists. Living here nearly my whole life, I’ve become accustomed to the creative, one-of-a-kind environment and I have felt the support of the whole community YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 3 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 19 , 2023 3 Black Pug Bike Repair Shelly Blackman, eXp Realty Coldwell Banker Heritage Minerva & Alex Bieri O U R S P O N S O R S