
O U R S P O N S O R S life. I’d like to thank my friends for accept- ing me as I am, and for having my back. Shout-out to Cheyan and Josie for being the coolest! My teachers have been so important in helping me achieve all that I can academi- cally, and for teaching me responsibility. The guidance that both Mr. Gudgel and Mr. Smith have provided, and the love they’ve shown me and my family, is very special. I’m very appreciative of them. Thanks to all of my coaches for making sports in Yellow Springs fun, and for teach- ing me that I am capable of overcoming obstacles and handling any challenge life throws at me. Special thanks to Donna Sil- vert for the love she has shown me. She is like a second mom to me. Thanks to Doug Jewell for inspiring me to be my strongest self. Doug has taught me that the weight room should be your friend, and that it can help you with many things in life. Thank you to the Hemmengers for letting me work for them. They’ve taught me many work skills that will be valuable in my adult life. Shout-out to The Linkharts for being like my second family. Kasey and Tyler are like sisters to me. We’ve had so many fun times together. Lastly, thank you to the entire Yellow Springs community for allow- ing me to be myself and grow up in the most supportive, safe and welcoming way. I wouldn’t trade my time here for anything. If I could change one thing about our school, I’d love for the future Bulldogs and faculty to be in a new school building where the environment is healthy and conducive to optimal student learning. My wish is that the students and faculty get what they deserve, in order to continue the legacy of being a progressive school district. After graduation, I will be attending The Ohio State University in the Dunn Schol- ars program, majoring in real estate with a minor in entrepreneurship. I hope to have lots of fun while staying on top of school, and continue to play sports and stay in shape — and, most importantly, stay close to my family, who I love so much. And don’t worry, I will be back. JASON KNEMEYER PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Stacey and Michael Knemeyer My t ime at Yel low Springs High School has been an experience that I will never forget. I have been given so many opportunities that have prepared me for my life after high school. My favorite memory from Mills Lawn was having Mrs. Brunsman for kindergarten because of her love of music. She would sing and play guitar and taught us so many songs. I’d also like to thank Mrs. Mabra for always putting a smile on my face and for pushing me to do my best. Thanks to Ms. Amin for helping me so much with math! When I moved up to the high school building, I’d have to say my favorite memo- ries were making presentations about my future in Ms. Weinstein’s class and learning about French baked goods in Mr. Smith’s class. I’d like to thank Mr. Smith for not only being an amazing teacher, but also for being such a nice guy. Thanks to Mr. Lowry for making science interesting and for taking an interest in what’s going on in my life. Thanks to Ms. Weinstein for helping me with college and giving me advice about Ohio State. Really, I’d like to thank all of my high school teachers, because if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be able to attend my dream school. Although project-based learning is controversial in Yellow Springs, I feel it has prepared me to work with my peers on group projects and has taught me how to take a leadership role. These skills will help me in college. On a personal note, growing up, I’ve had a problem with anxiety. If it wasn’t for the support of my teachers, and most impor- tantly Mr. Gudgel, I wouldn’t have devel- oped the skills to handle it. Mr. Gudgel is the single most important reason why I was able to deal with my problems and make it through the school day. I will remember him forever as being one of my biggest helpers. Playing sports in Yellow Springs has been a huge part of my life. I’d like to thank all of my coaches, especially in high school. Thanks to Coach Ben VanAusdal for teaching me that hard work pays off; and if you set your mind to something you can achieve anything. Thanks to Coach Nick Trimbach for showing me the importance of having a united team, and for teaching us that family is the most important thing. Thanks to Coach Stacey Knemeyer for pushing me and supporting me through tough tennis matches, giving me strategies to compete the best that I can. I would also like to thank our Athletic Director Jeff Eyrich for being so support- ive of all the athletes. Shout-out my friends for truly being the best! I have made a lot of life-long friends here in Yellow Springs and they will forever have a special place in my heart. They have always been there for me and I know they will continue to support me throughout the next chapter of my life, as I will for them. Lastly, my family has been a huge part of my life, pushing me to achieve my potential. I would like to thank my mom for being there for me whenever I needed help. She has supported me through the good and bad times. I’m so thankful for her. Thanks to my dad for teaching me that hard work is the way to achieve the things you want the most. He is my big- gest role model, and works very hard for my family. I will never forget the lessons I’ve learned through his guidance. Thanks to my brother, Augie, for being my hero. Anytime I needed to talk, I could reach out to him. He is such an amazing brother. But more than that, he’s my best friend. Thanks to my brother Ethan for always being by my side. It’s not easy being my twin brother, but he handles it really well. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better than him to grow up beside. Thanks to my grandma, Melva, for having her door open for me. Whenever I go over she makes me a meal even if I’m not hungry. She’s the best grandma. Thank you to Donna Silvert for basically being my second mom. She has given me good advice and is my big- gest fan. I loved spending summer days in her pool, and playing tennis together at Antioch. Last, but certainly not least, thanks to my Yiayia Jean and my Grandpa Mike. Unfortunately, they won’t be able to see me graduate, but I know they will forever be supporting me and guiding me through my life. I hope I’ve made them proud. I plan on attending The Ohio State Uni- versity in the fall, studying sports industry in the Dunn Scholars Program. Thank you, Yellow Springs community, for the count- less memories and opportunities you’ve given me. And don’t worry, I will be back. THEO KNICKERBOCKER PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Dawn and Heath Knickerbocker I moved to Yellow Springs in the middle of seventh grade and it’s been an excellent experience due to its small scale. I think that going to a smaller high school has been much better than if I had had to go to a large high school since I can get better help from the faculty and I don’t have to memorize nearly as many people. I am very fortunate to have gone to this school since all the teachers are very nice and helpful. JAYMON LANGE PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Nikki and Doug Lange I want to give a shout out to Mr. Hatert and Ms. Feola for not getting me in trouble when I would do stupid stuff. Also a huge shout-out to Coach Phil for making me push till the end with school and sports. Mr. Johnston would basically help me through school problems, life problems — basically anything you need. Ms. Morano has been like a second mom to me since the day I came to this school; she is one of the best people I have met here at Yellow Springs High School. Last but not least, Mr. Eyrich, for making sports at Yellow Springs the best he could, and he is a great person. And Ms. Corrigan — she is like a mom to me, too, and she will help you till you are annoyed; she wants nothing but good stuff for every student here. Also friends. JULIETTA LIBERATO My time at Yellow Springs has mostly been a pleasant experience. I can’t say I’ve ever loved school, but I have enjoyed my time walking the halls of Yellow Springs High School. I have enjoyed my time — it’s nice to walk around downtown, especially when the weather is nice. I liked volunteer- ing at the Glen for my senior project; it was a little slow during the winter when things were cold and dead. But when the season was nice, I enjoyed working with the other volunteers. I enjoyed doing “Five Scripts” because I got to connect with people and make a YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 3 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 19 , 2023 7 Rick & Chris Kristensen Reichley Insurance Agency Sage Strings, Marna Sage