
10 YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 4 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 17 , 2024 Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center Yellow Springs Community Foundation Yellow Springs Hardware SYDNEY ROBERTS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Amy Hernandez and Michael Roberts I’ve always been a big ol’ nerd and loved school. Ever since I was little I loved learning, so school was a place where I could do that. But I loved school for so many other rea- sons. Most of those reasons were people. I love the class of 2024. I love my friends especially, but the entire graduating class, which I have shared so much of growing up with, is so important to me. I moved to Yellow Springs in fifth grade, when much of the class had been in school together since kindergarten. Despite this and the small class size, I never felt othered by the people around me. Through the years I migrated between friend groups before finally finding the people I fit with, but during that time I always felt supported and cared for by the people in my class. I think — no, I know I could share at least one good memory that I have shared with everyone in the class. Whether it was just one conversation or a years-long friendship. I have noth- ing but a deep appreciation and love for the people I am going to graduate with. Without the support from so many close friends, peers, and classmates, I would not be the person I am today. I am so blessed to get to graduate with people who I appreciate so much. I want to end- lessly thank every single one of the people who have touched my life, and tell every single person what they mean to me. How the one run- ning joke we had meant so much, how our shor t-lived friendship changed me so much, or how I wish we could have been closer. In the end, I love every single person who I have gotten the pleasure of shar- ing a school with. Thank you all. My love of school was also so entirely fostered by my teachers. All through my school years, I have had teachers who have encouraged me to pursue my interests, learn more, and be myself. I have always found so much comfort and encour- agement from my teachers and mentors at school. I want to thank Mrs. Sears, first of all, I will never have a teacher like her ever in my entire life. Mrs. Lutz has always been so compassionate and caring, especially when I need it. Mr.Day, whose classes always kept me inter- ested and wanting to learn more, and for being the burliest person I’ll ever meet. Mrs.Corrigan, the full moon to my werewolf. I guess Mrs.Fickert. Señor Sidner, el mejor profesor del mundo. Mrs.Sparrow- Knapp helped me find myself, fueled my passions through all my years of school and has helped me more than anyone (even she) will ever know. All of these teachers and many many others at this school have helped me not only become the best version of myself but have helped me to achieve countless accomplishments and really believe in myself. I cannot imagine the person I would be without my time at Yellow Springs, but I know I would not like her as much as I like myself. I have just been so fortunate for the upbringing I had, getting to grow up in such a wonderful town and be supported by such amazing people. I will be going to Kent State and majoring in glass studio arts. KELLEN SCOTT PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Amy and Evan Scott My time at YSHS has been toler- able. I think the biggest challenge was maintaining motivation to actually be there; that is evident in my attendance this past year. A highlight of the schools are the teachers. I would like to give shout out to Mr. Bleything. He has always had the most interesting classes, and was able to teach them in a way that was enjoyable. He was able to balance a friendship with the role as an educator well. However, I think there’s an imbalance for a lot of other teachers. This brings me to my next prompt. I hope for future generations that the Yondr pouches will be removed from the school system. I think it’s a useless and flawed system. The one and only reason YSHS felt that needed to implement them was because cer tain teachers have a lacking ability to discipline or lead a classroom. Many teachers over- value their personal relationships with students. They do not set their own rules about phones or punish students who disobey any given rules. Yondr pouches allow teach- ers to have no choice in the matter. Teachers no longer feel respon- O U R S P O N S O R S sible. This fault in the teacher/ student dynamic led to an unneces- sarily strict rule that deprives stu- dents from very important things. Students can no longer be in imme- diate contact with their parents or use their phone for school work. Many art classes require photos to be taken and used for reference. Whether or not they’re aware of this issue, I’m not sure. I’ve learned from my experiences that solving issues is better done working “up stream” to solve the root of the problem — the teachers. Yondr pouches are not working upstream. In August of 2024, I am going to the University of Cincinnati to study architecture. I am excited to see my friends who are also attending UC, and what they end up pursuing themselves. ISAIAH SEARCH PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Stacy Daniels, Jon Search I really enjoyed my time at this school. I feel like I have a good con- nection with the teachers and that has really helped me to be more comfortable and to be myself. I am really grateful for every teacher to push me to be my best. I’m even grateful for the lunch staff and jani- tors I feel like I’ve connected with and can talk to and have a conversa- tion with. I’m grateful for the friends I’ve