
YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 4 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 17 , 2024 11 made here. Although there is a fair share of drama in high school, everyone is just young and grow- ing and I’m grateful I got to grow with the group of people I’ve been around since coming to this district in the first grade. Basketball was my favorite thing about my time here, the connections I’ve made with coaches and other students, the connections I’ve made with each class of seniors is something I will always be grateful for. It felt like a family playing under Coach Trimbach, Coach Cam, Coach Phil and I couldn’t have asked for a better coaching staff and humans to play for. Baseball was something I enjoyed probably more then anything — the freedom, the bonds, being outside, the dugouts, the bus rides — it’s all so much fun. Coach Mitch is an amazing human and coach and he welcomed me into his program for my first year ever touching a baseball and bat and allowed me to be a part of the var- sity group and I will always be grate- ful, the memories of that season are something I’ll never forget, my first ever hit, my first ever score, my first base hit, my first catch, catch- ing someone out and a really tight play-off game. All the memories I will never forget and I will always be grateful for Coach Mitch for allow- ing me to be a part of his program. lage itself for all of my remembered life, my time in Yellow Springs Schools has been on and off, punc- tuated by stretches in other school districts and cities. It’s been a long road to get here and I truly wouldn’t be graduating without my parents. I also want to thank Mrs. Haller, Mrs. Corrigan, Mr. Johnston and Mrs. Morano from the school for their support over the years, and Nurse Gen- evieve for all the times she’s helped me since she came here. I’m profoundly grateful for grow- ing up in Yellow Springs, and while I plan to stay here and commute to college for the next year or two, it makes me sad to know that I’ll eventually have to leave. At the end of the day, nothing can replace my experience here. FOSTER SHIRKEY PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Forrest Shirkey and Heather Schroeder. NEVAEH SINGH GABRIELA SKIDMORE PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Laura and Seth Skidmore Although I’ve lived in the town- ship of Yellow Springs and the vil- BELLA SLONAKER NEVAEH SMITH PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Shirley Smith My time at Yellow Springs High school has been an experience starting off with freshman year. We had to have school online due to COVID, and that was a interesting moment. We basically had no inter- action with each other and were not really in class, just mostly sleeping. The next years progressed and we started going back to school and making moments that I will never forget, and certainly my other class- mates won’t either. After high school I will be going to the Navy in June. I am both excited and nervous for the change. My job will be in aviation and will be in Florida. Yellow Springs Home, Inc. Yellow Springs Library Association Yellow Springs Police Department O U R S P O N S O R S