
GAGE BRINSON ISABEL BROWN PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Robert Brown Hey guys, my name is Isabel Brown; today we will be looking at my time at Yellow Springs High School. At my time at YSHS I have learned many valuable and not valuable things and gained many of experiences I will never forget, that’s for sure. I actually don’t mind this school. This place made me better at being openly gay, and now I can’t go back. I like being gay. In the future I will be gayer thanks to this school. I will continue to spread my happy queerness amongst my peers and make America gay again. I shall do this within the art of theater, the gayest of professions I could go into. The people at Bowling Green State University, my next place of resi- dence, shall be the first to be sub- jected to this. I am grateful for our theater program that has exposed me to many people I could look at as examples for the type of actor and director I want to be with my degree in acting and directing. I am grateful for all my gay friends who helped make me who I am today and give me more confidence to be who I are. Be who you are for your pride. Overall my experience here has been goated, 10/10 would recom- mend. That’s all for today folks, it’s time for me to log off. Thanks for watching. Be sure to like and sub- scribe and smash that notification button. Until next time, chat. Bye Bye :3 Cool outro music. ANTONIO CHAITEN PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Jodi Chaiten and Corinne Daprano I went to The Antioch School through sixth grade and then Stivers for middle school. Coming back to Yellow Springs for high school was a great decision for me because I was able to play soccer and basketball with my club teammates. I want to thank all my coaches, teachers, friends and community members who were there to sup- port me along the way. You know who you are! After graduation, I will be attend- ing Spire Academy to play on the post graduate basketball team and then will attend college to study sport management while being a collegiate athlete. OTTO CIPOLLINI PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Kendra and Don Cipollini My experience at Yellow Springs Schools has been a fantastic 13 years. I’ve made lifelong friends. I have learned important career- focused values from my teachers. I’ve found a love for theater and basketball throughout my middle/ high school years. I’ve had great core memories that I know I will never forget and I will forever miss the old buildings I used to wander. I especially love the people. I love my community. MATHEW CIRRINCIONE PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Craig Cirrincione and Judy Berry With all the time I spent at Yellow Springs High School, the only thing I’m going to miss is going to be fall- ing asleep for three periods every day. KAEL COONEY PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Matt Cooney and Jen Boyer I’ve enjoyed my time in Yellow Springs and the YS school system. The community is great, but not as liberal as we sometimes see our- selves. This was something I started to notice after seeing all the backlash to the school levy over the years, despite the clear need for a new building. However, I’m grateful that there will be a new building that my younger brother and other future students will be able to experience. I’m also grateful that the school moved away from project-based learning. PBL was fun, especially in elementary school, and it taught me valuable skills, but I think it was flawed and neglected actual learn- ing, which I noticed more in middle school. I’d like to say “thank you” and wish luck to all my classmates in the future with whatever they choose to pursue. I would also like to thank all my teachers and specifically John Gudgel for making my school expe- rience special. He’s a great guy and has made a big impact on me and the community as a whole. Next year I’ll be attending Ohio State University to study pharmacy science to become a pharmacist. 4 YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 4 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 17 , 2024 Current Cuisine Dunphy Real Estate, Jo, Sheila & Teresa Emporium Wines and the Underdog Cafe O U R S P O N S O R S