
ALISHA COWEN PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Crystal Grieshop and Johnny Cowen Growing up in Yellow Springs is an experience you won’t get anywhere else, and for that, I am grateful. I have enjoyed my time at YS Schools as I have met a lot of amazing people and made great memories. I would like to thank all of the incredible YS Schools teachers and staff members for all their support over the years. I am thankful for the positive impact you all have had on my life. ❤ In the fall, I will be attending col- lege to study early childhood educa- tion and plan to become a teacher. CAMILA DALLAS-GONZALEZ PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Paloma Dallas and Juan-Sí González Graduating high school brings a mix of relief and anticipation as I end a chapter of my life that was filled with anxiety and deadlines. While others may reminisce fondly about their high school years, mine were filled by challenges and moments of uncertainty. Yet, amidst the discomfort, there’s a satisfac- tion in knowing that I’ve persevered through it all. I have never and will never say that I enjoyed high school, yet though I don’t say it often, I am very grateful for all I have been able to experience since moving back. Growing up in Yellow Springs taught me resilience and the impor- tance of embracing my individuality in a world that often seeks confor- mity. It’s a place that will forever hold a piece of my heart, and sanc- tuary of memories that shaped my childhood and continue to inspire me as I journey through life. This place has allowed me to meet and reconnect with the most incred- ible, genuine people I have ever known. It’s a very surreal feeling to be at the end, and to stand with the people you have known since child- hood, then to wish them goodbye. Yellow Springs High School is a very unique place — take that as you will, but without this town I wouldn’t be me. I am heartbroken about leaving my people, my for- ever family; but I am excited for the new life I will be able to live in Chicago. Leaving behind the halls where I struggled to find my place, I am excited to discover new paths and forge my identity beyond the confines of familiar routines. Graduation represents more than just the end of an era; it’s a stepping stone towards a future where I have the freedom to carve out my own path, leaving high school behind me. Growing up in Yellow Springs wasn’t just about finding my place in the world. It was about discovering the beauty in diversity, the power of community, and the freedom to dream without limits. CHARLOTTE DAVIS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Joelle and Rick Davis Yellow Springs High School is a weird place. We’ve stopped class to get a bird out of the classroom, painted murals in classrooms, made noodles in class, turned my friends into unicorns with hair ties, etc. I love my friends, as well as my teachers, and have many memories here. Stevie Fickert is one of the best teachers I’ve ever had and she’s been an inspiration in who I’ve become as a person throughout high school. I loved AP bio with Mrs. Eguaroje duringmy junior year, and I loved our fun labs and meeting people I would not have grouped up with in other classes. This school has shown me how to socialize with new people and to have fun at school while learning. I plan to go to college next year for medicine and I hope that with all the work that goes along with that, I still have fun and enjoy school. And yes, I knowMs. Fick wants me to go to school for art so maybe I’ll minor in it or something. So, bye everyone, sorry for talk- ing for four years straight. SCOUT ESPINOSA PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Casey and Eric Espinosa I’m really glad I got to grow up here and be encouraged to be artistic and independent. Graduating is a very surreal feeling. I don’t feel like I’m fully ready yet but I’m excited to expe- rience new things outside of this town. I want to thank all of my teach- ers for helping me throughout my time here at Yellow Springs, the most influential being Ms. Amin, Mr. Comstock, Mrs. Corrigan, Mr. Day, Mrs. Fickert, Mrs. Holly, Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Sears. I also want to thank my parents and my friends, Ben, Dorian, Elaina, Siobhan and Sydney, for supporting me. I am very grateful I’ve gotten to learn and grow up with them. I plan on attending the University of Cincinnati in the fall. —THE coolest student from the class of 2024 YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 4 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 17 , 2024 5 eXp Realty, Shelly Blackman Greene County Career Center Greene County Public Health O U R S P O N S O R S