
GABRIELLE FLORENCE ISSAC GRUSHON PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Matt and Erika Grushon Since I’ve always gone to school in Yellow Springs, it would be unfair to compare the education here to anywhere else. In terms of commu- nity, I appreciate the inclusiveness that YSHS brings to the area. I think that I have experienced a better variety of interactions because we allow kids to be whoever they want to be, which is something that you don’t see at every school. The envi- ronment is really comfortable and I was never afraid to come into the building. I don’t think I would be as under- standing or welcoming of so much diversity if I grew up anywhere else, which I’m grateful for. I look around my classes and I feel a sense of family when I gaze over the faces of my peers. Most of these people I’ve grown up with, struggled with, solved problems with, and botched presentations with for the last 13 years of my life. These people know me. They know my tendencies and triggers, they know my hobbies and what makes me laugh. These people are part of my family. I love these people, and if there’s one thing that I’m most thankful to Yellow Springs for giving me, it’s all of these people. JACK HORVATH PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Karla and Jon Horvath After graduating, I aspire to become actively involved in a Com- munist Party. As a committed advo- cate for communist ideals, I aim to contribute to meaningful social change in America by collaborat- ing with like-minded individuals and organizations dedicated to this cause. For too long, many have felt the weight of the current capital- ist system, and it’s clear that the time has come for transformative change in America. We need a new approach that prioritizes the well- being and dignity of all our citizens, fostering a society that truly reflects collective needs and aspirations. The time will come when the working class will rise against our oppressors and create a new soci- ety designed for the vast majority. Gone will be the days of American capitalist imperialism crushing and exploiting nations less for tunate than our own. Gone will be the days of the American capitalist sucking every penny out of the working class. We cannot sit idly by and watch as our government destroys the lives of people in Gaza and we cannot sit idly by as our government is used as a tool by the Capitalist to exploit our workers. LILY KIBBLEWHITE PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Molly Lunde and Lee Kibblewhite I have been a Yellow Springs stu- dent since I was in the Montessori school across the street from Mills Lawn in the church. I graduated from YSHS with many of the people I learned the ABCs with this spring. That sums up how close and con- nected a village like Yellow Springs is and the difference you get with the people here. I enjoy seeing many of my ele- mentar y school teachers walk- ing around Yellow Springs. I like being able to buy bread from the former French teacher and current librarian on early farmers market Saturdays. All of these things are extremely unique to the community of Yellow Springs and I will forever be grateful that I had such a lovely launch pad of a town. I would also like to show appre- ciation for all of my teachers, from Mrs. Denman’s kindergarten class to the AP lit English class I took with Ms. Lutz this year. However, I am also grateful that a new school is finally being built. After too many practices invaded by bats, leaking ceilings, and boiling assemblies in our un-airconditioned gym, this long overdue renovation will be greatly appreciated. I would like to mention the Yellow Springs employers I have worked for, Nadia Malarkey, Matt Kirk, and my mother and father, who own Asanda Imports. Also all of the children I’ve gotten the chance to babysit. I am thankful for all of my wonder- ful family members, but in particu- lar my aunt, Aimee, for helping me with all of my college stressors. I’m thankful for my mom and dad, and all of my friends this year. Overall, Yellow Springs and YS schools have been pretty great and I’m excited to extend my studies at Miami Univer- sity this fall. ELLA LAWS PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Ericka Crosley I regard coming to Yellow Springs as one of the best decisions I have ever made. Even though I came here in ninth grade, I quickly felt like I was part of the community. I learned how to be more accepting of new things and I feel like this place has made me the person I want to be. I have had so many opportuni- 6 YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 4 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 17 , 2024 Kettering Health, Community Physicians of Yellow Springs Lamm’s Insurance Agency, Jerome Borchers Miami Valley Educational Computer Association (MVECA) O U R S P O N S O R S