
8 YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 4 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 17 , 2024 The Antioch School The Chris K Group, Re/Max Victory, Rick & Chris Kristensen, Tyler Morton & Shannon Fleming The Winds Cafe SAMUEL MILLER PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Jyoti and David Miller I am very grateful that I got to spend all my life going to Yellow Springs schools. One of my favorite parts of attend- ing school here was the project- based learning. I enjoyed collabo- rating with friends and teachers. I am also very grateful for my teacher and the care and effort that they put into their jobs to make Yellow Springs such a welcoming and friendly place. My favorite memory from high school would have to be being on the 2022 soccer team and making history for our school. It wasn’t just about making history but also about the lifelong friendships and brother- hood the sport brought me. As an athlete, one thing I would like to see change at our schools is the facility in which our athletes play. There are many people who have influenced me and pushed me to be the person that I am today. I would like to thank my parents and my brother for being my biggest sup- porters and helping me through school and sports. I would also like to thank Coach Nick Trimbach for being more than just a basketball coach; he was a mentor and friend and taught me life lessons such as perseverance and what being a leader means. I want to thank my friends for being supportive and always being there for me. Finally, I want to thank Greg Ali for being a work mentor and for teaching me useful skills that I can use for the rest of my life. After high school, I plan to attend Wright State University, majoring in nursing. I hope to continue to play sports throughout college and to stay in good shape. I am very grateful I went to spend my time at Yellow Springs, but I am excited to see what my future holds. MAXWELL MORANO PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Shannon and Nicolas Morano School wasn’t for me and neither was yours, but thank you all for trying. MYA MURCHIE PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Magdelyn and Neosha Broady I came here in fifth grade and it was more accepting than any of the other schools I’ve been to. In the fifth grade I never believed that I would make it this far or accomplish what I have. I think my greatest accomplishment was putting the Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration together; I hope it becomes a tradition at the high school. There was so much effort put into it between Ms. Maya and my other peers, but I’mso glad that many enjoyed it! I think the most influential teachers at the high school are Ms. Fickert, Ms. Corrigan, Ms. Holly, Ms. Lutz, and Ms. Eguaroje. I’m not sure I would be where I’m at without the help of these amazing teachers. I’ve grown a lot while at the school. I’ve gained friends and I’ve lost some, but without these moments I wouldn’t be who I am today. I’m commited to Kettering College, where I’ll study medical sonography! I’m excited to embark on new beginnings : ) PEPPER NAZIRI PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Micah and Shante Naziri My time here was probably better than it would’ve been at other schools. I’ve gone here since the second quarter of kindergarten or something, and although it’s not always been the best, I think a lot of things could’ve been worse if at a big school. I feel like the classes are better than they would be at a school with, like, 1,000 or more students; the teachers can know the students and can teach more mean- ingful lessons and stuff. Anyway, I don’t know what to write about anymore; everything post-elementary school has been strange, some good some bad. Theater has been fun; every time I’ve been involved in it since middle school has been fun. Last year’s were probably the best for me; before being involved in them I hadn’t had friends here since before the pandemic, but being involved with the tech and stuf f helped and now I do. Senior year, I didn’t manage things correctly and all the work was way more than I imag- ined, especially the senior project. Other than that, I’m glad this is the school I got to go to; definitely could’ve been better but would’ve been worse most other places. Yay! Also, after I graduate, I don’t have any firm plans. Not going to college, or if I do, I won’t for a while, so I’m going to work and figure it out I think. OK, the end. JERICO ORTIZ-THORNTON PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Maria Thornton Growing up in Yellow Springs and going to school here was an experience I am extremely grate- ful for. The size of the school and being lucky enough to keep the same friend group most of my life O U R S P O N S O R S