
YELLOW SPR I NGS H I GH SCHOOL C L A S S O F 2 0 2 4 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE YE L LOW SPR I NGS NEWS | MAY 17 , 2024 9 Unfinished Creations Village Automotive Yellow Springs Chiropractic, Erika Grushon & Katherine Hulbert helped me feel more connected to my community. I have been going to Yellow Springs since preschool and am excited to graduate in the same place I started. My mom has always been my biggest supporter throughout what- ever I do; she inspires me to stay positive and abundant everyday. As a student athlete myself I would love to see Yellow Springs schools work towards better facili- ties and opportunities for our ath- letes. I have personally seen change for the better year by year and I would love for that to continue. I plan on attending a trade school and starting to build a foundation for my future. I am excited to gradu- ate and seek new opportunities for myself; I once again thank Yellow Springs for the knowledge and experiences. KY OWEN KRYSTAL PRICE . KYLE RAYMER PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Michael and Delia Raymer I’ve lived In Yellow Springs my entire life. I went to Mills Lawn, McKinney, and then YSHS. This community has done its best to raise me as someone they are proud of. I never felt like I was that person. From the first time I had an opinion of my own to now, I always felt like if I spoke my mind to the people around me, I would be ridiculed. Looking back, I dislike the way I was in middle school; I assumed that people who weren’t already my friends would not like me, so I decided not to like them. In my freshman year I met my girl- friend, Ahsha Jackson. The signs she liked me were obvious, but I never realized. I always thought I’d wait until after high school to date because I assumed there was no girl at YSHS I could be myself with. That was until Ahsha asked me to go to homecoming three years ago. I’ve changed much for the better since freshman year. Having my girlfriend’s love with me wherever I am has made me less concerned about how others think of me. She has brought me closer to God, and made me sure of what I want from my future. The man I am now is not the boy I was before. Although I still struggle with staying true to myself in front of those around me, I no longer am afraid of persecution for my beliefs. Sometimes I wonder, if in the past, I was simply imagining conse- quences for things I might say. How- ever, I do believe that acceptance of other viewpoints is something that this community needs to work on. “Republican,” “conservative,” and even “Christian,” are often used as insults at YSHS. In the fall I will be attending Wright State for aviation. I wish to become an airline pilot and fly pas- senger jets and to start a family. I’d like to give the biggest thanks in the world to my Mom and Dad. They have been the best role models anyone could have ever wished for, and I am so privileged to have them as my parents. I would also like to thank Mr. Bleything, Mr. Gudgel, Mr. Hurwitz, Mr. Lowry, Mr. Mayer, and again my girlfriend Ahsha. Thanks to her dog Romy, too. Overall, I would not change any fraction of my time growing up here, good or bad. Every moment has made me who I am today, and for that I would trade nothing. DEREK REED JR. O U R S P O N S O R S