Ohio LWV Voters Guide 2020

ELECTION 2020 VOTERS GUIDE November 2020 7 Ohio Supreme Court Justice Vote for 1 Term Beginning 1/1/2021 QUESTION #1 : What about your non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge? QUESTION #2: Why are you running for this particular court seat? SHARON L. KENNEDY* BIO: Juris Doctor, University of Cincinnati, College of Law 1991; Bachelor Degree of Social Work, University of Cincinnati, School of Social Work, 1984. Justice, Supreme Court of Ohio, 2012-Present; Administrative Judge/Judge, Butler County Common Pleas Court, Domestic Relations Division, 1999-2012; Attorney at Law, General Practice, 1991-1998; Magistrate & Warrant Officer, Butler County Area Courts, 1995-1998; Warrant & Compliance Officer,Butler CountyJuvenile Court,1996-1997; Special Counsel,Ohio Attorney General Betty D.Montgomery,1995-1998. ANSWER #1: My non-judicial experience informs my judicial experience and I draw upon that experience everyday as a justice at the Supreme Court of Ohio. I began my career in the justice system as a police officer in the City of Hamilton enforcing the law and keeping the peace. I left law enforcement to attend law school and served as a law clerk in the Court of Common Pleas,General Division for Judge Matthew J. Crehan drafting memos and opinions for motions to dismiss and motions for summary judgment. Serving as a solo practitioner, I practiced law in a wide-array of areas including, but not limited to, criminal, domestic relations, probate, and juvenile in both the trial courts of Butler County and the Twelfth District Court of Appeals. During that time I also served as Special Counsel for Attorney General, Betty D. Montgomery and a part-time Magistrate in the Butler CountyArea Courts hearing civil cases. In 2019 the docket of the Ohio Supreme Court of Ohio included the following case types: 48.8% criminal; 21.8%miscellaneous; 17.5% civil; 7% practice of law; 4.9% domestic relations, juvenile,and probate. ANSWER #2: I am seeking re-election to the Ohio Supreme Court to continue my service to the people of Ohio – applying the law equally – in a fair and impartial manner providing a definitive statement of law in a clear and concise decision. In addition, I seek to continue my work beyond the bench, including but not limited to, my Lean Forward initiative which advances substance abuse and mental health treatment of justice-involved veterans, civic education about the importance of our tripartite system of government and the role of the judicial branch in that government and the availability of employment opportunities for women and minorities in the law, continuing to write and present legal education programs on important issues like professionalism and cultural consciousness, and my work to expand the reach of problem solving courts by incorporating programs like Bridges Out of Poverty and growing holistic re-entry programs. JOHN O’DONNELL BIO: Cleveland St.Joseph High School, Miami (O.) University; Cleveland Marshall College of Law; Legal work experience: Civil trial attorney 1993-2002 and 2005-2007; Judge, Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas,2002-2005 and 2007-present. ANSWER #1: I was a civil trial attorney who was in court almost every working day for approximately 10 years. ANSWER #2 : The Ohio Supreme Court decides issues affecting everyone on a wide variety of subjects: constitutional law; education; collective bargaining; employer/employee rights; civil rights; utility rates; criminal law; commerce; legislative districting and others. I want to bring to these issues an independent perspective, informed by practical experience and the law,to decide these cases for the common good of all Ohioans. Ohio Supreme Court Justice Vote for 1 Term Beginning 1/2/2021 QUESTION #1: What about your non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge? QUESTION #2: Why are you running for this particular court seat? JENNIFER BRUNNER BIO: J.D. Capital University Law School, Order of the Curia; B.S. Sociology-Gerontology, Miami University, Cum Laude, Court of Appeals Judge since 2014; Franklin County Common Pleas Court Judge 2000-2005; Secretary of State of Ohio 2007-2011; 17 years private law practice; Adjunct professor for graduate law enforcement program forTiffin University. ANSWER #1: My 17 years private practice experience with people from all walks of life has helped me better understand how the law affects people, in a wide variety of life situations. To be a lawyer is a calling to serve society and to uphold and protect the rule of law. I have worked for clients ranging from economically disadvantaged single mothers to one who was running for president.My private law practice experience includes trial and appellate work for clients in common pleas and appellate courts and The Ohio Supreme Court and I am admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court. I started my own law firm from the corner of my bedroomwhen our children were 7, 4 and 2, growing it to 32 people after ten years. Other experience includes serving asgeneralcounselforacomputerfirmandatradeassociation,servingascampaign finance counsel for numerous state and local labor unions, corporations, national and state associations, candidates, caucuses and political action committees on state and federal election law, and representing neighborhood groups and developers on zoning, referendum and initiative election issues. Past experience also includes representing judges and judicial candidates before the Supreme Court concerning compliance with the Code of Judicial Conduct. Hold experience in drafting state legislation and administrative rules in areas of election law, local option elections, campaign finance, and ethics laws. Served as administrative partner of law firm. ANSWER #2: I chose to run for the Ohio Supreme Court for three reasons: First, I want to be a part of a court that ensures that the first decision interpreting the state constitution’s new provisions for fair districts for Congress and the Ohio General Assembly, when challenged — and they will be — is fair and according to state constitutional requirements. As Secretary of State, my office sponsored a public contest to draw districts to show we could end gerrymandering. We used a formula that served as a basis for developing the state constitution’s formula for fair districts. We proved it could be done. Nothing is more basic to the health of Ohio’s democracy than fair districts,and I want to participate in any review of that process occurring after the 2020 census. I want to use my experience to the benefit of the court and the people of the State of Ohio. Second, there are important issues such as when a police office can make an individual get out of their car, under what circumstances criminal records can be expunged, when someone’s home can be taken through foreclosure or when is it appropriate for legislative caps on damages (such as rape of a child by a trusted pastor) to be overcome. These issues are just a few that affect everyday people in Ohio, though many citizens often don’t realize how much they are affected by just the words of the state’s highest court. Third,I have found that when there is a political balance on an appellate court,there is less a tendency to“group think.”Better decisions are likely to emerge when they involve the give-and-take ofviews and the softening of others through reasoned and respectful discussion and decision making. Currently, the political balance of the state’s high court is a state of unbalance with 5 Republicans and 2 Democrats. A 4-3 balance would, in my view, create some of the best decisions possible from the court. I hope to help provide that balance with my election. JUDI FRENCH* BIO: B.A. (Political Science); M.A. (History); J.D. (Lawwith honors),The Ohio State University. Justice, Ohio Supreme Court (2013-present); Judge, Tenth District Court of Appeals (2004- 2012); Chief Legal Counsel to the Ohio Governor (2002-2004); Assistant Attorney General/Chief Counsel to the Attorney General of Ohio (1997- 2002); Chief Legal Counsel, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (1993-1997); Associate Counsel, Steelcase, Inc.(1993);Associate,PorterWright Law Firm (1988-1993). ANSWER #1: For more than two decades, I have dedicated my career to public service. Before becoming a judge, I had served as chief legal counsel to the governor,an assistant attorney general,and a state government lawyer.Those years in public service are critical to my understanding of state laws, my adherence to constitutional limitations, and my commitment to careful and efficient decision making on behalf of all Ohioans. I also have legal experience in the private sector, having worked in a law firm and a large manufacturing corporation. That private experience helps me understand the practical impact of our decisions and appreciate the impact of our judicial rules and procedures. Finally,asthedaughterofaschoolteacher,IappreciatemyOhiorootsandeducation, and I am committed to using my voice as a Justice to be a part of civic education in Ohio.Ispeakfrequentlytostudents,educators,andcivicorganizations.Sincetaking office, I have traveled to all 88 counties (I am on my fifth time around), and I have met with individuals, organizations, businesses, and local leaders, all in an effort to serve them better. If reelected, I will continue that level and method of service. ANSWER #2: I first aspired to be a justice because it offers interesting, challenging, and meaningful work that serves the public interest. I aspire to be reelected to the office because I want to continue that work, both on and off the bench. As a justice, I am able not only to bring attention to needs within the legal profession, the judiciary, and the public as a whole, but also to advocate for change to meet those needs. In particular, during my next term, I intend to continue the court’s work to improve our efficiency and that of all Ohio courts. I also intend to continue my work with the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation and local legal aid organizations to bring more attention,resources,and innovation to the needs of undeserved Ohioans. HHHHHHHHHHH State Races SUPREME COURT JUSTICES