businessVillage picks new tax collector
Village Council agreed
Monday to hire a municipal tax agency to collect Village income taxes.
The group, the Regional Income Tax Agency, or RITA, will replace the City
of Dayton as the Villages income tax collector.
Dayton, which had provided the service for more than 30 years, announced
last month that it would no longer provide tax collection services to
other municipalities because of budget concerns.
The Village levies a 1.5 percent income tax on people who work in Yellow
Springs and in some cases who live here. Village officials have identified
the task of finding a new way to collect income taxes, and now working
on the transition from Dayton to RITA is the Villages highest priority.
Because it would normally take RITA six months to set up a new account,
Village Manager Rob Hillard said he would immediately start working with
the agency on the transition.
The sooner all our accounts are switched to RITA, the more comfortable
I will be, Council member George Pitstick said.
This year, the Village expected to receive $1.4 million in income taxes,
an amount which accounts for 64 percent of the general funds revenue.
The general fund includes the administrative offices, the parks and streets
departments, Council and the mayors office.
During Councils meeting Dec. 16, Charles Hawk, a marketing specialist
with RITA, gave a presentation on the agency. Hawk stressed the agencys
tax collection experience, which dates back to 1971, when 38 municipalities
organized the Regional Council of Governments to administer tax collection.
RITA is directed by a nine-person board of trustees.
Today, RITA works with 97 communities in 26 counties throughout Ohio,
and collects taxes for 89 of those municipalities. It has offices in Cleveland
and Columbus. It maintains more than 835,000 accounts and last year collected
more than $410 million.
Hawk said RITA would charge the Village a collection fee of between 2.38
percent and 2.88 percent of income taxes it collects, or $35,000 to $42,000
a year.
Hillard said he recommended RITA because of its experience with multi-jurisdictional
collections, working with tight time frames and its collection process.
In addition, the agency said it would not charge the Village extra to
set up the collection service, Hillard said.
For more information on RITA, see the agencys Web site, www.rita.to.
Business forms for 2002 are now available for download on the site. After
the meeting, Hawk said 2002 individual tax forms would be available on
the site by the end of the year.
* * *
In other Council business:
The Village is now accepting bids to farm farmland the Village
owns. Unlike the past couple of years, Council agreed to enter into a
three-year lease on the land, which includes the 44-acre Glass Farm, off
King Street, and 43 acres of the Sutton Farm, off State Route 43.
For more information, call Hillard, 767-1279.
Dayton Street resident Jackie Waggoner expressed concern for speeding
vehicles on her street. Hillard said the Village could conduct a speed
study on Dayton Street.
Robert Mihalek
goal, budget sessions
Village Council will hold several special meetings in January.
Councils annual goal-setting meeting will be held Thursday, Jan.
2, 6:30 p.m., in the Council room, Bryan Community Center.
Council will hold a special meeting Saturday, Jan. 4, 9 a.m., in the Bryan
Center, meeting rooms A and B, to discuss the next steps in the community
visioning process.
Council will hold three budget workshops on Wednesday, Jan. 22, Wednesday,
Jan. 29, and Thursday, Jan. 30, 79 p.m., in the Bryan Center, meeting
rooms A and B.
These meetings are open to the public.