updated on YSI ground water investigation
At the Source Water
Protection Committee meeting Dec. 5, YSI Incorporated presented the preliminary
results of soil and groundwater testing designed to determine the source
and extent of contamination found on and around its Brannum Lane facility
last year.
Lisa Abel, the companys area wells project coordinator, also presented
suspected source locations.
According to a map prepared by YSI, several areas around its campus, including
the current and former shipping dock areas to the north and west of the
Brannum East Building and the Old Brannum House area along Brannum Lane,
were possible source areas. Located in these areas are the companys
septic system, storm water drains and waste storage shed, all highly suspected
areas where chemicals could have collected, Abel said.
Preliminary soil analyses were not definitive enough to help the company
determine how to clean up its property, Abel said.
YSI has already begun a second round of soil testing to further define
the extent of contamination. The results of the second round of testing
should be available by next March, Abel said.
A cleanup plan should be completed by May and ready for public comment.
Id like to be in the cleanup phase by the middle of next year,
she said.
In May 2001 the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency began investigating
groundwater contamination on and around YSIs Brannum Lane property.
A year later, YSI and the Ohio EPA entered into an Administrative Order
requiring YSI to provide an alternate water source for affected neighbors
and to define the pollution source and develop a remediation plan.
When YSI later revealed that a group of its employees for several years
had dumped the chemical 1,1,1-trichloroethane on the ground on its facility,
the state of Ohio charged YSI with violating state and federal environmental
In August, three neighbors of YSI sued the company for contaminating their
properties and violating the same laws.
The Source Water Protection Committee has hired Bennett & Williams,
a hydrogeology and environmental consulting firm in Columbus, to review
data and provide comments on YSIs cleanup plans and testing results.
After reviewing YSIs ongoing groundwater investigation, Linda Aller
of Bennett & Williams during the meeting highlighted a health report
prepared in August 2002 by the Ohio Department of Heath and signed by
local, state and federal health departments. The report concurred with
previous findings that three private wells exceeded the acceptable level
for the volatile organic chemical 1,1-dichloroethene, a potential breakdown
product of 1,1,1-trichloroethane.
However, the report says that the effects of 1,1-dichloroethene on humans
is uncertain, and that the level of VOCs in private wells
is not likely to lead to adverse health affects.
The report recommends that residents should seek an alternate water source.
Earlier this fall, the Ohio EPA approved YSIs plans to provide Village
water to 18 of its effect neighbors and to delineate contaminant sources.
Those neighbors who agreed to receive Village water service have been
receiving water as of Dec. 12, Abel said.