partnership thats hard at work all year
A partnership thats
hard at work all yearPublishing a newspaper is not an individual effort.
It takes a dedicated staff and talented contributors, loyal readers and
generous advertisers. This arrangement, this teamwork, helps make publishing
the News, which is wrapping up its 123rd year, possible. More important,
it helps make this a community paper, and for that, we are extremely proud
and grateful.
Listed below are the names of all those who contributed this year to the
News through letters to the editor, columns and commentaries, reviews
and the occasional cartoon and poem. The opinion page is the most important
part of a newspaper, and the people listed have helped make this page
a viable, active forum. For that, we thank you. Your contributions make
this a better paper. At this time next year, we hope to list even more
names, especially from people who have never written to the News before.
We would also like to acknowledge all those people who have contributed
in other ways, by submitting announcements and press releases, obituaries,
items for the In and around Yellow Springs section, photos
and sports reports. Week after week, this paper is filled with valuable
information about Yellow Springs, and much of it is generated by current
and former residents. Your valuable contributions are appreciated.
And thanks to our advertisers, those who buy display ads and classifieds,
for helping us keep the presses rolling every week. Without you, we could
not publish this paper.
Most of all, thanks to our readers, for your support, ideas, thoughts
and opinions. The News would not be what it is without you.
Susan Abendroth
Irwin Abrams
Jim Agna
Patty Alexander
Charles F. Allbery
Alice Allen
Denise Anderson
Bob Antonick
Fred Arment
Phil Arway
Kathy Austin
Lynn Ayres
Bill Baker
Bob Baldwin Jr.
Harden Ballantine
Amanda Banaszak
Bob Barcus
Rex Barger
Ted Barker
Fred Bartenstein
William M. Bebko
Paul Benson
Ruth Bent
Jennifer Berman
Stan Bernstein
Thomas V. Biggs
John Miller Birch
Marilynn B. Birch
Valerie Blackwell-Truitt
Aurelia A. Blake
Jane Blakelock
John W. Blakelock
Andrée Bognar
Steven Bognar
Erica Bothwell
Seth Bothwell
Dr. Robert J. Brecha
John Brennan
Don Brezine
Sue Brezine
Andrew Brouard
Elizabeth Brown
Leanora Brown
Orlando Brown
Dianne Bruns
Beth Burt
Paul Buterbaugh
Peter Buterbaugh
Rose Byrnes
Bryan Cady
Julia Cady
Elizabeth Cady-Jones
Becky Campbell
Jim Campbell
Joanne Caputo
Nora S. Chalfont
Heidi Champney
Ken Champney
Gordon Chapman
Mary Chapman
Brian S. Chase
Kathryn K. Chase
Jimmy Chesire
Lilith Claire
Leland Clark
Suzanne Clauser
Abigail Cobb
Pamela K. Cobb, M.D.
Charles Colbert
Rita R. Colbert
Terri Coleman
Andrew R. Cook
Ann Cooper
Ashlee Cooper
Paul R. Cooper
Harold Cordell
Victor Cordell
Bruce Cornett
Emily Rose
Gordon Cowperthwaite
Ruth Cowperthwaite
Byron Crews
Bruce Cromer
Charlie Cromer
Suzanne Croteau
Kathleen Curley
Meredith Dallas
Patti Dallas
Tony Dallas
Willa Dallas
Esther Damaser
Harvey Damaser
Bob Deasy
Ellen Everman Deaton
Simone Stave Demarzi
Donna Denman
Rachel Dewey
Dan Dixon
Mary Donahoe
Rick Donahoe
Anna Dorn
Steve Dorn
Susan Doubt
Laurie Dreamspinner
Chris Dufresne
Ronald E. Dungey
Tom Dunham
Wilberta Eastman
Joan Edwards
Helen Eier
Melina Elum
Amy Erickson
Anne Erickson
Staffan Erickson
Peggy Erskine
Patrick W. Ertel
Naomi Ewald-Orme
Jim Felder
Bill Felker
Gerry Fess
Rose Fess
Ann Filemyr
Joy Fishbain
Eve Fleck
John Fleming
Jeff Flora
JoAnn Fluent
Julie C. Ford
Chuck Fugate
Deborah J. Fugett
Lucille Gardner
Mike Gardner
Donald Gasho
Ann Gayek
John Geri
Lisa Goldberg
Lawrence W. Gordon
Tiffini Kay Gorman
David C. Grinnell
Jim Grote
Robert Grubbs
John Gudgel
Larry Halpern
Ciro Hamen
Stephen B. Hamm
Jim Hardman
Jocelyn Hardman
Lynn Hardman
Major Vic Harris
John Hart
Mildred Hasser
Ray Hasser
Sharon Hatfield
Shirley Hatfield
Barbara Heckart
Judith Hempfling
David Hergesheimer
Jesse Hernandez
Martin R. Hertz
Elsie O. Hevelin
Martha Hild
Chris Hill
Jane Hockensmith-
Michael Hogan Jr.
Barry Hollister
Don Hollister
Leon Holster
Beth Holyoke
Tom Holyoke
B. Hooker
Dale Hotaling
Adam Howard, Ed.D.
Kenneth Huber
Amy Huneck
Richard Hunt
Bob Huston
Carl D. Hyde M.D
David E. Hyde
James Hyde
Lorena E. Hyde
Susan E.M. Hyde
Josephine Inslee
Katherine L. Jako
Lila Jensen
Sandra Y. Jessen
Doug Jewell
Eric Johnson
Marlene Johnson
Michael Jones
Andrew Junker
Debra Karns
Lindie Keaton
Linda Kelsey-Jones
Kay Kendall
Lloyd Kennedy
Ann Kent
Ralph Keyes
Dawnell Kilbourne
John Kimbrell
Doug Kirkpatrick
Anna Koerlin
Anita Kohler
Mark Koogler Jr.
Alisa Kosheleff
Mary Kosheleff
Barbara Krabec
Shirley Kristensen
Lea Krohn
Marilyn Lacey
Joy Lackey
Carlos Landaburu
Lina Landess
Richard Lapedes
Paul Laursen
Gary Lawson
Terry E. Lawson Sr.
Jennie Lebold
Carmen Lee
Chris Leighty
Fritz Leighty
Debbi Lents
Joseph E. Lewis
Marletta E. Lewis
Norma G. Lewis
Juanita Liggins
Kelvin F. Liggins
Gert Lord
Milt Lord
Florence Lorenz
Sharon Luster
Maureen Lynch
Marianne MacQueen
Krista Magaw
JoAnn Fischi Mahle
James M. Malarkey,
Carl C. Maneri
Pamela Marion
Rebecca J. Mark
Theresa Mayer
Berger Mayne
Yolie Mayne
Don McAllister
William E. McCuddy
Pat McHugh
James A. McKee
Naomi McKee
Barbara K. McQuiston
Jennifer Meier
Maria Mendoza
Aida Merhemic
Elizabeth Mersky
Kevin V. Milligan
Matt Minde
Cindy Minton
Jane Morgan
John M. Morgan
Mary Morgan
Jillyanna Morris
Bomani Moyenda
Chris Mucher
John Mueller
Jacoline Mulhall
Shirley Strohm Mullins
Chris Murphy
Susan Murphy
Henry Myers
Isabel Newman
David Nibert
Michelle Packer
Alicia Pagán
Robert L. Parker
Sue T. Parker
Robert Parks
Robert Paschell
Rev. Marvin Paxton
Ruth Paxton
Jean Payne
Geoff Peistrup
Gary Percesepe, Ph.D.
Charlie Peters
Nancy Peters
Sommer Peters
Bob Phillips
Eloise A. Pitstick
Brenda Pobre
Gerard Poortinga
Bill Preis
Catherine Price
Jean Putnam
Linden Qualls
Holly L. Rabith
Dimitra Reber
Maureen Bacon
Candace Reeves
Jeff Reich
Julia Reichert
Kay Reimers
Clyde Replogle
Daryan Rezazad
M.J. Richlen
Bruce A. Rickenbach
Francine W.
Gilah Pomeranz
Joyce Robinson
Ronald C. Robinson
Jim Rose
Judy Rose
Jason Sarnow
Ellen Scaccia
Leslie Scheper
Beryl Schicker
Char Schiff
Ray Schiff
Keith R. Schlesinger
Albert Schlueter
Phyllis D. Schmidt
Patricia Schneider
Nancy Schwerner
Steve Schwerner
Bill Scott
C. Scott
Evan Scott
John E. Scott
Keith Sheridan
Randy Shields
Jean Shook
Tom Siebold
Pat Siemer
Ron Siemer
Walter Sikes
Sarah Silliman
Neil Silvert
Ken Simon
Brooke Marie
Cessili Slaughter
Lillian Slaughter
Michael Slaughter
Stephanie Slowinski
Bill Smith
Cheryl Wood Smith
Johanna Smith
Louise Smith
M. K. Smith
Sandra Smith
Shelbert Smith
Lynn Sontag
Jim Spangler
Carla Steiger-Meister
Kaitlin Steiger-Meister
Perry M. Stewart
Susan Stiles
Joan Straumanis
Hazel E. Sweeney
Denise Swinger
Karen L. Swinger
Mary Talen
Sandy Tarbox
Ilse Tebbetts
Ali Thomas
Lynn Tobey
Tim Tobey
Hardy W. Trolander
Buck Truitt
Hazel Tulecke
Shawn Tulecke
Walt Tulecke
Clark Turner
Birgitta Valey
Ed Vernot
Beverly Viemeister
Henning von Gierke,
Tom Vondruska
Paul Wagner
Jacqueline Waggoner
Charlotte Walkey
Rick Walkey
Matt Wallace
Don Wallis
Jim Walsh
Ryan Warner
Irene G. Warren
Eric Weikart
Ernest Whaley
Mary White
Bob Whyte
Cheryl (Benning)
Tony Williams
Jo Wilson
Lisa Wolters
Harold Wright
Saul Young
Aaron Zagory
Chris A. Zurbuchen
Susan Zurcher .