College fined for more false alarms
Miami Township has fined Antioch College three times for reoccurring false
fire alarms, the Miami Township trustees reported at their meeting Nov.
During the last several years, excessive false alarms on Antiochs
campus have been a recurring problem. The Township has tried to curb the
problem by implementing a new policy that offers each building a 30-day
probation after the first alarm occurs in the building. If another alarm
occurs within that period, the Township will levy a $300 fine for each
additional false alarm.
Two alarms went off in West Hall, a residential building, on Oct. 18 and
on Oct. 21. The cause of both was excessive smoking. Alarms also occurred
in the Spalt International Center, a multiuse building. One was caused
by burnt food, a second by a malicious pull. On the morning of Nov. 1,
another malicious pull occurred in McGregor Hall.
This brings to 16 the number of false alarms at Antioch in the past month.
According to Miami Township Fire-Rescue Chief Colin Altman, since the
Township implemented the false-alarm policy, incidents have dropped drastically
in Birch Hall, where most of the alarms have occurred. Were
happy about that, Altman said.
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In other Township business:
The trustees approved a resolution to purchase a new equipment
truck for the fire department. The truck is an all-purpose vehicle and
will replace the much older model the department currently uses.
Zoning Inspector Richard Zopf reported that he issued a new zoning
permit for a house to Tyrone and Amy Peterson on East Hyde Road. Construction
of the house is still pending on the application for a building permit
from the county.
Michael Hogan Jr.