Council business
amendment nears
Village Council Monday approved the first reading of an ordinance that
would make it easier to build housing on small lots in Yellow Springs.
The proposal would remove three restrictions from section 1266.06 of the
Village Zoning Code, which governs nonconforming lots of record, or lots
that are recorded with the Greene County recorders office but do
not meet current local zoning requirements. Many of these lots are referred
to as 50-foot lots because they are 50 feet wide. The proposed ordinance
only affects existing lots and does not address new lots that could be
created through such zoning tools as lot splits.
The proposal Council is now considering, however, deals with more than
just 50-foot lots.
If approved, the proposal would change Village zoning laws to allow single-family
housing to be constructed on existing lots of record that are 50 feet
wide in Residence A and 40 feet wide in Residences B and C.
Current zoning laws allow single-family housing to be built on lots that
are at least 75 feet wide in Residence A and 60 feet wide in Residences
B and C.
The proposed ordinance would also remove three requirements in the code
that limit who can build on substandard lots. Removing the restrictions
would make more lots available for development, Village officials say.
At its meeting Nov. 18, Council unanimously approved the first reading
of the proposed ordinance. A second reading and public hearing on the
measure will take place at Councils meeting Dec. 16.
Earlier this month, Planning Commission unanimously agreed to recommend
that Council adopt the proposal.
Council member Denise Swinger said the ordinance is a way to stimulate
growth without extending the borders of Yellow Springs.
* * *
In other Council business:
Council unanimously approved a resolution recreating a Records
Commission to oversee the handling of public records, including electronic
files, as required by state law. Under the resolution, the commission
is made up of the Village manager (currently Rob Hillard), solicitor (John
Chambers), treasurer (Larry Kimbro) and a citizen. Council unanimously
approved a motion to name local resident Bruce Cornett, the Villages
tech support person, to the board. Clerk of Council Deborah Benning will
serve as the commissions secretary.
Based on her research, Benning said, the Village filed its records retention
policy with the state in 1978.
At the urging of Council member George Pitstick, Council agreed
to develop a business retention strategy. Pitstick, Council president
Tony Arnett and member Denise Swinger agreed to work on the strategy.
Council unanimously approved the first reading of an ordinance
revising the fee schedule for door-to-door vendors and solicitors. This
was the second first reading for the proposal, which would amend chapter
860 of the Village Codified Ordinances. Because two amendments were made
to the ordinance before the meeting, Council had to repeat the first reading.
A second reading on the ordinance will be held at Councils next
meeting, Dec. 2.
Under the ordinance, the Village would require vendors selling magazines,
medicine, goods, services, wares or anything of value to obtain a license
from the Village, for a $25 fee. The license would be good for 30 days.
Representatives of religious, patriotic, charitable or civic organizations
would not have to obtain a vendors license from the Village.
Council unanimously approved an ordinance and a related resolution
establishing an attendance policy for Council-appointed boards and commission.
The policy would allow Council to remove commission members for failing
to attend three consecutive meetings.
Council unanimously approved a resolution authorizing Hillard to
make an extra payment of $23,000 to pay off a year early a lease the Village
had on a bucket truck for the public works department.
Council unanimously approved a resolution to pay $8,139 to American
Legal Publishing of Cincinnati to print new and updated copies of the
Village code book.
Council also unanimously approved a resolution accepting a $15,000
grant from the state to conduct a traffic study of Xenia Avenue. The Village
will use the funds to hire a consultant to conduct the study and analyze
the results, Hillard said. He said the study would take place next year.