Antioch Company grows, but not in Yellow Springs
Lee Morgan
When Lee Morgan began
working at Antioch Publishing in 1970, he joined a Yellow Springs-based
company with 30 employees and yearly sales of $350,000.
Thirty years later,
Morgan heads an organization now called The Antioch Company
with 1,100 employees in four U.S. locations, plus six overseas offices.
This year the company is projected to reach $340 million in sales, a number
larger, said Morgan, the companys CEO, than sales of the other three
Yellow Springs industries combined.
One of the countrys
10 largest direct-sales businesses, The Antioch Company had more U.S.
sales last year than Tupperware, Morgan said. And while this years
30 percent increase in sales over last year is exciting growth in anyones
book, its not that unusual at The Antioch Company, which has seen
a compound annual growth rate in excess of 20 percent for the last decade.
The reason for all
this success?
Morgan sidesteps credit himself, other than to say he attracts good luck.
More important to the companys continual growth, he said, is the
winning combination of the companys unique structure of employee-ownership
and the employees passion for their products.
Were the
only employee-owned direct sales company, he said in an interview
last week. The combination of mission-driven employees and employee-ownership
has given us a competitive advantage.
The uniqueness of The Antioch Company is evident as soon as a visitor
walks in the door of the Yellow Springs operation. The building addition,
which was constructed two years ago, offers an open, light-filled environment
with a layout that emphasizes an egalitarian workplace rather than the
traditional hierarchical structure. Visitors wont find Morgan in
a large private office theyll find him in his cubicle, which
is identical to the other cubicles and just as accessible.
Work is a communal
activity, Morgan said of his choice of office space. If you
value privacy, you might as well stay home.
Several employees
say that The Antioch Company is a business that lives its values. Those
values, according to its most recent quarterly report, are to act with
integrity, to enrich the lives of its employee-owners, customers and partners
through a sense of purpose, civility, community and fun, to
value people, and to provide opportunities for a bright future through
empowerment, encouraging and supporting new ideas, and the sharing of
risks, rewards, and ownership.
Placing people above
profits has been the companys guiding value since it began in 1926
as Antioch Bookplate Company, said Morgan, who is the son of the companys
founder, Ernest Morgan, a longtime socialist and Quaker.
Ernest always said the purpose of business was to serve human needs,
Lee Morgan said. That was his greatest legacy.
While his father offered
profit-sharing to Antioch Bookplate employees, Lee Morgan took his fathers
philosophy a step further after he took over the business in 1979, offering
employees the opportunity to become owners as well. Currently, 46 percent
of the company is employee-owned, and those who have been employee-owners
more than 18 years have become millionaires, Morgan said.
We institutionalized
what my father talked about, he said.
Employee-ownership creates an atmosphere of open communication at The
Antioch Company, Morgan said. Currently, nine members of the Board of
Directors include two directors elected by employees, two managers and
five outsiders, along with three employee-elected observers. All board
meetings are open.
Our employees
know everything, Morgan said. They get all of our quarterly
That employee-ownership works well is clear in the companys success
in all its divisions, including the Yellow Springs location, Antioch Publishing,
which employs about 175 people. This year the Yellow Springs operation,
which produces book-related products such as bookmarks and bookplates
that are sold to retail stores, is projected to increase its sales by
30 percent over last year, said Morgan, who cited several reasons for
the growth. First, the company owns the franchise for several recently
successful book-related products, including Star Wars and Lord of the
Second, Morgan said,
sales were down for the Yellow Springs facility last year, which he described
as a terrible year for the bookstore industry due to the increased
number of superstores. This year the book industry bounced back and stores
restocked their shelves, leading to the sales growth.
This year has
been a great year for Antioch Publishing, Morgan said.
While Antioch Publishing is currently doing well, the big engine
driving The Antioch Companys growth about $300 million of
its $340 million expected sales is Creative Memories, Morgan said.
That division, which produces photo albums and provides workshops and
classes in preserving family history, is located in St. Cloud, Minn. This
year, said Morgan, the growth of Creative Memories led to the building
of a new $20 million campus on 50 acres of land in St. Cloud.
Rather than selling the products through stores in the traditional way,
Creative Memories uses the direct-sales method, in which employees offer
classes and workshops in peoples homes, and sell products themselves.
As well as gaining
from their own sales, employees also profit from the sales of those they
bring into the company. The system works well because of its financial
incentives and because many employees are mission-driven,
Morgan said, and care deeply about preserving the past and enriching
the present with the companys line of products and classes.
We have great leadership in St. Cloud, Morgan said. They
have a mission and a passion for their work.
While Morgan credits
the divisions success to good leadership, he also notes that Creative
Memories offers an example of his favorable relationship with luck. When
The Antioch Company purchased the bankrupt St. Cloud manufacturer of photo
albums in 1985, company leaders didnt anticipate how much the product
would tap into a growing consumer need.
We had no idea
Creative Memories would take off like it has, he said.
The companys success has led to new locations in Sparks, Nev., and,
most recently, a new plant in Richmond, Va., plus sales offices in six
countries, including Japan, Britain and Australia.
While the company
will continue to grow, it will not do so in Yellow Springs, Morgan said.
We do not want to grow here, he said. Its not
a good community in which to be a big business.
Although Yellow Springs
has historically been pro-business, with Antioch College incubating the
small businesses that became Morris Bean & Company, Vernay Laboratories,
and YSI Incorporated, the community tends now to be anti-big-business,
Morgan believes. While city officials in St. Cloud offered the company
a package of tax incentives to encourage it to build there, Yellow Springs
officials would be less inclined to do so, he thinks.
I believe the
community here would view that sort of tax abatement as pandering,
he said.
Housing prices in Yellow Springs also work against the company expanding
here, said Morgan. He said that when he brings in new managers to the
Yellow Springs plant, they most often choose to live in other communities
because they can get a better buy someplace else, Morgan said.
Yellow Springs is perceived as too expensive a community.
The company has no
plans to move its Yellow Springs operation, said Morgan, who stated that
about 20 to 25 percent of its 175 employees live in town. While Antioch
Publishing has recently begun renting additional warehouse space outside
of town and will continue to need more warehouse space, the number of
jobs affected will be negligible, he said.
Currently, the Yellow
Springs facility houses both Antioch Publishing and The Antioch Companys
headquarters, while the St. Cloud operation houses the companys
international headquarters, the Creative Memories operation, and the company
computer operation.
While Antioch Publishing
will remain in Yellow Springs, the companys headquarters might move
after Morgan retires as CEO, he said. Now 59, he plans to retire at age
65, and hopes to turn the management of the company over to his daughter,
Asha, who now runs Creative Memories and lives in St. Cloud.
In the meantime, Lee
Morgan said he plans to continue growing The Antioch Company by creating
a portfolio of direct sales companies. The direct sales strategy
requires a complex computer system to identify the lineage
of individual sales, he said, and a more complicated infrastructure
than traditional sales. Since the company already possesses these capabilities,
it makes sense to build on whats already there, he said.
Recently, the company
added a new direct-sales business, zeBlooms, which will produce and sell
silk flowers. Other possible direct sales ideas are being considered,
said Morgan.
Ive got
more ideas than I can handle. Its fabulous, he said. Opportunity
is all over the place. Were just trying to pay attention.