Police continue to search for missing man
The Kettering Police
Department is continuing to investigate the disappearance of Anthony Moorman,
whose car was found in John Bryan State Park on Sept. 12.
Moorman, who is 20, was last heard from on Wednesday, Sept. 11, when he
spoke to his mother on the phone. When he failed to show up to work two
days later, the police were called to investigate.
According to Miami
Township Fire-Rescue Chief Colin Altman, a search party consisting of
Fire-Rescue personnel, Ohio Department of Natural Resources rangers and
20 search dogs combed John Bryan State Park for three days after Moorman
was reported missing but were unable to locate him.
Scott Fletcher, head
of John Bryan State Park, who participated in the three-day search said,
At this point, we have no reason to believe hes in the area.
Moorman is 6 feet tall, 145 pounds, and has brown hair and brown eyes.
He was last seen wearing a gray shirt, gray shoes and blue jeans.
Anyone with information
on Moorman should call the Kettering Police Department, 296-2555.