site promotes economic development
adds to yso.com
The Village unveiled the latest addition to its Web site last week: a
new economic development page.
The page can be accessed at www.yso.com/econ.asp.
It includes information about the Village Economic Development Revolving
Loan Fund, which has more than $300,000 available, and the cooperative
economic development agreement (CEDA) Council recently approved with the
Miami Township trustees. Approved in September, the agreement allows the
Village and Township to work together to promote economic development
in areas of the township. Both governments agreed to provide services
to any developments coming out of the CEDA, in exchange for tax and utility
The agreement currently targets two areas: 46 acres of farmland on the
northwest corner of East Enon and Dayton-Yellow Springs roads, which is
owned by Vernay Laboratories, and 39.6 acres of farmland on the east side
of East Enon Road, which is part of the Pitstick farm.
The Web page includes links to the Greene County property information
Web site, which provides specific information about the available properties.
The page also lists properties that are currently available for commercial
use. It also provides a link to the Web site of Community Resources, a
local group that is working on local economic development issues.