Lapp winners in annual Chamber Music tennis tournament
Last Saturday morning,
Sept. 21, despite heavy overnight showers, 16 tennis doubles teams started
play in the 17th annual Chamber Music Yellow Springs Mixed Doubles Tennis
Classic. The courts and their surroundings had been trimmed up and decorated
with flowers, and several players arrived early and helped to clear the
final puddles from the playing area.
Late in the afternoon,
the team of Hank Lapp and Bob Huston, the tournament director, defeated
Mei Chiang and Bob Scott in the finals, 75, 61.
The match was viewed
by an audience of players and fans who later enjoyed a picnic dinner organized
by Kazuko Heaton, featuring fried chicken supplied by Tom's Market and
cooked by Phil Lemkau.
Shirley Mullins and
Allen McCullough defeated the team of Barb Stratton and Trent Fisher,
64, 63 in the finals of the consolation round.
The tournament raised
over $1,300 to help support the 200203 Chamber Music Yellow Springs
concert series.
Sixteen teams participated
in the Tennis Classic. They represented a cross section of tennis skills
(novice to advanced), ages (teens to 70s) and interests from Yellow Springs
and the Miami Valley.
Flowers were provided
by Greenleaf Gardens and Glen Garden Gifts. The Yellow Springs business
community again demonstrated its support for the fundraising event by
"sponsoring" courts. These sponsors included A-C Service, the
Antioch School, Joe Holly's Cleaners, the Import House, Cornerstone Bank,
the Winds Cafe, the Yellow Springs Community Federal Credit Union, the
Xenia Foundry and Machine Co, Peach's Grill, PhotoWorks, Anthrotech, Yellow
Springs Travel, Yiping Fang, D.D.S., The Antioch Company, The ARIA Group,
Friends Care Community, Current Cuisine, Pettit's BP, Community Physicians
of Yellow Springs, Town Drug, Moody Shoes, Blossom, Lifeskills Physical
Therapy, Village Cyclery, Bambi Williams-Heritage Realtors, Greenleaf
Gardens, Ha Ha Pizza, Earth Rose, the Green Environmental Coalition and
the Tecumseh Land Trust.