
plan board discuss ways to encourage more development
around three large foldout tables in the Bryan Community Center last week,
Village Council and Planning Commission members brainstormed ways the Village
could promote two shared goals: promoting business development and residential
development. While no specific proposals were made, the discussion showed
that the Village would not rely solely on a couple of well-publicized strategies
such as building a commerce park or providing affordable housing
to meet its goals.
The meeting, which was held March 24, was called to make sure both Council
and Planning Commission are on the same development page, since both boards
have promoting development as a goal for 2003. There was actually little
evaluation of the brainstormed ideas. Rather, the meeting seemed an opportunity
for officials to bounce ideas off one another. Several people at the end
of the meeting indicated that Council would prioritize the ideas later.
Officials suggested about eight ideas for commercial development.
Noting that downtown is very small, Council president Tony Arnett
said that the Village could consider options to expand the Central Business
District the zoning designation for the downtown area on
the outside fringes, including Railroad Street, part of Corry Street,
near the Miami Township Fire Station, and one side of Walnut Street.
Planning Commission member Bruce Rickenbach said that the Village needs
to change its message from negative to positive. The message, he said, is
that Yellow Springs does not want business and residential development.
Council member Joan Horn suggested the Village work closely with the Chamber
of Commerce, as well as make an effort to talk to downtown business owners
and conduct exit interviews with businesses that leave town.
Another Council member, Denise Swinger, said that business owners are saying
that they need more options for fiber optic, or high-speed, telecommunications.
Other suggestions included reviewing the Zoning Code for impediments for
redeveloping properties; reviewing downtown parking; allowing residential
and commercial space to be developed in the same area; and reviewing zoning
requirements for home-based businesses.
About eight ideas were also suggested to encourage residential growth.
The Planning Commission chairman, John Struewing, suggested the Village
consider annexation as a way to expand the borders of Yellow Springs. Rickenbach
said that the Village has taken annexation out of our tool kit,
and that it should be put back into the kit. The Village could work with
Miami Township on annexing land around Yellow Springs, Arnett said.
Horn said that the Village could sell an acre of the Glass Farm to two groups
interested in affordable housing issues, Starfish and Home, Inc., as
a sample, pilot program. It would provide affordable housing,
would bring money into the Village and would not be a giveaway, Horn
She also suggested that the Village could encourage property owners to redevelop
commercial space as residential.
Planning Commission members also discussed the idea of providing cottage
zoning or cluster housing, which would allow smaller homes to be built in
a small area. Rickenbach said that cluster housing makes it easier
to preserve open space and provide residential development, and that
it could be used on the fringes of town.
Other brainstormed ideas included encouraging the construction of condos
and townhouses; providing ranch-style houses for seniors; getting
abandoned homes on the market; investigating co-housing; and encouraging
more mother-in-law apartments.
The meeting did cover some old ground when Council and plan board discussed
the idea of including sustainability requirements in a commerce parking
zoning district.
Last year, Planning Commission tabled its effort to create a new business
district when its members could not agree on a basic framework for the district,
specifically with sustainability requirements. Commission member Cy Tebbetts
urged plan board to make the requirements voluntary, though other board
members said this would weaken the district.
Last week, in response to a question about the status of the district, Struewing
said that absolutely the issue was unresolved. In fact, plan
board will revive its effort to create the new district in the next month
or two.
Tebbetts reintroduced his idea, which says that companies in the park would
meet certain environmental criteria in exchange for incentives from the
George Pitstick, who is Councils representative on Planning Commission,
said that he has mixed emotions about the sustainability issue,
noting that while it could stifle business, it is also a good
Up until last week, most Village officials said that having a commerce park
zoning district would be helpful, but not necessary to get a park built
here. At the meeting, however, Arnett said that the Village might need a
new zoning district that recognizes how business is done in the 21st
century. While the Village has two zoning districts in which a park
could be constructed, Light Industrial and Office/Research, he said that
the Villages current zoning regulations do not match the operational
definitions of todays business world.
Arnett also said that Yellow Springs likes to showcase to the world
best practices and that the Village could provide incentives
for businesses in the park.