Photo by Lauren Heaton
Mikasa Simms, a second-grade teacher at Mills Lawn School, preparing
her room this week for the start of a new school year.
new at Mills Lawn School
The principal is
conducting business from the teacher’s lounge, temporarily. The
front lawn is a slab of dirt and filled with work trucks and a Port-o-John,
But on Monday, two
days before school was scheduled to start at Mills Lawn School, things
were still a go as construction workers scurried in and out of the path
of teachers and staff who were moving supplies and setting up their classrooms
to welcome students to a new school year.
Multi-age teacher
Jody Pettiford spent long hours over the weekend organizing one of the
school’s four new classrooms in the annex. Arranging her room to
fit her students’ needs and make them feel safe has taken a lot
of work, she said, but she is excited about the new space.
“The gym is
probably the coolest new space we can possibly have,” she said.
The expanded gym
and performing arts area offers plenty of light and space for flag football
on one side while the lunch period continues on the other.
“And we have
all this wonderful art from last year to hang on the walls and two 14-foot
palm trees donated by Knollwood’s nursery for the atrium,”
Mills Lawn principal Christine Hatton said on Monday morning, in between
a teacher training and a staff meeting. “It’s beautiful, we’re
going to love it.”
The main thing that
still needs attention is the rubber flooring in the gym and the linoleum
floor for the atrium, which connects the new classrooms and the library
to the gym and the rest of the school. Craig Conrad, the district maintenance
supervisor and construction project manager, hopes to have the new flooring
laid this fall.
“We don’t
want to be waiting around until November, December to get the floor in,”
he said.
The wet spring delayed
drying time for the concrete foundation, Conrad said, preventing installation
of the floor. Some of the ceiling tiles still need to be placed, and the
paint needs to be touched up here and there, but the show will go on,
as teachers and staff move forward with curriculum changes and ongoing
projects this year.
“Our immediate
focus is on having fun!” Hatton said.
Mills Lawn will celebrate
its 50th anniversary on Oct. 24 and 25 with a dedication of the new space
and a performance in honor of the last five decades of elementary education
at the school. Students will spend the first two months of the year learning
some of the music, dances and games of their parents’ generations,
which they will perform at the celebration, and the school has invited
several speakers and alumni, including Senator Mike Dewine, to share in
the commemoration weekend.
The performance preparation
will be integrated into the general curriculum, which for grades kindergarten
through sixth will focus on improving skills in writing and reading comprehension,
Hatton said. The year’s first teacher in-service training will be
devoted to instructing Mills Lawn, McKinney and Yellow Springs High School
teachers how to get their students to write in any subject or discipline.
Mills Lawn teachers
are also phasing out basal reading textbooks in favor of buying trade
books rated by level of difficulty to allow students to progress at their
own pace. As an Ohio Reads school, Mills Lawn has applied for a $3,000
grant from the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation to supplement book purchases.
School leaders wouldn’t
let language arts run away with all the resources without also giving
a boost to the sciences. This year, a committee is studying how to enrich
the experiential element of the school’s science program, training
students to develop problem-solving skills by doing rather than by reading
about something in a book, Hatton said.
“Science has
changed fairly dramatically in the past five years, it’s more hands-on
than learning factoids. That’s not what schools are doing anymore,”
she said.
Mills Lawn is also
staying ahead of the curve with its new Internet Video Distance Learning
equipment, which will allow the entire student body to take virtual field
trips to places such as the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago and talk in real
time to docents from museums such as the Louvre in Paris. The school’s
media technology specialist and librarian, Dionne Barclay, will be researching
areas of interest that match with each grade’s curriculum. Barclay
said that one of the first places students will connect with is COSI museum
in Columbus.
The 2003–04
school year is also the third and final year for the Mills Lawns project
“Looking In, Looking Out: Our Place in the World.” It is the
dissemination year, during which teachers and staff will attend education
conferences and workshops to share their experiences with other educators.
During a statewide teacher in-service day in October, Mills Lawn may invite
educators from neighboring districts to Yellow Springs for a workshop
on the grant process and last year’s artists-in-residencies, Hatton