Osiris Triod
Photo: Marco Borggreve
piano trio to play in concert
By Ken Champney
The Osiris Piano Trio of Amsterdam will play in Yellow Springs this Sunday,
Jan. 26, at 7:30 p.m., at the Presbyterian Church, 314 Xenia Avenue.
The three Dutch musicians (Ellen Corver, piano; Peter Brunt, violin; Larissa
Groeneveld, cello) have been playing together since 1988, and made their
American debut in Carnegie Recital Hall in 1997.
The Los Angeles Times praised their passion, momentum and musical
power; The New York Times noted the zest of the performers,
their largeness in every musical dimension.
The program here will include Franz Schuberts lush Trio in B-flat
major, Ludwig van Beethovens Trio in C minor, Op. 1 No. 3, and Frank
Martins Trio on Irish Folk Tunes (1925).
When you listen to the Schubert work, composer Robert Schumann said, the
troubles of our human existence disappear and all the world is fresh and
bright again.
From its opening bars cast in triplets to the end of its dashing rondo,
this piece is a fount of melodious delight. The last movement quotes a
song whose text goes, In the morning light of May, let us enjoy
the life of a flower before its scent fades. Yes, yes.
The Beethoven trio was written in the early 1790s. His teacher Joseph
Haydn thought its jagged drama a bit much, and urged him not to publish
it. Europe at the time was seething with jagged drama. The French had
just tossed out Louis XVI, Americans had kissed King George goodbye, royal
heads everywhere were worried silly.
Beethovens sympathies were with the commoners seeking freedom, and
that may have fed his revolutionary approach to composition.
Frank Martin (18901974) was born in Switzerland and moved to the
Netherlands in 1946. In Bakers Biographical Dictionary of Musicians,
Nicholas Slominski praised Martins distinctive style [and]
consummate mastery of contrapuntal and harmonic writing and noted
his ability to stylize folk-song material in modern techniques.
A review from Vancouver described an Osiris performance of the Martin
trio incandescent and revelatory.
* * *
Tickets are $12 for adults, $4 for students, and can be bought in advance
at The Emporium, or reserved by leaving a message at 374-8800.
The pre-concert program begins at 6 p.m., and includes a simple meal and
a talk by Christopher Durrenberger, professor of piano at Wittenberg University
and a Coleman and Carmel chamber music prize winner.
A post-concert reception for the artists will be held at the home of Jane
Baker. Reservations are required; call 374-8800.