
Putting the ‘Silent T’ in ‘victory’
Members of Silent T, from left, Jonina Hernandez, Carl Bradtmiller,
Steve Sikes-Gilbert, Alex Stratton, Shusaku Horibe, David Keyes,
Kathryn Allen, Louisa Bradtmiller, Trevor Bradley and Tristan
Holyoke. Silent T won the annual 4th of July weekend soccer tournament
at Gaunt Park. The champions took home the newly inaugurated Barb
Hardman “Get It” trophy, named in honor of one of
Yellow Springs’ longest-serving soccer fans. Three other
teams took part in the competition, Hardman Inc., with several
members of the Yellow Springs High School Class of 1983 back for
their reunion, the Ryan Berning Project and the Ben Mizzle Televizzle.
Dogs report—
swimmers come out in force
The 15- to 18-year-old swimmers came out in force for the Sea Dogs’
away meet at Wayne on Thursday, July 10, fielding two teams each on the
relays and winning all of them.
Swimming results
depend on having many swimmers in each category so this show of strength
raised the team score significantly.
Despite the loss,
many of the team’s swimmers in each category are improving their
Girls: Sea Dogs,
142, Wayne, 198
Boys: Sea Dogs, 129, Wayne, 213
Total: Sea Dogs, 271; Wayne, 411
Results of
the girls events:
6 and under: Logan Chapman, 2nd, 25-meter backstroke, 25 freestyle; Olivia
Chick, 3rd, 25 backstroke, 25 freestyle.
8 and under: Rachel
Meyer, 1st, 25 freestyle, 3rd, 25 butterfly, 25 backstroke; Mary Lewis,
1st, 25 butterfly; Erin Grote, 2nd, 25 breaststroke; Mary Triplett, 2nd,
25 freestyle, 3rd, 25 breaststroke; Grote, Meyer, Lewis and Triplett,
1st, 100 medley relay.
9–10 years
old: Erika Chick, 1st, 50 freestyle, 25 butterfly, 100 individual medley;
Nancy Epling, 1st, 25 freestyle, 3rd, 50 freestyle; Katie Triplett, 2nd,
25 backstroke, 3rd, 25 freestyle.
11–12: Ryder
Comstock, 1st, 50 freestyle, 2nd, 50 butterfly, 3rd, 100 individual medley;
Kasey Koehler, 2nd, 50 backstroke, 3rd, 100 freestyle, 50 breaststroke;
Jamie Paul, 3rd, 50 backstroke, 50 freestyle.
13–14: Lasena
Badger, 1st, 50 freestyle, 2nd, 50 butterfly, 100 individual medley; Bethany
Traeger, 2nd, 100 freestyle, 3rd, 50 butterfly; India Scarver, 2nd, 50
backstroke, 3rd, 50 freestyle; Natalie Sanders, 2nd, 50 breaststroke,
3rd, 100 individual medley; Morgan Butler, 3rd, 50 breaststroke.
15–18: Julia
Swisher, 1st, 50 butterfly, 2nd, 100 freestyle; Kate Lovering, 1st, 50
breaststroke, 3rd, 50 backstroke; Cait Watson, 2nd, 50 butterfly, 100
individual medley; Amanda Bush, 2nd, 50 backstroke; Eve GunderKline, 2nd,
50 freestyle; Tina Chen, 3rd, 100 freestyle; Elizabeth Dixon, 3rd, 50
freestyle; Dixon, Chen, Swisher and Bush, 1st, 200 medley relay; Sea Dogs,
1st, 200 free relay.
Results for
the boys events:
6 and under: Ian Chick, 1st, 25 backstroke, 25 freestyle.
9–10 years
old: Roy Barnett, 1st, 25 backstroke, 3rd, 25 butterfly, 100 individual
medley; Zeb Reichert, 2nd, 25 freestyle, 3rd, 25 breaststroke; Hollister
Fitch, 3rd, 50 freestyle, 25 freestyle.
11–12: Jeremy
Paul, 1st, 50 freestyle, 3rd, 100 freestyle; Owen Sanders, 2nd, 50 breaststroke,
3rd, 50 butterfly, 100 individual medley; Zane Reichert, 2nd, 50 backstroke.
13–14: Kelby
Dierking, 1st, 50 butterfly, 100 individual medley, 50 freestyle; Evan
Gerthoffer, 2nd, 50 breaststroke, 50 freestyle; Zach Reichert, 2nd, 50
backstroke; Pete Lovering, 3rd, 100 freestyle, 50 breaststroke; Malcolm
Thomas, 3rd, 50 backstroke; Dierking, Gerthoffer, Lovering and Reichert,
1st, 200 medley relay.
15–18: Mike
Hosket, 1st, 100 freestyle, 100 individual medley, 50 freestyle; Spencer
Jordan, 1st, 50 backstroke, 2nd, 50 butterfly; Seth Moore, 1st, 50 butterfly,
2nd 100 individual medley; Aaron Zagory, 1st, 50 breaststroke; Andy Chen,
2nd, 50 breaststroke, 50 freestyle; Jacob Wishart, 3rd, 100 freestyle,
50 backstroke; Moore, Jordan, Hosket and Zagory, 1st, 200 medley relay;
Moore, Jordan, Zagory and Kyle McEvoy, 1st, 200 free relay.
Sea Dogs vs. Forest Ridge, Thursday, July 17, 6 p.m.
Championship meet,
at Wittenberg, Saturday, July 26: 10 and younger, morning; 11 and older,

Photo by Irwin Inman
Pat Partee, volunteer coach, assisting a young tee-ball player
at bat in 2001.
volunteers Pat and Jeannine Partee—
simple, lasting influence
By Jimmy Chesire
We’re over
halfway through another marvelous 10-week tee-ball season. There are four
more Friday nights left. This year’s season finale, our wiener roast
potluck trophy night, will be held Friday night, Aug. 8.
If you’re new
to this Yellow Springs tee-ball program, we end our season with a potluck
picnic (we’ll have a sign-up sheet circulating this Friday night,
July 18). After everyone’s eaten we have our trophy presentation.
We give each child who shows up that last night, anywhere from 70 to 90
children, a trophy — and we have boy trophies and girl trophies,
If your kid’s
been playing all season and can’t make it, let us know because we
deliver! These trophies are important to our tee-ballers, and it’s
such a keen pleasure to be able to give one to each child — a pleasure
paid for by a generous donation from the Yellow Springs Lions Club, something
they’ve done for us these past five years. So if you can’t
make it that last Friday night, let us know and one of our many Perry
League volunteers will bring one of these beautiful golden icons directly
to your door.
On a sad note, however,
we have to announce the retirement of two longtime Perry League volunteers,
Pat and Jeannine Partee. They’ve been tee-ball mainstays for the
past 15 years.
Pat took over the
home plate duties on the small diamond, working with the youngest kids
(2–5 year olds mostly), managing to create a modicum of order out
of that chaos we call the Yellow Springs tee-ball program.
Jeannine took care
of our little “sign-up” table. She sold our t-shirts, handed
out the free baseball caps, got the name and phone number of every kid
(and his or her parent), dispensed first aid, bandaging the occasional
skinned knee or elbow, and took care of the potluck wiener-roast sign-up.
They have been wonderful,
good friends, and we’re gonna miss them. But their influence will
live on — in little things, like blowing the whistle to indicate
it’s time to switch sides. It seems innocuous enough, but no one
did it until Pat did it one night. He’d say, “O.K., you kids,
time to switch,” and blow his whistle. Then he and the other parents
and volunteers on the field would tell the kids in the field to come in
to bat and send the kids who’d been at bat into the field. A simple
thing. A little thing. But it’s a little program, a simple program.
You’ll see
Pat’s influence at the end of the evening, too, when we line the
kids up on the third base line for a final dash to the outfield and back.
It’s our little ritual race signaling the end of play for the evening.
Pat would start the final race and then walk out to meet the kids as they
gasped for breath along the right field fence. He’d round them up
and with his whistle in hand, he’d call out, his tone loud, clear
and joyful, “Did you have fun tonight!?!”
The first time I
witnessed this I thought it was pure genius. The children, in a perfect,
spontaneous chorus would boom it back at him, an enthusiastic, facing-shining
“Yesssss!” (And a few raucous, delighted “No-ohhhhhs!”
as well!) Then Pat would holler over this rollicking pack of maniacally
happy kids, “Are you gonna come back next week!?!” And again
this bevy of beauties would bellow back their enthusiastic, ear splitting
affirmation: “Yessssss!”
Are we gonna miss
you, Pat? Are we gonna miss you, Jeannine?
It’s the Perry
League, Friday nights from 6:30 to 8 p.m., at Gaunt Park, a beginner’s
baseball program for all our children ages 2–9 regardless of race,
color or creed. It’s a program of wonder and dust, of love and laughter,
of grace and goodness. And we’d love to have you join us. Won’t
you, please?
McKinney sports physicals
Sports physicals for McKinney School and Yellow Springs High School student-athletes
will be held on Monday, July 28, 6–8:30 p.m., at Greene Therapy
Services, 1157 North Monroe Drive, in the Outpatient Physicians Pavilion
at Greene Memorial Hospital, in Xenia.
The cost is $10 and
parents should bring a pre-participation physical form. Forms can be downloaded
from the Ohio High School Athletic Association Web site, www.ohsaa.org.
For more information,
call Greene Therapy Services, 376-6723 or 374-7913.
YSHS volleyball meeting
All McKinney School and Yellow Springs High School students who want to
play volleyball this school year should attend a meeting on Monday, July
21, 9 a.m., at the Bryan Community Center.
High school players
should be prepared to work out. For more information, call coach Shirley
Martin, 767-1749.
YSHS boys soccer team
to hold meeting
The Yellow Springs
High School boys soccer team will hold a mandatory preseason meeting on
Friday, July 25, 6 p.m., in the YSHS cafeteria.
All interested student-athletes
and their parents are expected to attend. Players who can not attend should
call coach Jim Hardman at 767-2200.