
Jimmy Chesire, a volunteer Perry League organizer, leading a group
of tee-ball players through warm-ups before play started at Gaunt
Park on Friday, July 11.
a close call at home—
League’s penultimate evening
By Jimmy Chesire
“Where have
you been?” Cheryl Meyer — Rachel’s mom — asked
as we set up for another night of tee-ball.
“We missed
you,” Margaret Hackett — Aidan’s mom — said.
“I missed you
guys, too,” I said, quickly explaining my absence Friday night,
July 18.
I passed out while
vacuuming and my wife and best friend, Robin Suits, thought I had had
a heart attack. My daughter, Adrienne, called 9-1-1 and Yellow Springs
police sergeant Dennis Nipper, former Babe Ruth League coach and tee-ball
friend, showed up in a matter of minutes. He was standing over me when
I came to. He was a great comfort, warm, friendly, calm. And kept me talking.
“That’s what I’m supposed to do,” he said, smiling
down at me (I was lying flat on my back on my living room floor).
When the squad came
rolling in it was tee-ball time in my living room. Tee-ball dad Ted Wasserman
— his daughter Dakota Joy’s one of our superstars —
and Chris Triplett, a former tee-ball player who is now grown, were there
to take care of me.
They took me to the
emergency room where a ton of tests were run on me: blood tests (to check
my electrolytes; to see if my heart enzymes were elevated, a strong indication
of a heart attack), a chest X-ray, a CAT scan. And they checked my blood
pressure and took my temperature over and over again while a score of
people pressed stethoscopes to my chest, asking me to breathe.
Two and a half hours
later I was feeling fine. All the test results were negative. I was O.K.
I did not have a heart attack. They were about to send me home. Adrienne,
Robin and I were doing puzzles, (Adrienne had a book of puzzles) and when
we came to the one that said “AlphabetGrid” I had the strangest
sensation. “I’m having a déjà vu experience,”
I said. I felt faint. I was sure I’d been here before. I had the
clearest picture of doing this particular puzzle with my daughter. And
then I passed out again. Only this time I was on a heart monitor and they
saw it. According to my loved ones, my eyes rolled up in my head, remaining
open. I turned white, alabaster white. Then yellow. And my heart rate
Adrienne rushed to
get the medical people. When she got back a moment later I had no heart
rate. The little squiggly, up and down, jumpetty-jump line that shows
your heart rate on the monitor had gone flat.
“Yes, there
was a little pause,” the nurse said. “For 12–20 seconds,”
the doctor said. Which meant I had to stay the night. And at 7 p.m. that
night instead of being on a dusty Gaunt Park diamond with 60 amazingly
wonderful tee-ball players, I was in surgery at Greene Memorial Hospital
getting a pacemaker implanted in my chest.
So, I missed a night
of tee-ball. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. I need the sweet,
loving miracle of the Yellow Springs Perry League. I need its remarkable
children, its wonderful, laughing, affirming, generous parents.
I need my tee-ball,
so I’ll see ya this Friday night, Aug. 1, and next Friday, Aug.
8, for our final potluck picnic trophy night. Don’t you miss it.
Unless, of course, your heart stops.
It’s Perry
League, Yellow Springs’ unique tee-ball program for girls and boys
ages 2 to 9, a program decidedly open to all our children regardless of
race, color or creed. So come on out to Gaunt Park, this Friday at 6:30
p.m. Maybe I’ll show you my pacemaker scar.
Dogs end regular season with big splash
The Yellow Springs
Sea Dogs ended their regular season with two big wins at the Gaunt Park
During the Thursday,
July 17, meet against Forest Ridge the Sea Dogs dominated in all age groups,
as Mary Lewis, Erika Chick and Lasena Badger each took first in all three
of their individual events. In the Tuesday, July 22, meet against Green
Acres, the 9–10 and 15–18 year olds led the boys in racking
up points.
July 17 meet
Girls: Sea Dogs,
191, Forest Ridge, 149
Boys: Sea Dogs, 74, Forest Ridge, 127
Total: Sea Dogs, 365, Forest Ridge, 276
Results of the girls
6 and under: Logan
Chapman, 2nd, 25-meter freestyle, 3rd, 25 backstroke.
8 and under: Mary
Lewis, 1st, 25 butterfly, 25 backstroke, 25 freestyle; Rachele Orme, 1st,
25 breaststroke, 2nd, 25 backstroke, 25 freestyle; Erin Grote, 2nd, 25
breaststroke; Mary Triplett, 3rd, 25 breaststroke; Triplett, Orme, Lewis,
Grote, 1st, 100 medley relay.
9–10: Erika
Chick, 1st, 50 freestyle, 25 butterfly, 100 individual medley; Jade Turner,
1st, 25 breaststroke; Marlee Layh, 2nd, 100 individual medley, 25 freestyle,
3rd, 25 butterfly; Katie Triplett, 1st, 25 backstroke; Jenna Boettcher,
3rd, 25 backstroke.
11–12: Maiya
Thornton, 1st, 50 butterfly, 50 breaststroke, 2nd, 100 individual medley;
Jamie Paul, 1st, 50 backstroke; Barbara Jewell, 2nd, 100 freestyle, 3rd,
50 backstroke, 100 individual medley; Kasey Koehler, 2nd, 50 freestyle,
3rd, 100 freestyle; Chloe Ramsay, 2nd, 50 breaststroke; Jenny Barnett,
3rd, 50 butterfly; Barnett, Koehler, Thornton, Jewell, 1st 200 medley
13–14: Lasena
Badger, 1st, 100 freestyle, 50 butterfly, 100 individual medley; Natalie
Sanders, 1st, 50 breaststroke, 2nd, 50 butterfly, 100 individual medley;
Erin Turner, 2nd, 50 breaststroke, 3rd, 100 freestyle, 50 backstroke;
Miriam Barcus, 2nd, 50 backstroke; Sarah Morrison, 3rd, 50 freestyle;
Barcus, Sanders, Badger, Turner, 1st, 200 medley relay, 1st, 200 freestyle
15–18: Katie
Lovering, 1st, 50 breaststroke, 3rd, 100 individual medley; Eve GunderKline,
2nd, 100 freestyle, 50 freestyle, 3rd, 50 butterfly; Amanda Bush, 2nd,
50 backstroke, 3rd, 50 freestyle; Julia Swisher, 2nd, 100 individual medley;
Elizabeth Dixon, 2nd, 50 breaststroke; Bush, Tina Chen, Emma Robinow,
Caite Watson, 1st, 200 free relay.
Results for the boys
6 and under: Ian
Chick, 1st, 25 backstroke, 2nd, 25 freestyle; Alex Kellogg, 2nd, 25 backstroke,
3rd, 25 freestyle.
8 and under: Eli
Seitz, 1st, 25 breaststroke, 3rd, 25 backstroke, 25 freestyle; Theron
Orme, 2nd, 25 backstroke, 25 freestyle.
9–10: Tyler
Qualls, 1st, 50 freestyle, 2nd, 25 butterfly, 25 freestyle; Sam Lovering,
1st, 100 individual medley, 3rd, 25 butterfly; Zeb Reichert, 3rd, 25 backstroke,
25 freestyle; Hollister Fitch, 3rd, 25 breaststroke.
11–12: Kevin
Greco, 1st, 50 backstroke, 2nd, 50 breaststroke, 3rd, 50 freestyle; Owen
Sanders, 1st, 50 breaststroke, 2nd, 100 individual medley, 50 freestyle,
3rd, 100 freestyle; Jeremy Paul, 1st, 50 freestyle, 2nd, 100 freestyle.
13–14: Kelby
Dierking, 2nd, 100 freestyle, 50 butterfly, 2nd, 50 backstroke; Pete Lovering,
2nd, 100 individual medley, 50 breaststroke; Evan Gerthoffer, 2nd, 50
freestyle, 3rd, 50 backstroke; Malcolm Thomas, 3rd, 50 butterfly; Andrew
Stratton, 3rd, 50 freestyle; Dierking, Lovering, Gerthoffer, Zane Reichert,
1st, 200 free relay.
15–18: Michael
Hosket, 1st, 100 freestyle, 100 individual medley, 2nd, 50 freestyle;
Aaron Zagory, 1st, 50 breaststroke, 50 freestyle, 2nd, 100 freestyle;
Seth Moore, 1st, 50 butterfly, 50 backstroke, 3rd, 50 freestyle; Spencer
Jordan, 2nd, 50 butterfly, 50 backstroke, 100 individual medley; Andy
Chen, 2nd, 50 breaststroke; Will McCuddy, 3rd, 100 freestyle, 50 butterfly,
50 backstroke; Kyle McEvoy, 3rd, 100 individual medley, 50 breaststroke;
Jordan, Moore, Zagory, Hosket, 1st, 200 medley relay, 100 free relay.
July 22 meet
Girls: Sea Dogs,
127, Green Acres, 213
Boys: Sea Dogs, 218, Green Acres, 98
Total: Sea Dogs, 345, Green Acres, 311
Results of the girls
6 and under: Olivia
Chick, 2nd, 25 backstroke, 3rd, 25 freestyle; Logan Chapman, 2nd, 25 freestyle,
3rd, 25 backstroke.
8 and under: Mary
Lewis, 2nd, 25 butterfly, 25 backstroke, 25 freestyle; Rachele Orme, 3rd,
25 breaststroke.
9–10: Erika
Chick, 2nd, 50 freestyle, 25 butterfly, 3rd, 100 individual medley; Jade
Turner, 2nd, 25 breaststroke; Katie Triplett, 2nd, 25 backstroke; Jenna
Boettcher, 2nd, 25 freestyle; Marlee Layh, 3rd, 50 freestyle, 25 butterfly;
Aprile Doubt, 3rd, 25 breaststroke; Mary Claire Greco, 3rd, 25 backstroke.
11–12: Maiya
Thornton, 2nd, 50 butterfly, 50 breaststroke, 3rd, 100 individual medley;
Ryder Comstock, 2nd, 100 individual medley, 50 freestyle, 3rd, 50 butterfly;
Claire Triplett, 3rd, 50 backstroke; Kasey Koehler, 3rd, 50 breaststroke.
13–14: Lasena
Badger, 1st, 100 freestyle, 50 freestyle, 2nd, 100 individual medley;
Natalie Sanders, 1st, 50 breaststroke, 2nd, 100 freestyle, 3rd, 100 individual
medley; India Scarver, 1st, 50 backstroke; Erin Turner, 2nd, 50 butterfly,
3rd, 50 breaststroke; Miriam Barcus, 2nd, 50 backstroke; Bethany Traeger,
3rd, 100 freestyle, 50 freestyle; Morgan Butler, 3rd, 50 backstroke; Barcus,
Sanders, Badger, Traeger, 1st, 200 medley relay; Sanders, Badger, Turner,
Traeger, 1st, 200 free relay.
15–18: Katie
Lovering, 1st, 50 breaststroke, 2nd, 100 individual medley; Eve GunderKline,
2nd, 50 butterfly, 50 freestyle; Elizabeth Dixon, 2nd, 50 backstroke,
3rd, 50 breaststroke; Caite Watson, 3rd, 100 freestyle, 50 butterfly;
Tina Chen, 3rd, 100 individual medley.
Results for the boys
6 and under: Ian
Chick, 1st, 25 backstroke, 2nd, 25 freestyle; Theron Orme, 1st, 25 freestyle,
2nd, 25 backstroke; Fielding Lewis, 3rd, 25 backstroke.
8 and under: Eli
Seitz, 2nd, 25 breaststroke, 3rd, 25 backstroke; Theron Orme, 3rd, 25
9–10: Sam Lovering,
1st, 25 butterfly, 100 individual medley, 25 breaststroke; Roy Barnett,
1st, 50 freestyle, 25 backstroke, 2nd, individual medley; Zeb Reichert,
1st, 25 freestyle, 2nd, 25 backstroke, 3rd, 25 breaststroke; Jesse Jewell,
2nd, 50 freestyle, 25 butterfly, 25 freestyle; Hollister Fitch, 2nd, 25
breaststroke, 3rd, 25 freestyle; Fitch, Lovering, Barnett, Jewell, 1st,
100 medley relay, 100 free relay.
11–12: Owen
Sanders, 1st, 100 freestyle, 50 breaststroke, 3rd, 50 freestyle; Zane
Reichert, 1st, 50 backstroke, 2nd, 50 breaststroke; Ethan Brown, 2nd,
50 freestyle; Kevin Greco, 3rd, 50 breaststroke; Reichert, Greco, Sanders,
Brown, 1st, 200 medley relay, 200 free relay.
13–14: Kelby
Dierking, 1st, 100 individual medley, 50 breaststroke, 50 freestyle; Evan
Gerthoffer, 2nd, 100 freestyle, 50 freestyle; Pete Lovering, 2nd, 50 breaststroke,
3rd, 100 freestyle, 100 individual medley; Malcolm Thomas, 2nd, 50 butterfly;
Zach Reichert, 2nd, 50 backstroke; Gerthoffer, Lovering, Dierking, Reichert,
1st, 200 medley relay, 200 free relay.
15–18: Seth
Moore, 1st, 50 butterfly, 50 backstroke, 3rd, 100 freestyle; Aaron Zagory,
1st, 50 freestyle, 2nd, 50 breaststroke; Michael Hosket, 2nd, 100 freestyle,
100 individual medley, 50 freestyle; Spencer Jordan, 2nd, 50 butterfly,
50 backstroke; Will McCuddy, 3rd, 100 individual medley; Jordan, Zagory,
Moore, Hosket, 1st, 200 medley relay, 200 free relay.
Meeting for parents of football players
The Yellow Springs High School football team will hold a mandatory meeting
for parents of players on Friday, Aug. 1, 7:30 p.m., at the high school.
Parents are asked to bring a covered dish.
The team will begin
practicing for the fall season on Monday, Aug. 4, at 4:45 p.m.
For more information,
call head coach Jerome Crosswhite, 767-7232.
League teams to hold year-end picnic
The Yellow Springs
Youth Major League baseball teams will hold an end-of-year picnic on Sunday,
Aug. 3, 5 p.m., at Gaunt Park.
The picnic will include
All-Star baseball games, parent-child baseball games, a pool party and
the awarding of trophies. For more information, call Bob Morrison at 767-1703.