Township trustees business
contribute funds to purchase two easements
Miami Township trustees voted unanimously at their meeting April 21 to
spend just over $67,000 out of the farmland preservation fund to help
purchase easements on two farms in the township.
The Tecumseh Land Trust asked the Township to contribute the amount, which
is 5 percent of the total cost for the two easements.
Funds to support farmland preservation are supplied by township residents
estate taxes, therefore the money to help buy easements may come partly
from the property owners who are selling the easements.
If the money comes from township estates and if the family wants
to preserve their land, in this case what better way would there be to
support this family and their farmland? trustee Lamar Spracklen
said at the meeting.
The two property owners who are applying to the State for easement grants
are the Spencers, who own 285 acres near Wilberforce-Clifton Road, and
the Fultons, who own 107 acres of property on East Enon Road.
The land trust, which walks the property owner through the application
process, recommended that if the owner contributed 25 percent through
recoupment reduction and the Township contributed 5 percent, each property
would have a chance of getting a state grant to cover the remaining 70
percent of the easement cost. The cost of the easement for the Spencer
farm is $1.05 million, and for the Fulton farm almost $300,000.
If the landtrust feels 5 percent is the amount that helps them in
this project, Im for that, said Chris Mucher, president of
the Board of Trustees.
Trustees also passed a resolution for nonmonetary support for the purchase
of an easement application for a 217-acre farm near South Pitchin Road
in Clark County and seven acres in Miami Township. According to land trust
representative Julia Cady, who was present at the trustees meeting,
the Clark County commissioners have not yet decided whether they will
help finance the purchase.
* * *
In other Township business:
The Ohio House is discussing a zoning bill that could take away
the right of townships to regulate mining activity within their borders.
The Ohio Township Association is responding to State representatives about
the provisions of the bill, but do not include an opinion about the control
of mining. The mining provision is not likely to go through, Mucher said.
The best people to regulate resource management are local authorities,
not state or federal mandates, he said. You dont want
to lose your ability to control your own resources.
The bill is especially poignant to Miami Township, Mucher
said, because the trustees are in the process of rewriting the Townships
mining regulations, which they consider outdated.
Miami Township Fire-Rescue will host a barbecue fundraiser on Tuesday,
May 20, in hopes of raising $1,000 for a thermal imaging camera that can
detect the volume of a fire by heat sensor.
The trustees agreed the township buildings would get a little sprucing
up for the open house day. During the meeting, Mucher invited the trustees
and meeting participants to follow him outside to view the outer walls
of the Township and fire house building that need repainting. Trustees
agreed that a new coat of paint would be applied to one of the fire house
garage doors, the grey cinder block walls facing Corry Street, and the
white wall on the front of the Township building.